
  • 网络zhili province
  1. 1912年后,县地属直隶省津海道滦县。

    In1912 , the County is a sea-chun Chihli Luanxian Province .

  2. 清代曾为直隶省第一省会。

    Chihli Qing Dynasty was the first capital of the province .

  3. 他在学堂的时候,先生问他:直隶省的西边是哪一省?他说是陕西。

    One day in school , the teacher asked him , Which province borders Hebei on the west ? He answered , Shaanxi .

  4. 民国17年(1928),实行省、县两级制,榆中县直隶于甘肃省政府。

    In17 ( 1928 ), the implementation of provincial , county two-tier system , Zhili in Yuzhong County , Gansu provincial government .

  5. 清代以来,为直隶(河北)省的政治、军事、文化中心。

    Since the Qing Dynasty , in order to Zhili ( Hebei ) province of the political , military and cultural center .