
  1. 我们可以做建筑,像航天飞机一样建造空间站。

    We can do construction , like the space shuttle did to build the space station .

  2. 中国首位宇航员杨利伟说,中国将会在接下来的五年时间内进行至少4次载人航天计划以建造空间站,并计划于2022年左右完成建造。

    China 's first astronaut Yang Liwei said the country will at least 4 manned spaceflight missions over the next 5 years to build a space station , which is set to be completed by around 2022 .

  3. 中国计划在2011年建立起一个简单的空间实验室,并在2020年开始建造载人空间站。

    China aims to set up a simple space lab in2011 and a manned space station in2020 .

  4. 我们帮助建造了空间站,并在三个月的旅行中做了很多实验。

    We helped with the construction of the space station and did a lot of experiments during our three-month trip .

  5. 本文利用半物理仿真的方法设计并建造了空间站热辐射环境及辐射散热器模拟系统,完善了空间站热管理地面实验系统使之能够进行空间站的动态热模拟实验。

    The thesis designs a Hardware-In-the-Loop-Simulation system , including a virtual radiator and a pseudo radiator , as a betterment of the ground experimental system of thermal management so as to make it available for dynamic thermal simulation .

  6. 中国目前正在准备另外一项发射任务,以此来建造自己的空间站,

    And China is getting ready for another launch as it builds its own space station ,

  7. 中国在1992年首次公开其载人空间工程计划,最终目的是在2022年建造永久性空间站。

    China first unveiled its manned space engineering program in 1992 , with the eventual goal to construct a permanent space station by 2022 .

  8. 莫斯科(路透社)——俄罗斯联邦航天局正考虑建造自己的空间站,俄罗斯通讯社援引该局局长的话说,这表明国际紧张局势正在影响空间合作。这样的一个新项目将与国际空间站进行竞争。

    MOSCOW ( Reuters ) - Russian state space agency Roscosmos is considering building its own space station , RIA news agency quoted its chief as saying on Monday , underlining how international tensions are affecting space cooperation .

  9. 此后,中国将把精力集中在两个飞行器在太空的对接和在2020年前建造一个载人空间站。

    After that , Wang says China will focus on docking two vehicles in space and building a manned space station by2020 .

  10. 但这似乎是更大战略的一部分,中国将会建立围绕地球自己的全球卫星定位系统并建造自己的载人空间站。

    but this does seem to be a part of a much bigger strategy that also involves establishing China 's own global positioning system of satellites around the Earth and also building its own manned space station .