
diàn hè
  • charge;electric charge
电荷 [diàn hè]
  • [electric charge] 某些基本粒子(如电子和质子)的属性,它使基本粒子互相吸引或排斥

电荷[diàn hè]
  1. 该传感器将电荷放大、电压幅值放大、A/D转换、数字滤波、数据通信集中在一起,通过DSP实现粗糙度测量过程中数字滤波。

    In this sensor , electric charge amplifying , voltage regulating , A / D change , digital filtering and RS232 communication have been integrated .

  2. 经MonoQ柱层析呈现一个对称峰,证明了HBsAg颗粒所带电荷的均一性;

    Only one symmetric peak appeared through FPLC Mono Q column which shows that the electric charge of HBsAg particles is homogeneous .

  3. 因为这些电子都是带负电荷的,它们会互相排斥。

    As these electrons are negatively charged they will attempt to repel each other .

  4. 正电荷朝里流动。

    There is an inward flow of positive charges .

  5. 同性的电荷互相排斥。

    Two like electric charges repel each other .

  6. 酸在水中溶解时可生成带正电荷的氢原子。

    Acids produce positively charged hydrogen atoms when dissolved in water .

  7. 电子带负电荷,质子带正电荷。

    An electron has a negative charge , a proton has a positive charge .

  8. 电荷分离的共振结构对丁二烯没有很大的贡献。

    Charge-separated resonance structures do not contribute very much to the resonance hybrid of butadiene .

  9. 带相同电荷的胶粒不能紧密靠近,它们不能聚集成较大的颗粒。

    Similarly charged colloidal particles cannot come close enough together to agglomerate into larger particles .

  10. 异性的电荷互相吸引。

    Unlike electric charges attract each other .

  11. 正极带正电荷,负极带负电荷。

    The positive pole carries a positive charge while the negative pole does a negative charge .

  12. 同种电荷互相排斥。

    Like electric charges repel .

  13. 狄喇克的理论还预言有一种质子的姐妹粒子,带负电荷,叫做反质子。

    Dirac 's theory also predicted a negatively charged sister for the proton , called the antiproton .

  14. 电子是带负电荷的,质子是带正电荷的

    Electrons are negatively charged with electricity , protons are positively charged .

  15. 电荷同性的分子互相排斥。

    Particles with similar electric charges repel each other .

  16. 电子带负电荷

    Electrons are negatively charged with electricity .

  17. 电子与多电荷离子相互作用的core模型

    A core model of the interaction between electrons with multi - charged ions

  18. POWERMOSFET栅电荷分析及结构改进

    Gate Charge Analysis and Structure Improvement of Power MOSFET

  19. 高气压激光介质He2~+与N2电荷转移速率系数的测量

    Measurement of Charge-Transfer Rate Coefficients of He_2  ̄ + with N_2 in High-Pressure Laser Media

  20. 用GRASP程序计算高电荷态离子的跃迁谱线

    Transition Lines Calculation of Highly Charged Ions by Means of GRASP Code

  21. 用作Si基微型传声器中驻极体层的电荷寿命及其表面电导

    Charge stability and surface conductance of electret layer applied in Si-based miniature sonic transducer

  22. 电容式RF开关介电电荷及相关可靠性模型及模拟

    Model and Simulation of Dielectric Charge and Relability of Capacitive RF MEMS Switches

  23. 电荷非平衡superjunction结构电场分布

    Electric field distribution in charge imbalance super junction

  24. 电荷密度波材料K(0.3)MoO3及W掺杂样品的红外光学响应的研究

    Infrared response of pure and W-doped K_ ( 0.3 ) MoO_3

  25. 锁相环用CMOS鉴频鉴相器及电荷泵的实现

    CMOS phase-frequency detector and charge pump design for PLL

  26. 电荷守恒与CCD孔径测光

    Charge Conservation and CCD Aperture Photometry

  27. 电荷离散化时介观LC电路的量子回路方程

    The Quantum Loop Equations in the Mesoscopic LC Circuit under the Charge Discreteness

  28. 用Lie代数方法分析了带电粒子束在二极磁铁中的非线性传输,包含了空间电荷效应。

    Lie algebraic methods are used in the analysis of nonlinear transport of charged particle beams in dipole magnets .

  29. 掺Sn的纳米TiO2表面光致电荷分离及光催化活性

    Surface Photoinduced Charge Separation and Photocatalytic Activity of Sn Doped TiO_2 Nanoparticles

  30. 本文采用脉冲X射线源对光电管CeF3探测器的灵敏度进行了实验标定,得出了CeF3闪烁探测器对X射线的电荷灵敏度。

    This paper describes the calibration of the sensitivity of CeF_3 scintillation detector with phototube , using СГС - 67 X pulse-source .