
  • 网络normal climate
  1. 最后,音乐发生于对自然的模仿,十二律是对一年十二个月中正常气候条件下的风声的模拟而成,是对最和谐的风声的模仿。

    Finally , music occurred in the imitation of nature . Equal Temperaments imitated sound of the wind in the normal climate of the year which is the harmonious sound of the wind .

  2. 这里正常的气候模式是:夏季冰川融化,冬季新雪结冰,恢复原状。

    The usual pattern is that ice melts in the summer and is restored by fresh snow in the winter .

  3. 她通过Skype表示,干旱影响地区的许多土地即使在正常的气候条件下也并不高产。

    She said by Skype that much of the land in the drought-affected areas is not very even in good times .

  4. 因为不正常的暖气候,北极上空臭氧层消耗的范围并不像我们预期的那么大。

    Ozone-layer depletion above the Arctic is not as extensive as expected because of unusually warm weather .

  5. 到3月底止,华北大部分地区都是不正常的干燥冬季气候。

    Unseasonable dry winter weather prevailed over most of north China up to the end of March .

  6. 当然,这场进入了第4个年头的大旱灾没有任何正常可言:根据气候科学家的说法,这可能是1200年以来最严重的连续干旱期。

    Of course , there is nothing normal about the fourth year of the great drought : According to climate scientists , it may be the worst arid spell in 1,200 years .

  7. 北半球大气环流的纬向对称模及其与中国冬季气候异常的关联到3月底止,华北大部分地区都是不正常的干燥冬季气候。

    Zonally Symmetric Mode of Northern Hemisphere General Circulation of Atmosphere and Its Relationship with Anomalous Climate in China Wintertime ; Unseasonable dry winter weather prevailed over most of north China up to the end of March .