
  1. 正阳毛木耳生物学及驯化研究

    Study on biology and domestication of Auricularia polytricha in Zhengyang area

  2. 正阳煤矿提高动力煤质量有效途径的分析

    Analysis of Increasing Coal Quality Effective Way of Zhengyang Coal Mine

  3. 正阳门从元朝开始共经历了几个名字?

    How many names of ZhengYangmen are called since the Yuan dynasty ?

  4. 正阳公路浅层软土地基处理的分析研究层压整理,层压后处理

    Analysis and research on treatment of shallow soft clay foundation for Zhengyang road

  5. 正阳大厦消防系统中的排水设计

    Drainage Design In Fire Control System Of Zhengyang Edifice

  6. 建立在统计分析基础上的商业步行街规划设计模式&以桂林市正阳步行街为例

    Plan and Design Mode for Pedestrian Street on the Basis of Statistic Analysis

  7. 北京正阳门瓮城复建工程规划研究

    Study on the Reconstruction Planning for the Urn City of Zhengyang Gate in Beijing

  8. 正阳隧道围岩变形与支护结构受力特性研究

    Study on the Surrounding Rock Deformation and Mechanical Character of Support Structure for Zhengyang Tunel

  9. 正阳县2001-2007年涂阳肺结核患者发现与治疗转归分析

    Evaluation on finding and treatment with smear positive TB patient in zhengyang county from 2001 To 2007

  10. 正阳矿回采巷道锚杆支护设计的研究

    Research on the design of actual m in in g roadway bolt support in Zhengyang m in e

  11. [目的]考核正阳县结核病控制项目的阶段性效果。

    [ Objective ] To evaluate the effect of the pulmonary tuberculosis ( PT ) project in Zhengyang county .

  12. 河北省县级医疗保健机构产科质量评估分析正阳县基层医疗机构药事管理现状及对策研究

    Evaluation and analysis on the quality of the obstetrics department in the Hebei provincial county level medical healthcare organization

  13. 2003~2004年正阳县涂阳肺结核病人发现与治疗情况分析

    Analysis on the Situation of Detection and Treatment for Smear Positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Zhengyang County from 2003 to 2004

  14. 公元1854年,北京前门外正阳楼开业,是汉民馆出售涮羊肉的首创者。

    In1854 , Zhengyang Restaurant was open outside Qianmen in Beijing and became the first Han restaurant offering Mongolian Hot Pot .

  15. 用于无遮挡的正阳面和西照面外窗时,事前咨询制造商,征求合理建议。

    Before it is used in no shelter outside windows that faces the sun directly , please consult with manufacturer for suggestions .

  16. 正阳县基层医疗机构药事管理现状及对策研究青年问题机构间非正式技术工作组

    The Current Situation and Countermeasures of the Pharmaceutical Affair Management in Basic Medical Institutions of Zhengyang County Informal Inter-Agency Working Group at the Technical Level on Youth

  17. 2001年3月驻马店市文物工作队对正阳县李冢汉墓群5号和6号墓进行了发掘。

    In March , 2001 , The work team of cultural relics in Zhumadian excavated the No. 5 and 6 Han tombs of Lizhong , Zhengyang county .

  18. 依据相关考古资料和文献记载,河南省正阳县固城寺古城遗址应即两汉时期的安成故址。

    According to relative archaeological material and documents , the city site at Guchengsi in Zhengyang county , Henan province , may be Ancheng site of Han dynasty .

  19. 介绍了鸡西矿业集团正阳矿在五采2层复合顶板采用联合支护,为准备、回采巷道以及其它相同条件下选择支护方式提供了依据。

    This article introduce adopt component roof combination of No. 5 mining area 2 ~ # Zhengyang Coal Mineral of Jixi Coal Mine Group , provide basis for stope drift active workings and identical condition of shoring-style .

  20. 它东与新蔡县、安徽省临泉县接壤,西与汝南县交界,北与上蔡县、周口项城市相邻,南隔汝河与正阳县相望。

    It borders on the west of Xincai county and Linquan county , on the east of Runan county , on the south of Shangcai county and Xiangcheng county , on the north of Zhengyang county apart the Ru River .

  21. [方法]对正阳县2003~2004年涂阳肺结核病人的发现、管理和治疗转归情况进行分析。

    [ Methods ] To analyze the situation of the detection , management , treatment and turnover of the PT patients during 2003 to 2004 . [ Results ] There were total 3 989 equivocal PT cases in 2 years .

  22. 正阳县是全国花生生产第一大县,全国油料生产百强冠军县,如何提高花生产量,满足市场需求,进一步增加农民收入是当前生产中亟待解决的突出题。

    ZhengYang county is the largest peanut producing area , the National County Championship hundred of oil production , how to improve peanut production to meet market demand , a further increase in the income of the farmers is the production of outstanding questions to be settled urgently .