
jiàn ɡuó dà yè
  • the founding of a republic
  1. 《建国大业》中大约有100位明星义务演出。

    About 100 famous actors worked for nothing on " The Founding of a Republic . "

  2. 但是,与无法让观众关注剧情的《建国大业》相比,《十月围城》更强调剧情本身。因此,该剧避免了只展出明星这一束缚。

    But in contrast to The Founding of a Republic , which easily distracted the audience all the way through , Bodyguards and Assassins focuses on the story , thereby avoiding the straightjacket of having only the stars on display .

  3. 一个简单的例子:国产大片《建国大业》。

    A simple example : A blockbuster Founding of the Republic .

  4. 中国的网民已将《建国大业》称之为“历史上跑龙套超级明星最多”的一部影片。

    Chinese Web users have taken to calling the film the one with the ' the largest number of superstar utility men in history . '

  5. 尤其是《建国大业》的演员阵容,几乎囊括了中国电影的实力明星、知名导演,可视之为对中国电影演艺队伍的一次大阅兵。

    Especially the cause of founding of the cast , accounts for nearly Chinese movie star , director of the strength of China , regarded as a great movie acting team .

  6. 该片上映前,这部由香港导演陈可辛和陈德森执导的新片的卖点,总能让我们想到《建国大业》。

    Before it came out , the selling point of this new film by Hong Kong directors Peter Chan and Teddy Chan , reminded us of the recent The Founding of a Republic .

  7. 据报导,中国电影集团向本片投资了3000万元(约合440万美元)。《建国大业》定于国庆节的头两周,即从9月17日开始公映。

    China Film Group has reportedly invested 30 million yuan , or about $ 4.4 million , in the film , which is slated for release on Sept. 17 , two weeks ahead of the Oct. 1 anniversary .

  8. 该影片是继2009年的《建国大业》和2011年的《建党伟业》之后,“建国三部曲”的第三部,也一如既往地使用明星阵容,以此来吸引现代观众。

    Following the footsteps of The Founding of a Republic in 2009 and The Founding of the Party in 2011 , the third installment of the " Founding of New China " trilogy again use star power as an appeal to modern audiences .