
  • 网络Conservation;Conservativeness
  1. CPM网络计划中工序机动时间守恒性探究

    Study on Theory of Activity Float Conservation in CPM Network

  2. 大气中斜压Rossby波的波作用量及其守恒性

    The wave action and its conservation of Rossby wave in the BAROCLINIC ATMOSPHERE

  3. 单边双裂纹模型及其J积分的守恒性

    Single - Edge Double - Crack Model and Conservation of J Integrate

  4. 悬沙输运方程采用破开算子的方法求解,平流项采用UltimateQuickest格式求解,即保证了数值格式的守恒性,又消除了数值耗散。以上措施提高了计算的精度。

    The operator-splitting algorithm and the Ultimate Quickest scheme have been used to solve the sediment transport equation .

  5. 并用连续有限元计算了非线性Schrodinger方程,验证了能量的守恒性。

    When continuous finite element method is applied to nonlinear Schrodinger equation , energy conservation law is obtained .

  6. RiceJ积分的守恒性对于非均质材料不能成立,引入一个新定义的J积分则仍能保持其守恒性。

    The path independency of the Rice 's J integral is not assured when the crack is in an inhomogeneous composite materials . By introducing a re-defined J integral , the path independency can be retained .

  7. 在弱作用具有CPT不变性的假定下,探讨了中性D介子CP守恒性的可能破坏,预言了DL~O、DS~O的存在;

    Under the assumption that weak interactions being CPT invariant , we studied the possible CP violation of neutral D meson , suggest that D_L ~ o , D_s ~ o may exist .

  8. 针对二维Navier-Stokes方程建立了高精度的二阶隐的Legendre谱格式,该格式在时间方向具有二阶精度,在空间方向具有谱精度,且保持了离散能量的守恒性。

    For two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation , the second order implicit legendre approximation with high-accuracy was established . This approximation has two order accuracy in time direction , and spectral accuracy in space direction , and keeps the conservation of the dispersed energy .

  9. 结果表明,在疲劳裂纹的起裂阶段,J积分具有良好的守恒性,而在随后的疲劳裂纹扩展过程中,由于裂纹尖端区域残留应力的影响,J积分具有明显的路径依赖性。

    It was found that , J integral had a good path independence at the initial stage of the fatigue crack growth . Because of the effect of residual stress of crack tip region , J integral appeared a significant path dependence in the afterward stage of fatigue crack growth .

  10. 而加速各分段的最大速度利用率、加速距离、最大速度和保持最大速度的距离之间的相关关系表明,人体在100m短跑全程中的能量利用具有一定的守恒性。

    There exists significant correla - tions among the intensity of velocity , the accelerative distance , the fastest speed and the distance of fastest speed , which indicates that the human body has a certain conservation of energy during the whole course of 100 m running .

  11. 单调性、守恒性,是一种便于逻辑推理的表达形式。

    It is a form of expression convenient for logical deduction .

  12. 一类非单调守恒性沙丘问题的拟小波解

    The Quasi-wavelet Solutions of a Non-monotone Conservation Law for Dune Problems

  13. 关于大气运动湿位涡不守恒性问题

    On the non-conservativeness of the wet potential vorticity of air motion

  14. 原子铋蒸汽8757埃吸收线的宇称不守恒性旋光度测定

    Measurement of parity non-conserving optical rotation in atomic bismuth vapor at 8757A

  15. 高速运动粒子质量的守恒性

    Exercise . Conservation of Mass for a Particle Moving with High Velocity

  16. 大气中的波作用量及其守恒性

    On Wave Action and Its Conservation in the Atmosphere

  17. 从理论上严格证明了格式的守恒性、收敛性和稳定性,并用数值实验检验了理论结果。

    The conservation , convergence and stability of the schemes are strictly proved in theory .

  18. 但在通常的推导方法中往往忽视了来自这种守恒性方程的贡献。

    But in the usual method of inference the contributions from the conservational equation were neglected .

  19. 常微方程组初值问题的连续有限元及守恒性

    Continuous finite element and its conservation for initial value problem for a system of ordinary differential equations

  20. 结果显示质点跟踪法不仅耗散更低,而且守恒性也更好。

    The result shows that the Particle-tracing Method is not only less diffusive , but also more conservative .

  21. 从全球视野来看,欧美成功的研究型大学在争取世界一流贡献时在策略上往往具有高度的一致性和守恒性。

    Most successful European and American research universities have followed highly similar approaches steadily in order to make first-class achievements .

  22. 与其他方法相比较,有限体积法有着良好的守恒性,并且适用于不规则边界形状。

    Compared to the other method , the conservation characteristic of finite volume method is very good and can be applied to irregular shape . 3 .

  23. 讨论平衡导体任意两点电荷密度比的守恒性,这一守恒性质确定了任一孤立导体及任一电容器具有不变的常数电容C。

    The conservation of the change density ratio of two point in a balance charged conductor is discussed , this characteristic of conservation definite the constant capacitance C.

  24. 在传感器数据融合的模型-理论框架中,对模型算子的保持性和相容性的定义进行泛化,对相关特性在算子作用下的不变性或守恒性进行了分析探讨。

    In sensor data fusions in model-theoretic framework , the definitions of conversations and consistencies are generalized , the non-variability or conversation of relative properties under operators are analyzed and explored .

  25. 极化原子束有许多重要的应用,如用来研究原子散射过程、制备极化核、检验宇称守恒性、研究表面特性以及应用于同位素的浓缩过程。

    The polarized atomic beam has found many applications , such as in studying atomic scattering processes , producing polarized nucleus , verifying the parity principle , measuring surface parmeters and enriching isotopes .

  26. 能量具有量的守恒性和能质的不守恒性,即同时遵循热力学第一定律、热力学第二定律。

    Energy has amphimorphic porperties : conservative property of quantity and no conservative property of quality . That is , following the first and the second law of thermodynamics at the same time .

  27. 最后,基于T.Arbogast和M.F.Wheeler建立的特征-混合元方法,我们给出一种特征-混合元格式来近似求解不稳定状态对流-扩散方程,此格式保持局部质量守恒性。

    Finally , we apply a characteristics-mixed finite element method , which was proposed by T. Arbogast and M. F. Wheeler , to solve unsteady-state convection-diffusion equations . We prove the convergence of the scheme .

  28. 这样通过量子计算机选排列数,利用对偶性,对称性,守恒性等等性质,他们根本不需担心怡飞姑娘能飞到哪里去。

    This election ordered number through quantum computer , using duality , symmetry , conservation of nature , etc. , they do not have to worry the Overfly girl could fly to where to go .

  29. 最后基于阻尼守恒性,指出在电力系统尤其是多控制器复杂电力系统中存在阻尼竞争现象,阻尼协调既非常必要又有较大难度。

    Finally , it is suggested that the phenomenon of damping competition exist in the power system because of damping conservation , especially in complicated power systems with multi-controllers . Damping coordination is very necessary and difficult .

  30. 首先,利用单一河流有限差分方程组转换形式和节点处质量、能量守恒性,写出所有节点的水位控制方程组。

    First , by utilizing the transforms of the single river finite difference equations and the mass and energy conservation at the river junction , the governing equations for the water level at all junctions cound be written in matrix form were obtained .