
shǒu líng
  • wake;stand as guards at the bier;keep vigil beside the coffin
守灵 [shǒu líng]
  • [wake;keep vigil beside the coffin] 守在灵床,灵柩或灵位旁

  • 男孩子聚在一起进行守灵

守灵[shǒu líng]
  1. 正在进行葬礼守灵。

    A funeral wake was in progress .

  2. 他最近挑选的书是保罗•金斯诺斯(PaulKings­north)的《守灵》(TheWake),该书获得了2014年布克奖(ManBookerPrize)提名,是用一种古英语的变体写的。

    His most recent pick was The Wake by Paul Kings ­ north , which was on the 2014 Man Booker Prize longlist and is written in an adapted form of Old English .

  3. 美国科罗拉多州的一位风险投资家布拉德•费尔德(BradFeld)也曾为企业举办过非正式的守灵活动。

    Brad Feld , a US venture capitalist based in Colorado , has held informal wakes for companies .

  4. 母亲在儿子的守灵后被谋杀了。

    The mother was found murdered after the kid 's wake .

  5. 等等,你们在办休易守灵的事情?

    Wait a minute . you 're throwing huey 's wake ?

  6. 玩家们会为死去的角色送葬守灵。

    Players will hold funerals and wakes for characters who die .

  7. 个人来讲,我不希望在那酒吧办守灵。

    Personally , I wouldn 't have had it in such a dump .

  8. 我嫂子让你办守灵这事。

    My sister-in-law asked you to hold the wake .

  9. 她想在这里搞守灵。

    She wants the wake to be here .

  10. 我说真的,哪个守灵期间会没有酒呢?

    I mean , seriously , who doesn 't serve booze at a wake ?

  11. 知道詹姆斯乔伊斯写的“芬尼根守灵夜”吗?

    You know Finnegans Wake by James joyce ?

  12. 全家老小为死者守灵。

    The entire household attended the departed one .

  13. 《芬尼根的守灵》与乔伊斯的历史关怀

    Finnegans Wake and James Joyce 's Historical Solicitude

  14. 守灵通常在葬礼前的一两个晚上进行。

    The viewing often takes place on one or two evenings before the funeral .

  15. 于是,棺木抬进了一间小起居室,盖伯瑞尔独自留下守灵。

    The coffin was carried into a small sitting-room and Gabriel was left alone with it .

  16. 《为芬尼根守灵》的诗歌特征

    Wonderful Poetical Features in Finnegans Wake

  17. 柏柏尔语柏柏尔人讲的亚非语言中一种弗赖斯节死后,杜洛瓦同弗赖斯节夫人一起守灵。

    Any of the Afro-Asiatic languages of the Berbers . After Forestier 's death , he and Mrs. Forestier kept a vigil over the corpse .

  18. 在我那些表亲们还小的时候,他们就开始为逝者守灵、诵经或为居丧的人们提供所需帮助。

    Since they were children , my cousins have held wakes , chanted sutras over dead bodies , and anticipated the needs of those in mourning .

  19. 在创作的早期,乔伊斯遵循的是中立、冷漠的现代叙述原则,但到了《芬尼根的守灵》,乔伊斯使叙述成了叙述者的快乐言说。

    Joyce obeyed the modern narrative principle of neutrality and detachment during his early period of writing . However in Finnegans Wake , Joyce created a loquacious narrator .

  20. 《芬尼根守灵夜》中,内心的独白是游弋的作画的理由,这些图像的线索是我最私密回忆的日记。

    A Finnegan 's Wake , where an interior monologue becomes the reason for painting adrift , images whose common thread is a diary of my most intimate memories .

  21. 《芬尼根的守灵》中最难的就是乔伊斯自造的词语,包括混成词、变形词、组合词以及以不合语法的方式任意插入的外来词和专有名词。

    The most difficult part in Finnegans Wake is the self-made words which include portmanteau words , transformed words , combined words and nomenclatures which are used ungrammatically and arbitrarily .

  22. 陈定南生前吩咐死后不要为他设置灵堂,也毋须为他守灵,维持他一贯的低调作风。

    Sticking to his low-key manner , Chen left instructions that no wake will be held and no shrine with his portrait will be set up for him after his passing .

  23. 你喜欢成百上千的人向你鞠躬致意,在离世宁静之夜,他们在你身边守灵无眠,因你的不幸而无眠啊!

    You like the honor that thousand of people bow their 's head , tranquility of night before death , but they have not slept with you together ; Lost sheep of your misfortune !

  24. 无法参加守灵的亲友通常会送鲜花以表哀思,除了犹太人的葬礼上。

    The decedent 's closest friends and relatives who are unable to attend frequently send flowers to the viewing , with the exception of a Jewish Funeral , where flowers would not be appropriate .

  25. 弗赖斯节死后,杜洛瓦同弗赖斯节夫人一起守灵。万圣节起初是一个异教徒的节日,纪念死去的人。

    After Forestier 's death , he and Mrs. Forestier kept a vigil over the corpse . It was originally GetWord (" originally "); a pagan GetWord (" pagan "); holiday , honoring the dead .

  26. 《为芬尼根守灵》具有如下诗歌特征:它的特殊拟声词蕴含深刻的象征意义,充满了诗歌韵律,并产生出动人的协奏曲效果;

    The paper holds that Finnegans Wake has the following poetical features : the special onomatopoeias in this novel contain profoundly symbolic ideas , and abound with poetical rhythms and produce touching effects of concertos ;

  27. 我不知道这是不是我的特性,但是,当我守灵时,如果没有发狂的或绝望的哀悼者跟我分担守灵的义务,我是很少有不快乐的时候的。

    I don 't know if it be a peculiarity in me , but I am seldom otherwise than happy while watching in the chamber of death , should no frenzied or despairing mourner share the duty with me .

  28. 不仅仅只是丘吉尔的书会让你一朝回到解放前。直到2012年退休前,詹姆斯·乔伊斯让许多写名人传记的作家付出了昂贵代价。其中包括他控告一位作家,而那位作家仅仅写了一篇关于芬尼根守灵夜的文章。

    Until the copyright on his work expired in 2012 , the estate of James Joyce did everything humanly possible to make writing about their famous ancestor painfully expensive , including trying to sue an artist for simply memorizing a passage from Finnegans Wake .