
  • 网络Architectural history;A HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE
  1. 基于网络的中国建筑史CAI研究

    Researches into CAI of Chinese Architectural History

  2. 20世纪中国现代建筑史研究发凡

    Research on Chinese Modern Architectural History in the Twenty Century

  3. 基于web的《中国建筑史》多媒体课件设计和实现

    The Design and Implementation of Web-based Multimedia Courseware of Chinese Architecture History

  4. 同时在麻省理工学院教授城市设计课程,他是MIT富布莱特学者,建筑史评论亚洲文化委员会顾问。

    He also teaches urban design at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) where he was a Fulbright scholar and an Asian Cultural Council Fellow in History Theory Criticism of Architecture .

  5. 分段解读&外国建筑史教学随笔

    Interpretation with Subsection & Teaching Essay of History of Foreign Architecture

  6. 小论西方建筑史上的空间概念

    Talk about the space concept in the western building history small

  7. 数字化时代的方法成长&21世纪中国建筑史研究漫谈

    Growing in Digital Era-Chinese Architecture History Studies in the 21st Century

  8. 整合思维:外国古代建筑史教学研究

    Conformity Thinking : a Research On Foreign Ancient Architecture History Teaching

  9. 基于文脉延续的中国建筑史教学

    Teaching of history of Chinese architecture based on continuation of the context

  10. 进入二十一世纪的中国近代建筑史研究

    Research on Chinese Modern Architecture History in the 21st Century

  11. 中国建筑史课程的教学与中国传统文化

    Teaching and Learning of Chinese Architecture History and Chinese Culture

  12. 建筑史中的空间概念史

    History of Space Conception in the History of Architecture

  13. 专家们说这是人类建筑史上最完美的建筑物之一。

    Experts say it is one of the most perfect buildings ever constructed .

  14. 建筑史是一部文化史和社会史。

    The history of architecture is a cultural history and a social history .

  15. 弗兰普顿《现代建筑史》的读和译

    Reading and translating 《 Modern architecture : acritical history 》 written by Frampton

  16. 您认为谁是建筑史上最伟大的英雄?

    The greatest hero from the history of architecture ?

  17. 中国建筑史教学模式初探

    Discussion on the Teaching Pattern of Chinese Architecture History

  18. 当代中国建筑史初探

    A Study of the Contemporary Chinese Architectural History

  19. 但这并不影响埃菲尔铁塔在世界建筑史上的地位。

    Eiffel Tower does not affect the status of architectural history in the world .

  20. 十问中国现代建筑史

    Ten Questions about Chinese Modern Architectural History

  21. 建筑史研究与建筑现代化

    Study of architectural history and architectural modernization

  22. 合理的结构加上独特的设计,使其成为建筑史上一个又一个的经典。

    Reasonable structure coupled with its unique design , architectural history one after another classic .

  23. 北京城垣在北京都城建筑史上占有独特的地位。

    The city wall of Beijing is very significant in the history of its urban construction .

  24. 纵观西方建筑史,从实用主义观点来看其实这就是一场围绕功能而展开的漫长革命。

    Viewed from western architecture , this is long-term revolution relating to function in pragmatist viewpoint .

  25. 中国建筑史国际会议

    International Conference on Chinese Architectural History

  26. 朱启钤在中国近代建筑史上乃至中国近代史上都是一个非常重要的人物。

    Zhu qi qian was all-important personality in Chinese modern architecture history-even in Chinese modern history .

  27. 这一现象也说明,中国近代建筑史应当从思想史的角度加以分析。

    Besides , modern Chinese architectural history should be analyzed in the scope of intellectual history .

  28. 论《中国建筑史》课程与建筑专业学生的素质教育

    The Quality - Oriented Education in the Teaching of the Course of the History of Chinese Architecture

  29. 历史之翼2005世界建筑史研究和教学国际研讨会述评

    Double Wings of Architectural History Reviews of International Symposium on Teaching and Research of World Architectural History

  30. 我们将讨论建筑史与都市史之成长、目标、工具与研究方法。

    We will review the growth , aims , tools , and methods of architectural and urban history .