
  1. 介绍了按B-H、Br-H、μ-H曲线所选定的磁化规范,用交、直流磁化对比试验,对300M钢原材料纯洁度进行磁粉检验的方法。

    Magnetic inspection of 300M steel raw material for its purity was carried out with magnetization specifications chosen from B-H , Br-H and μ - H curves by comparative test of AC and DC magnetizations .

  2. 解决交流调压中产生直流磁化的对策

    The Countermeasures of Eliminating DC Magnetization in AC Voltage Regulator

  3. 漏磁检测的交直流磁化问题

    AC and DC magnetizing for magnetic flux leakage testing

  4. 直流磁化测量中样品长度修正因数的分析

    Analysis of correction factor for samples ' lengths in measurement of DC magnetization

  5. 电阻焊变压器的直流磁化及危害浅析

    DC Magnetization and Harm Analysis of RW Transformer

  6. 本文介绍了阻焊变压器产生直流磁化的原因、危害和预防措施。

    The cause and harm of DC magnetization occured by RW transformer and preventive measures are introduced in this paper .

  7. 实验研究了取向硅钢片压磁式测力器的交流工作特性和直流磁化规律。

    The alternate-current work characteristic and the direct-current magnetization of the magneto-elastic transducer with the transformer steel have been studied experimentally .

  8. 综合应用直流磁化率和交流磁化率等各种磁性测量技术和方法,可以对材料的磁相态进行研究和表征。

    T Applying the DC magnetization and AC magnetic susceptibility measurements , the magnetic ordering phases can be identified and studied .

  9. 不管是交流磁化还是直流磁化,当钢管过磁化后,信噪比明显降低。

    Whether with AC or DC magnetization , if the steel tube is over magnetized , the signal to noise ratio will decrease .

  10. 纯铁软磁材料的饱和磁感应强度和居里温度高,广泛用于制作低频或直流磁化电器、仪表中的磁性元件。

    Pure iron soft magnet is widely used in low frequent or direct current electrical equipments and instruments as magnetic components due to its high saturation magnetic induction and Curie point .

  11. 首先该套检测方案通过分析比较直流磁化、交流磁化以及永磁磁化等多种磁化方式,得出了铁心直流内部磁化的最佳励磁方式。

    First , through analysis and comparison of sets of DC magnetization , AC magnetic and magnetized permanent magnetic and other means , obtained the best test program is magnetic core within the DC excitation .

  12. 直流电动机磁化曲线的实现方法

    Realizing Method of Magnetization Curve on DC Electromotor

  13. 交直流叠加磁化下恒导磁薄片的反常涡流损耗

    Anomalous eddy current losses of isoperm thin strips under superposed magnetization by alternating and direct currents

  14. 交直流叠加磁化特性的测量及具有直流偏磁磁场的数值分析

    Measurement of AC & DC Superposition Magnetization Characteristic and Analysis of Magnetic Field with DC Bias

  15. 提出基于交直流正交磁化的半铁心可调电抗器的设计思想,以解决传统可调电抗器中存在的谐波较大、控制电流较高等问题。

    This paper presents a design of variable inductor based on the orthogonal magnetization in order to reduce the amplitude of harmonic and exciting current created by traditional magnetization saturation inductor .

  16. 对计算得到的励磁电流和磁通密度的分析表明,基于直流偏磁磁化曲线的计算结果更加准确。

    Analysis of calculated magnetizing current and flux density demonstrates that the calculated results stem from DC-biasing magnetizing curve are more accurate .

  17. 主要研究成果如下:1.对应于不同的直流偏磁磁化方式,分别进行了基于爱泼斯坦方圈和叠片铁心的直流偏磁实验。

    Main achievements are presented as follows : 1 . DC-biasing experiments in accordance with different ways of DC-biased magnetization are carried out on Epstein frame and LCM respectively .

  18. 对非对称的直流偏磁磁化曲线和直流偏磁磁滞回线进行分析,研究了直流偏磁量对叠片铁心磁化特性的影响。4.提出了定点谐波平衡有限元法。

    The asymmetric DC-biasing magnetizing curves and hysteresis loops are analyzed to explore the effect of DC bias on magnetizing charateristic of LCM . 4 . The fixed-point harmonic-balanced finite element method ( FPHBFEM ) is presented .

  19. 根据直流电阻和交流磁化率测量的结果,给出了在7个不同温度下烧结的6个组分化合物的超导临界温度。

    Resistivity and AC susceptibility measurements demonstrate the values of superconducting critical temperature Tc of six kinds of compounds sintered at seven different temperature .

  20. 提升力仅适用于交直流磁轭设备磁化能力的校验,对其它磁轭设备的磁化能力的校验,应采用其它确定磁化规范的方法,如灵敏度试片法等。

    The magnetizing ability of yoke equipment was reflected by lifting power index , but it was only applicable to AC and DC yokes . As for other kinds of yokes , other ways should be taken for the specification , such as sensitivity test pieces .

  21. 改进迭代法方法采用基于损耗函数的磁滞模型对直流偏磁磁滞效应进行模拟,并对直流偏磁磁化曲线进行修正,从而获得准确的直流磁通。

    To obtain accurate DC flux , hysteresis model based on consuming function is adopted in MIM to simulate DC-biasing hysteresis effects and the DC-biasing magnetizing curve is revised .