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kǔ hán
  • bitter cold
苦寒 [kǔ hán]
  • [bitter cold] 极端寒冷;严寒

苦寒[kǔ hán]
  1. 采用大黄苦寒泻下法造脾虚模型。

    Rhubarb bitter cold diarrhea dismount made the Spleen Deficiency model .

  2. 他们身处苦寒之中而脚下一百米处

    They stand in the bitter cold , while 100 metres below them

  3. 结果与空白组比较,9味苦寒药对胃黏膜MTL、血与胃黏膜PGE2均有降低趋势;

    Results Compared with the blank group , all the nine berbs were downtrend to the contents of MTL in the gastric mucosa and PGE2 in gastric mucosa and blood of the rats ;

  4. 温特沃斯.米勒十年苦寒,一朝成名。

    Wentworth Miller is an overnight success ten years in the making .

  5. 常用苦寒药的急性毒性实验研究

    Experimental study of the acute toxicity on common-used bitter and cold medicines

  6. 冰冻吧,冰冻吧,苦寒的天空。

    Freeze , freeze , thou bitter sky .

  7. 将苦寒药用于建立气虚证模型;

    Establishing the Qi Deficiency syndrome model by using drugs bitter in taste and cold in nature ;

  8. 但大黄属于苦寒泻下药,运用时应注意分寸,避免滥用。

    But it should be very careful to be used in clinic because it belongs to the bitter-cold purgatives .

  9. 中药知母,是一常用的苦寒清热药,有悠久的降血糖应用历史。

    The traditional Chinese Rhizoma Anemarrhenae is a commonly used antifebrile agent and has very long hypoglycemic application history .

  10. 苦寒解毒复方对家兔营血分证防治作用的研究

    Research on Prevention and Treatment Effects of Bitter-Cold Detoxicating Formula on Syndromes in the Nutrient and Blood phases of Rabbits

  11. 而中医中药治疗发热性疾病具有明显的优势,但目前大多仍以单纯的苦寒清热法为主。

    Chinese medicine treatment of febrile diseases has obvious advantages , butare still using a simple bitter cold heat mainly .

  12. 感谢在朝鲜的苦寒和越南的炙热中不顾一切的英雄们。

    Thank you to the heroes who risked everything through the bitter cold of Korea and the stifling heat of Vietnam .

  13. 故此,梅州人把客家精神归结为一句话:梅花香自苦寒来。

    So , people in Meizhou sum up the Hakka spirit in to one sentence : Bitter cold adds keen fragrance to plum blossom .

  14. 虽然吉斯列夫人都是惯耐苦寒的勇敢战士,格里姆格狂暴的进攻还是让他们乱作一团。

    Though the kislevites are valiant fighters and well used to the icy grip of winter , the viciousness with which Grimgor attacked sent their forces reeling .

  15. 此外导师时刻注意扶助人体正气,顾护后天之本,避免使用辛热苦寒之品。

    Also keep in mind to help the body upright instructors , nursing care acquired the book , to avoid the bitter cold of the goods Xin heat .

  16. 研究人员给出的解释是冬天疾病泛滥,天气苦寒,污染浓度高,而此时的准妈妈和待产的宝宝们往往都非常脆弱。

    Among the proposed explanations were diseases , harsh temperatures and higher pollution levels associated with winter when those expectant mothers and near-term foetuses might be most vulnerable .

  17. 除正常对照组外均采用饮食失节、劳倦失常、苦寒泻下法加冷水刺激法建立脾阳虚大鼠胃溃疡模型。

    In addition to the normal control group , using diet disloyal , Weary disorders , add cold water stimulation Purgation Yang set up virtual rat gastric ulcer model .

  18. 结果:中成药应用以降酶药和苦寒药最多,肝病治疗在用药方面存在着误区。

    RESULTS : enzyme lowering agents and bitter-cold drugs prevail in number and volume , indicating the existence of misunderstandings about the use of drugs for liver disease treatment .

  19. 甘温与苦寒药对冠心病炎症反应干预作用的临床研究补肾冲剂和苦参素联合抗病毒治疗慢性乙型肝炎多中心临床研究

    Clinical Observation of Sweet-Warm and Bitter-Cold Herbs Intervention on Inflammation in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease Clinical Study of Antiviral Therapy of Kidney-Invigorating Granule Combined With Marine Injection to Treat Chronic Hepatitis B

  20. 说明在辩证论治的基础上使用苦寒清热法治疗内伤杂病是符合异病同治的辨治原则。

    Illustrating this point , the dialectical foundation of using Bitter Cold Anti-pyretic method to treat internal diseases is in accordance with the dialectical concept of ' treating different diseases with the same therapeutic principle .

  21. 我有可分享的天赋,但我无论说些什么&甚至为此得到了她的赞许,都挡不住一片从苦寒的北方吹来的云朵突然隐去爱神的月光。

    I had my share of mother-wit , And yet for all that I could say , And though I had her praise for it , A cloud blown from the cut-throat north Suddenly hid love 's moon away .

  22. 苦寒清热法,是中医治疗疾病常用的治法之一。在以邪热亢盛为主要基本病理变化的温病治疗中占主导地位,也是温病的重要治法。

    Bitter Cold Anti-pyretic method is one of the most frequent-use treatments in Chinese Medicine . Regulating temperature holds the principal leading role in treating pathology changing illnesses , and is also fundamental to the curing of temperature illnesses .

  23. 腹腔注入苦寒液的动物与对照组相比,上述各项指标皆有显著改善(p<0.01),而单纯用凉血液其效果明显比苦寒液差(p<0.01)。

    After injecting the bitter-cold liquid through abdomen , the above indexes were improved notably ( p < 0 . 01 ) . The effect was better than that by injecting merely blood-cooling liquid ( p < 0 . 01 ) .

  24. 结论半夏泻心汤全方组、苦寒加甘温组、苦寒组和苦寒加半夏组对幽门螺杆菌感染有明显的修复作用,其中全方组作用明显优于各拆方组。

    Conclusion The whole decoction group , bitter cold added the sweet warm group , bitter cold group and bitter cold added banxia group are effective to repair gastric mucous membrance . The effects of the whole decoction group is better than that of dismembering .

  25. 本病以疼痛为特点,故应合理使用活血化瘀之品,佐以行气,又因正气虚衰或苦寒燥湿之品应用,勿忘加入补益之品。

    The disease is characterized by pain , it should be rational use of blood circulation of goods , combined with qi goods , qi is bad because of the bitter cold dampness of the products or applications , do not forget to join benefit of the product .