
jià zhuang
  • dowry;marriage;trousseau;hope chest;trouseau
嫁妆 [jià zhuāng]
  • [maritage;dowry;trousseau] 妇女在结婚时带到她丈夫家里的钱、物

嫁妆[jià zhuang]
  1. 她的嫁妆钱都投到了母亲的铺子里。

    The money from her dowry was invested in her mother 's store .

  2. 如果一个年轻女子没有嫁妆,她就要做家政服务赚钱。

    If a young woman did not have a dowry , she went into domestic service .

  3. n.嫁妆这年轻的律师靠他太太的嫁妆,开了一家律师事务所。

    dowry With his wife 's dowry , the young attorney was able to open a law office .

  4. 包括comet和habitat在内的知名零售商纷纷被以象征性价格挂牌出售(还要搭上自己的嫁妆),以吸引买家收购这些连锁业务。

    Established retailers including comet and habitat were sold for nominal sums ( with added dowries ) to induce acquirers to take over the chains .

  5. 玩家每次击中新郎,新郎的身价就会缩水,而这笔虚拟货币就会转入玩家的反嫁妆基金,并显示在他们的Facebook主页上。

    Every time the player hits a groom , his value decreases and money is added to the player 's Anti-Dowry Fund , which is saved posted on their Facebook page .

  6. 我舅舅一家人都为她的婚礼嫁妆做了充分的准备。

    My Uncle 's family are busy preparing for her dowry .

  7. 她姐姐送给她一个靠垫作嫁妆。

    Her sister gave her a cushion for her bottom drawer .

  8. 嫁妆无论对于妇女自身还是社会关系都有重要的意义。

    The dowry has significance to both women and society relation .

  9. 哥为了嫁妆的事操了不少心。

    Big brother helped out a lot with the wedding dowry .

  10. 嫁妆来源及象征的多样性分析

    Analyses on the Diversity of Origin and Symbol of Dowry

  11. 嫁妆与聘礼:一个学术史的简单回顾

    Dowry and Betrothal Gifts : A Review of Relevant Theories

  12. 接着他们就要开始计较嫁妆。

    That their next demand would be the dowry amount .

  13. 今天我们去看了勇俊的嫁妆。

    We went to check yoon-ju 's dowry presents today .

  14. 满屋的嫁妆犹如满床荆棘。

    A great dowry is a Bed full of Brambles .

  15. 这个女儿的嫁妆或结婚宴席实在寒碜得可怜。

    The daughter 's dowry or wedding feast is so pitiably small .

  16. 他的家人希望新娘能带来丰厚的嫁妆。

    His family hoped that his bride would bring a large dowry .

  17. 这个柜子是为新娘的嫁妆而做的。

    The chest was made for a bride 's trousseau .

  18. 她知道这亚麻床单是我嫁妆的一部分;

    She knows that these linen sheets were part of my trousseau ;

  19. 女儿只能得到一份菲薄的嫁妆。

    The daughter was to have but a slender provision .

  20. 那个年代,我妻子的嫁妆很少。

    The dowry of my wife was very little in that age .

  21. 有时候嫁妆还要新郎的陪护。

    Sometimes the dowry will be brought by the bride 's estorts .

  22. 新娘带着很多嫁妆给她丈夫。

    The bride brought many dowries to her husband .

  23. 那个妇女的嫁妆很多。

    The dower of the woman is very much .

  24. 嫁妆结婚时新娘带给其夫的钱财。

    Money or property brought by a bride to her husband at marriage .

  25. 这个妇人失去了嫁妆和地产。

    The wife lost her dowry and her lands .

  26. 第二章着重分析嫁妆基金的建立和基本运行过程。

    The second chapter emphasizes the establishment and the process of Dowry Fund .

  27. 清代妇女嫁妆支配权的考察

    A Study on Women 's Right to Control Their Dowry in Qing Dynasty

  28. 把歉收和干旱作为嫁妆带过来。

    Bringing bad harvest and drought as my dowry .

  29. 我想,那些嫁妆真是够本了。

    So I guess dowries are making a comeback .

  30. 作为她的嫁妆,她父亲将自己写的两本书给了她

    Her father give her the two book He has write as her dowry