
  • 网络building cycle
  1. 荷兰,一个如此平坦的国家存在,是一特别地喜欢建筑周期路径的地方。

    The Netherlands , being such a flat country , is one place which is particularly fond of building cycle paths .

  2. 本文扼要介绍了发生在建筑周期每一个阶段的环境污染问题,以及解决这些问题的目标,并探讨了可持续发展建筑的设计思路。

    It is introduces in briefly the problem of environmental pollution which occurs in each stage of building cycle , and discuss the target to solve those environment problems nowadays , and inquires into the sustainable development building design thoughts in this paper .

  3. 一个设计良好的下送风空调系统具有改善热舒适性、通风效率和室内空气品质,减少能耗、建筑周期花费和层高等优点。

    A well-designed underfloor air distribution system can provide such benefits as improving thermal comfort , ventilation efficiency and indoor air quality , reducing energy use , life cycle building costs and floor-to-floor height in new constructions .

  4. 并且冷弯型钢钢件具有节约材料、减轻结构重量,制作、施工、运输、安装方便,宜于组织工业化、商品化生产,有利于改善劳动条件,缩短建筑周期等优点。

    And a steel cold-formed steel has the advantages of saving materials , reducing the structural weight , easy production , construction , transportation and installation , suitable for industrial and commercial production , improving working conditions , and shorter construction cycles .

  5. 绿色建筑生命周期成本分析研究

    The Research on the Life Cycle Cost of the Green Architecture

  6. 建筑生命周期能源消耗及其环境影响研究

    Study of Building Life-cycle Energy Use and Relevant Environmental Impacts

  7. 高层建筑振动周期计算可靠性分析

    Computational validity of vibration period for high-rise building

  8. 绿色建筑生命周期中的生态性&以现代乡土建筑为例

    Ecology of Sustainable Building life cycle & Modern Traditional and Agrestic Architecture as an example

  9. 在住宅建筑生命周期能耗研究中,施工初始能耗的分析是必需的。

    The analysis of construction initial energy use is necessary in the life-cycle use of residential building .

  10. 用符合抗震概念设计要求的方法解决高层建筑扭转周期比超限问题

    Adopting the Method Accord with Seismic Concept Design to Solve Problem of Tall Buildings that Torsional Period Ratio Exceeded Limit Value

  11. 生态摩天楼一般能节约整个建筑生命周期中20~40%的能源消耗。

    Usually , ecological skyscraper can save 20 % ~ 40 % energy consumption of the overall life period of a building .

  12. 本文首先分析了产品生命周期管理的集成内涵,并在此基础上提出构建建筑生命周期管理的基本方法,包括建筑信息模型、组织集成方法和过程集成方法等;

    Firstly , the connotation of BLM is analyzed , and then , the methods to build BLM are put forward , including BIM models , organizational integration method and process integration methods ;

  13. 最后,论文选取西安C大学3号楼作为案例,对该建筑全寿命周期各个阶段节能管理进行了实例分析。

    Finally , 3rd teaching building in C university in Xi ' an was selected as a case , and full life cycle management on energy-saving of this case building was analyzed .

  14. 给出建筑节能生命周期成本分析的理论框架;探讨围护结构和HVAC对生命周期成本的影响,从而选择生命周期成本最小的节能方案。

    This paper describes the life cycle cost of building energy conservation analysis of the theoretical framework of the building envelope and HVAC life cycle costs , thereby choosing the minimum life cycle cost of energy saving programs .

  15. 建筑材料生命周期评价中不可再生资源耗竭性当量的研究

    Study on equivalent of non-renewable resources depletion for building materials life-cycle-assessment

  16. 高层建筑结构长周期地震反应的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Long-Period Seismic Responses for High-Rise Structures

  17. 绿色建筑全寿命周期成本控制管理研究

    Study on Life-cycle Cost Control and Management in Green Building

  18. 实现节约型社会的建筑全生命周期设计

    Whole life period design of architecture in resource-efficient society

  19. 我国大型公共建筑全生命周期风险评估体系研究

    Research on Risk Assessment System of Large-scale Public Buildings in Whole Life Cycle

  20. 建筑自振周期经验公式一些问题的探讨

    A Study on Some Problems in Empirical Formulas for Estimating Structual Natural Periods

  21. 基于建筑全生命周期的生态建筑集成设计&崇明生态人居集成设计

    Eco-building Integrated Design Based on Building LCA-Design of Ecological Human Settlements in Chongming Island

  22. 建筑全寿命周期下的建筑设计信息化探索

    The Project Life-cycle under Information-based Architectural Design

  23. 然而,让我们来看看在前建筑时代这个周期的开始发生了什么?

    Yet let us look at what happened at the beginning of the cycle in prearchitectural times .

  24. 考虑建筑产品寿命周期成本的必要性、寿命周期成本的计算方法以及降低寿命周期成本的措施。

    Consideration is given to the necessity & calculation method of LCC and measures to reduce LCC , for building products .

  25. 为此,本文主要进行了以下几个方面的工作:第一,对民营建筑企业生命周期进行了划分。

    Therefore , this thesis mainly carries on the following works : Firstly , the division of the life cycle of the non-state operated construction enterprise .

  26. 上层建筑总组周期从原来4个月缩短到现在40天左右,缩短时间近三分之二。

    The superstructure building period has shortened from four months to now about forty days , viz . , the time is shortened by two-thirds nearly .

  27. 因而,必须要着眼于建筑生命全周期的节能减排,以及提高能源使用效率。

    Therefore , it is necessary that energy conservation and emission reduction should focus on the life cycle of building and the energy efficiency was improved .

  28. 本文介绍了用检层法波速试验确定高层建筑场地卓越周期的两种计算方法和实例。

    Practical cases and calculating methods for the predominant period of the high-rise building sites by borehole method wave velocity test are presented in this paper .

  29. 本论文的创新点有:建立了多目标、多因素、多层次的绿色建筑全生命周期评价体系;

    The innovation point of the dissertation : A multi-object , multi-factor and multilayer assessment system of green building based on the life cycle has been established .

  30. 钢材表面的除锈质量对涂装质量的影响很大,甚至直接决定着钢结构建筑的维护周期和使用年限。

    In view of the fact that coating quality can be affected greatly by the derusting quality of steel surface , which even decides directly the maintenance cycle and the service time of a steel construction .