
  • 网络President of Rwanda
  1. 卢旺达总统选举已进入计票阶段,很多人预言现任总统保罗·卡加梅将赢得压倒性胜利。

    Votes are being counted in the Rwandan presidential election , with incumbent Paul Kagame widely predicted to win a landslide victory .

  2. 布什在同卢旺达总统共同举行记者会时,被问到古巴领导人辞职对美国来说意味著什么。

    At a press conference with Rwandan President Paul Kagame , Mr. Bush was asked what the Cuban leader 's decision means for America .

  3. 卢旺达总统保罗•卡加梅属于非洲治国最严谨并最深不可测的领导人之一,他正试图将一个缺乏原油与矿产资源的内陆国家转变为一个贸易与科技衷心。

    President Paul Kagame , who is among the most austere and inscrutable of Africa 's leaders , is trying to turn landlocked Rwanda , devoid of oil and minerals , into a trade and technology hub .

  4. 他的非洲治理促进会(governanceinitiative)是一个广受赞誉的项目,帮助塞拉利昂和卢旺达两国总统出台政策和吸引外资。

    His governance initiative is a well-regarded project that helps the presidents of Sierra Leone and Rwanda deliver policy and attract foreign investment .

  5. 1994年,一架载有卢旺达和布隆迪总统的飞机被击落,两位总统都是胡图人。

    It began in April of nineteen ninety-four after a plane carrying the presidents of Rwanda and Burundi , both Hutus , was shot down .

  6. 1994年4月7日,卢旺达和布隆迪总统乘坐的飞机失事遇难后一天,卢旺达内战爆发。

    On April 7 , 1994 , civil war erupted in Rwanda , a day after a plane crash claimed the lives of the presidents of Rwanda and Burundi .