
  • 网络Electric Field Force;electric force
  1. 最后,分析电场力驱动下微共振器的非线性动力学特性。

    Finally , analyze the dynamic behaviour of resonator driven by electric force .

  2. 电场力和磁场力的相对性

    Relativistic between electric force and magnetic force

  3. 电场力作用下的支撑熔盐膜分离CO2

    CO_2 Separation by Supported Molten Salt Membrane Under Electric Field

  4. CE是基于样品在电场力的作用下,样品因荷质比的不同,在装有缓冲液的毛细管中迁移速度不同而进行分离。

    Under the force of electric field , the sample separate in the capillary due to the difference of charge-mass ratio .

  5. 重点分析了电场力与流体表面张力对流体运动的影响,并应用标志网格法(MarkerandCell)建立了电致流体运动的计算机模拟程序。

    Emphasis is put on the effects of electrical force and surface tension upon the fluid motion . The Marker and Cell method is extensively used to set up a computational simulation program of electrically driven motion of fluid .

  6. 假设有一个带电荷的颗粒,这个向量场就会告诉你,有一个电场力,其大小为微粒上的电荷与电场E之积。

    If you have a particle carrying an electric charge then this vector field will tell you , basically there will be an electric force which is the charge times E that will be exerted on that particle .

  7. 在一般情况下,如果油滴在受电场力的作用下15s内没有移动,可以认为仪器显示电压是平衡电压。

    If the oil drop does not move within 15 s in general , the voltage on the apparatus should be the equilibrium voltage .

  8. 指出在正常超导界面层内存在着类感应电场力,其本质上是束缚电子对所受Lorentz力沿超导体对称轴线的分量之和。

    It should point out , there exists the like induction electric field force within the proper superconducting boundary layer , whose nature is the division of Lorentz force on the binding electric pairs on the superconducting symmetry axle .

  9. K2Zn(OH)4为一种胶体,表现出胶体的性质,由于吸附了溶液中的K+,通电后在电场力的作用下向阴极板定向移动。

    K2Zn ( OH ) 4 , as a colloid , showing the characters of colloids , moves to the cathode plate under the force of electric power because of the adsorption of K + .

  10. 关于迭加原理中电场力图象问题的讨论

    A Discussion on Graph of Electric Field Intensity in Lamination Theory

  11. 普遍的高斯定理和界面上的电场力

    Generalized dauss theorem and the electrostatic force on the interface

  12. 放电反应器中掺杂介质受电场力分析

    Analysis of Electric Field Force on Impurities in Discharging Reactor

  13. 感生电场力和洛伦兹力之间的关系

    The relationship between the induced electrical field force and the Lorentz force

  14. 乳化油液中椭球形水滴间电场力的理论计算

    Theoretical calculations of electrostatic force between ellipsoidal drops in W / O emulsion

  15. 本文分析了高频电磁波驱动等离子体电流的效应,指出,波的电场力和洛仑兹力都对驱动电流有贡献;

    The mechanism of rf-driven currents by high frequency electromagnetic waves is discussed .

  16. 介质中点电荷所受电场力的研究

    Research on the electric field force acting on a point charge in electric medium

  17. 论固体中的电场力

    On Applied Force of Electrostatic Field in Solid

  18. 关于Y芯正三角形同轴线内翼电场力的研究

    Study of electric field force on the fin of a triangular coaxial line with inner y-slab

  19. 然后把热载荷和电场力同时作用在模型上,分析两者对导电聚合物的共同作用效应。

    Then the deformations of the conductive polymers are simulated under thermal and electric joint load .

  20. 实验表明,电场力作用下的支撑熔盐膜能够有效地分离二氧化碳。

    It shows that the supported molten salt membrane under an electric field can separate carbon dioxide effectively .

  21. 单台狭缝式高速摄影机拍摄飞行弹丸正交象问题研究关于迭加原理中电场力图象问题的讨论

    A study on the problem of shooting orthographic images of a flying projectile with one single high-speed SLIT-APERTURE camera

  22. 在本论文中,经由扫描式电场力显微术的原理,我们发展出一个模型。

    We had developed a model based on the equations related to the principle of scanning electric force microscopy .

  23. 在此基础上进行有限元编程,求解在热载荷和电场力分别作用下导电聚合物的变形效应;

    The deformations of the conductive polymer under the thermal load and electric force are calculated respectively by finite element method .

  24. 计算结果表明:水滴受到重力和电场力的作用被拉长而曲率半径变小,最大场强值变大。

    The calculation results show that the maximum of electric field intensity in-creases when raindrops'radii is becoming smaller because of lengthening .

  25. 尘埃粒子在鞘层中的运动特性及悬浮位置主要由它的尺寸大小和它所受到的各种力(重力、电场力、离子拖拽力、中性粒子拖拽力)决定。

    The dynamics and the suspension position of dust particles are determined by their size and the forces acting on them .

  26. 当电场力足够大时,聚合物液滴克服表面张力形成喷射细流。

    When the electric force is large enough , the droplet can overcome surface tension to formation of a thin stream .

  27. 利用介电流体的受力不均匀性,对场域空间内流体所受电场力进行了分析。

    The distribution of electric field force were also analysed according to the asymmetry of force in the fluid in this dissertation .

  28. 传导电子做驱动力的材料靠电场力作用,如场致电收缩式聚合物、电场反应式弹性体及压电铁电型塑料,应用电压很高。

    Electron transported materials were powered by electron field at high voltage including electric field responsive elastomer , piezoelectric and ferroelectric polymer .

  29. 结果表明:各项试验都是电场力促使物料中的水分子运动速度加快,提高生物物料中有效成分的保留,均得到了具有重要意义的结果。

    The results show that the water molecule velocity in materials is accelerated , the reminded efficient ingredients is enhanced on electric field .

  30. 本文在蠕动流近似的基础上分析计算了具有不同介电常数工质的气泡在外电场力作用下的受力状况。

    Based on creeping flow approximation , electric stress acting on bubble with different dielectric permittivity is analyzed and calculated in this paper .