
jiǔ jiǔ chóng yáng
  • the 9th day of the 9th lunar month
九九重阳[jiǔ jiǔ chóng yáng]
  1. 明天是九九重阳节,祝愿所有的老人节日快乐!

    Tomorrow is Double Ninth Festival , Wish all the old people a happy holiday !

  2. 有人说,九九重阳,九是最大的数字,于是就有了郊游登高,追求健康长寿的种种欲望。

    Hence , outing and height-ascending are desired by the people for the purpose of achieving both health and longevity .

  3. 清朝的皇帝会在九九重阳节那天与家人们一起爬上山顶在亭内赏景。

    The Qing Emperors would climb up to the Pavilion on the Double Yang Festival to enjoy the scenery with the royal family .