
  • 网络architecture;Construction;Revit Architecture
  1. 高校建筑专业CAD课程教学研究与改革

    Teaching Research and Reform of the Architecture CAD Course in the College Education

  2. 同济大学太阳能十项全能团队成员、建筑专业学生习奉新(XiFengxin,音译)说,参加太阳能十项全能竞赛的经历一辈子都不会忘记。

    Xi Fengxin , an architecture student and member of the Tongji University Solar Decathlon team , said the Solar Decathlon is an experience that will stay with him for the rest of his life .

  3. 本文对建筑专业,提出了一种在AutoCAD(forDOS)环境下实现视图关联的方法&中心数据库法。

    The paper suggests a method to realize the associativity of views in architectural drawings based on AutoCAD .

  4. 体育建筑专业委员会成立同时评选全国中小型体育馆竞赛方案第23届IASPEI大会及其执行局会议概述


  5. 建筑专业三段式实习教学初探

    Analysis on Teaching Model of " Three-segment Pattern " Architecture Specialty

  6. 建筑专业大学生职业素质培养的探讨

    On Cultivation of Career Quality of College Students Majoring in Architecture

  7. 探讨如何培养建筑专业学生的技术素质

    Discussion on how to culture technology quality of architecture major student

  8. 消防技术包括众多的建筑专业知识。

    The fire fighting technology involves many professional knowledge of architecture .

  9. 今年五月我将完成城市建筑专业学位的学习。

    I will complete requirements for my Urban Construction degree in May .

  10. 建筑专业实验课教学改革的实践与探讨

    Study and practice of teaching reformation of soil mechanics and foundation engineering

  11. 重审中国建筑专业媒体的走向

    Review on the development trend of the architecture of China

  12. 一个联系建筑专业实践与教育的构架

    A Framework For Aligning Professional Education And Practice In Architecture

  13. 房屋建筑专业实践性教学体系的构成及相互关系

    Composition and mutuality of architecture engineering practical teaching system

  14. 论以应用性人才培养为目标的建筑专业课程设计改革

    Discussion on the Reform of Specialty Curriculum Design Orientated by Application Talents Cultivation

  15. 建筑专业施工图设计常见质量问题分析与解决措施

    Analysis on Common Qualitative Questions of Construction-Drawing Design of Major and Its Solutions

  16. 试论市场经济条件下建筑专业的教学改革

    On Reformation of Architectural Teaching under Market Economy Condition

  17. 关于中国景观建筑专业教育的思考

    Some Thoughts on Landscape Architecture Education in China

  18. 房屋建筑专业毕业设计中配筋构造问题及分析

    Analysis of Common Reinforcing Formation Problems in the Graduation Design for Building Engineering Majors

  19. 智能建筑专业协调与功能评价

    Profession Cooperation and Function Evaluation of Intelligent Building

  20. 非建筑专业工程预算课程教学改革的实践与思考

    The Practice and Thought about Reforming the Teaching Courses of Engineering Budget of the Non-architecture Specialty

  21. 建筑专业大学生是未来建筑行业的主力军,是施工企业第一线的组织者和实施者。

    College students majoring in architecture will be the major force in the field of architecture .

  22. 可持续发展的传统住区之思考&国际建筑专业学生设计竞赛获奖作品《传统社区生命的延续》创作解析

    Thinking about the Sustainable Development of Traditional Community & Analyzing the Prize-winning Design of International Students of Architecture

  23. 应受教育:攻读太空建筑专业硕士学位,仅在休斯敦大学可以拿到该学位。

    Education : A master 's in space architecture , currently available only at the University of Houston .

  24. 我院建筑专业,主要从事、工业与民用建筑设计。

    The department of Architectural Project Designing mainly deals with the construction designing for industrial and civil use .

  25. 高校图书馆特色专题数据库建设&建筑专业特色专题数据库建设的实施

    The Construction of Characteristic Special Subject Database in College Libraries The Implementation of Characteristic Special Subject Database in Architecture Major

  26. 夏威夷大学建筑专业在读博士生特里斯坦·巴星怀特是整个团队的建筑师。

    Tristan Bassingthwaighte , a doctor of architecture candidate at University of Hawaii , served as the crew 's architect .

  27. 专业化:高校辅导员职业素质的提升建筑专业大学生职业素质培养的探讨

    Specialization : A Trend of College Counselors ' Professional Construction On Cultivation of Career Quality of College Students Majoring in Architecture

  28. 我弟弟毕业时,是所在大学最优秀的建筑专业学生,所以他梦想成为建筑大师。

    EXAMPLE : Since the graduated as the best architecture student in his university , my little brother has dreams of becoming a big-time architect .

  29. 一方面社会需求高素质的建筑专业技术人才,另一方面毕业生选择就业呈现多向性。

    On the one hand , the social needs high-quality , professional and technical personnel ; on the other hand the graduates has diversification choices .

  30. 中等职业教育能力课程建设探微&以江都职业教育中心校工业与民用建筑专业为例

    On Constructing the Competence Curriculum of Vocational Education & Exemplified by the Major of " Industry and Civilian Construction " in Jiangdu Vocational Education Center