
  • 网络Construction industry
  1. 现象的透明性理论自问世以来,在建筑界曾一度成为热门的话题。

    The phenomenon of transparency theory since its inception in the construction industry once become a hot topic .

  2. 全球化和本土化交叠、冲突,这些所引起建筑界的兴奋和焦虑,正影响着新一代青年建筑师的深刻思考,以及他们的作品。

    Globalization and localization of overlapping , conflicts , which caused by the construction industry excitement and anxiety , is influencing a new generation of young architects think deeply , and their works .

  3. GMT品牌的五金产品遍布大陆各地,各省市均设有强力的经销商,在建筑界享有很高的知名度。

    Moreover , we have competitive distributors in all cities and our brand is obtaining a well-known prestige in the field of building hardware .

  4. 对最近中国建筑界盛行的“欧风”、“kpf热”等问题进行反思,认为当前建筑设计中普遍存在偏重形式,以“形”为主的设计倾向。

    In the view of present situation of European style and KPF which is current in the circles of Chinese architecture , some hard thinking has been done , considering the designing tendency that lies particular stress on form which exists commonly in the present architectural designing .

  5. 因此,文化遗产的气息为什么在建筑界大多没有得到重视?

    So why in the architectural world are monumental whiffs greatly underappreciated ?

  6. 建筑界的两种共存和一种冲突,决定了建筑的发展方向&有地域特色的可持续发展的现代建筑。

    Coexistence and conflict of architecture orient the development of modern architecture .

  7. 建筑界专家大讨论:什么样才是真正的豪宅?

    Great construction industry experts to discuss : What are the real luxury ?

  8. 与此同时,建筑界也被包裹在科技的改造进程之中。

    Meanwhile , the world of architecture continues to be redefined by technology .

  9. 当代中国建筑界关于建筑本质思考之回顾

    The General Review of Architectural Essence in Contemporary China

  10. 你过去在建筑界工作。

    You used to be in the construction business .

  11. 从此以后,他在建筑界一直是一个谜一样的人物。

    Since then he has been an enigmatic figure at the field of architecture .

  12. 如果没有它,科学界、建筑界以及数学界将不复存在。

    The worlds of science , engineering and mathematics would be lost without it .

  13. 在建筑界,延期是很平常的事。

    Ln construction there 's always delays .

  14. 为了本身的利益?想,建筑界的雇主必须积极推广专业操守。

    Employers in the construction industry need to actively promote ethical behaviour for their own interests .

  15. 对传统文化的漠视是近些年来建筑界一直存在的状况。

    The traditional culture is to ignore the construction industry in recent years has been the situation .

  16. 图解是当代建筑学话语中的重要内容,也是当代西方建筑界的热门话题。

    Diagram is of the importance in the contemporary architectural discourse and the focus in the west .

  17. 今年,建筑界的最高奖项,普利兹克建筑奖授予了伊东丰雄。

    The biggest prize in architecture , the Pritzker has been given this year to Toyo Ito .

  18. 我们视为尊贵无比的《营造法式》对中国建筑界的统治应该结束了!

    We as a magnitude of the french of the construction industry to chinese rule should be over !

  19. 但总的来说,当代中国建筑界对底部的重视远远落后于它的重要性。

    But in general , modern Chinese construction circle attached far more importance on its essentiality than on bottom .

  20. 霍尔是当今建筑界为数不多的一位将哲学理念与建筑设计实践相结合的美国著名建筑师。

    He is one of the few famous architects who unify the philosophy idea and the architectural design in America .

  21. 结实的桥垒以及精致的钢铁电缆网,让这座桥仍被认为是建筑界的奇迹。

    With its stocky towers and delicate webs of steel cables , the bridge is still regarded as an architectural marvel .

  22. 龙盛石材企业集团再次隆重向国内外建筑界朋友推出自然清新、一派欧陆风情的天然龙盛石板系列。

    Longsheng Stone Materials Enterprise Group promotes again the natural European Longsheng stone plate series to all friends in construction fields .

  23. 当前,随着住区建设规模的不断扩大,住区环境塑造已成为我国建筑界关心的话题。

    Along with the expansion of residential construction nowadays , the residential surroundings has become the concerned themed in domestic architecture circles .

  24. 它的确给了我启发,因为它真真切切地撼动了建筑界,撼动了城市设计。

    And it really inspired me because it really shook the world of architecture ; it shook the world of urban design .

  25. 这些作品对当今世界建筑界产生了深远的影响,也为其带来了众多的奖项。

    These works had a profound impact to the world architecture in the today , and also brought many awards for him .

  26. 老年公寓作为老龄化社会兴起的居住形式,目前已受到建筑界的广泛关注。

    As a new residence pattern in this aging society , apartments for the elderly have been followed with interest by architects .

  27. 20世纪70年代西方建筑界兴起的一股后现代建筑热,到了80年代后逐渐冷却。

    One burst of postmodern architectural heat that rises on in west architectural circles in the 1970 's cooled gradually after 1980 's.

  28. 哈迪德表示,她不是一开始就成功的,比如说,建筑界最初不太愿意接受她独特的设计方案。

    Hadid said she didn 't immediately find success , citing the architectural industry 's hesitance to embrace her unique building designs .

  29. 卡洛·斯卡帕是20世纪建筑界一位里程碑式的人物,他的作品往往被誉为诗意的建筑。

    Carlo Scarpa is one of the greatest Architects in 20th architectural world , his works are always commented as poetic of space .

  30. 建筑界的研讨,常常限于专业内的技术问题(这个技术问题不是指有关于大学里的建筑技术专业的问题,而是指材料、构造、结构的应用方式)。

    Nowadays , architectural discussions usually focus only on technical problems , such as applied methodology of material , tectonic design and structure .