
jiàn zhù zuò pǐn
  • architecture;work of architecture
  1. 重要的绘画、雕塑、镶嵌画和建筑作品都在威尼斯原地得到了仔细检查。

    Major works of painting , sculpture , mosaic and architecture were examined in situ in Venice .

  2. 每个新的建筑作品都参与了一个特殊的历史状况。

    Every new work of architecture intervenes in a specific historical situation .

  3. 论我国著作权法建筑作品的人身权

    On the Moral Rights of Architectural Works in China Copyright Law

  4. 然后,将建筑作品与相关概念进行界定。

    Then , it distinguishes between architectural works and related concept .

  5. 因为建筑作品最主要体现环境。

    Because the construction work most mainly manifests the environment .

  6. 哀&当代日本主流建筑作品美学表现

    " AWARE " & The Aesthetic Representation of Contemporary Japanese Mainstream Architecture

  7. 生产空间+艺术创作&介绍三位国外建筑师的工业建筑作品

    Introduction to productions of industrial architecture by three architects abroad

  8. 建筑作品独创性条件的判定

    Judgment on the Conditions of Originality in Architectural Works

  9. 作为一个建筑作品,它象征着历史长河中的这一刻。

    As an architectural work , it stands for this moment in history .

  10. 他的建筑作品所表达的建筑语汇极其精炼,很少有纯粹装饰的部分。

    The architectural vocabulary of wors is very refined , rarely have pure ornament .

  11. 面向世界之家的环筑&仙田满环境建筑作品

    Environmental Architecture Open to House of World & Environmental Architectural Work by Mitsuru Senda

  12. 建筑作品的创新与保护

    The Innovation and Protection of Architectural Production

  13. 同自然环境的紧密配合则是他的建筑作品的最大特色。

    Close coordination with the natural environment is his most distinguishing features of architectural works .

  14. 我国对于建筑作品复制的规定存在问题。

    And the regulation about copy in the copyright law of China has some limits .

  15. 著名的建筑作品有法内仙纳庄园和罗马的马西米宫。

    His outstanding architectural works are the Villa Farnesina and the Palazzo Massimi in Rome .

  16. 其中包括建筑作品的著作人身权和著作财产权。

    Including moral rights and property rights .

  17. 在建筑作品的可复制性上,针对不同的类型进行分析。

    On the originality of architectural works , it analyzes in allusion to different types .

  18. 建筑作品的综合效益评估

    Integrated Benefit Evaluation of Architectural Works

  19. 这次选登的建筑作品都不算太大,但很有意思。

    All the architectural works selected in this issue are not big , but very meaningful .

  20. 针对建筑作品这一特殊客体在实践中应当注意的问题。

    The issues should be noticed in practice as to the special object & architecture works .

  21. 但建筑作品的保护在我国知识产权保护中还处于尚待完善的阶段。

    However , Study on copyright of architectural works in China is still on preliminary stage .

  22. 建筑作品的著作权制度评介

    On Copyright System of Architectural Works

  23. 建筑师、建筑作品与建筑的观赏者(普通市民)三者的关系随整个人类社会的语境的变化而不断地转向。

    The relationship of architect , architecture and citizen have transformed in the context of human society .

  24. 诺曼·福斯特的时代建筑作品向我们展现了建筑设计的过去,现在和未来。

    Architect for the ages Norman Foster looks to the Past , Present and Future of Building Design

  25. 一个建筑作品清晰、合理的推进取决于理性、客观的标准。

    The clear , logical development of a work of architecture depends on rational and objective criteria .

  26. 中国建筑师应当具有自觉主动的创新意识,创造出属于我们自己民族的建筑作品。

    Chinese architects should have a sense of innovation and initiative to create architectural works of the nation .

  27. 建筑作品的复制不同于通常意义上的复制,有其特殊性。

    The copy of architecture works is different form the copy in usual meaning , having its particularity .

  28. 并以世界各地建筑师的最新超建筑作品为实例进行分析和研究。

    And architects from around the world the latest ultra-building work as an example for analysis and research .

  29. 目前的老使馆是建筑师沙利南一栋具有历史意义的现代建筑作品,但仍遭论者批评。

    The present embassy , a Modernist landmark by Eero Saarinen , is still regarded skeptically by critics .

  30. 然后通过详细分析金寿根的主要建筑作品,进一步理解了他的建筑思想和作品对韩国传统的继承和发展。

    By fully analyzing his main works , the thesis unfold the thoughts and traditional things of them .