
  • 网络Resource Cabin;resource module;HRM
  1. 我国载人航天二期工程研制的交会对接目标飞行器由实验舱和资源舱组成。

    Target spacecraft in the second phase of national manned astronautical engineering , consists of resource cabin and experimental cabin .

  2. 由生活和控制舱、资源舱和节点舱三部分组成。

    It has three parts - a living and control cabin , a resource cabin , and a node cabin .

  3. 天宫二号由两个舱体组成,分别具有不同的功能--实验舱是密封的,将会作为宇航员们的生活区;而资源舱内有太阳能电池板、蓄电电池、推进剂和发动机。

    The Tiangong II consists of two cabins with separate functions - the experiment cabin will be hermetically sealed and will act as the astronauts ' living quarters , while the resource cabin will contain solar panels , storage batteries , propellant and engines .