首页 / 词典 / good

  • marry;wed;transfer;shift
  • 女子结婚:出~。~娶。再~。~奁。~妆。

  • 〔~接〕把不同品种的两种植物接在一起,让它变种,达到提早结果、增加抗性、提高品种质量等目的。

  • 把祸害、怨恨推到别人身上:~怨。~祸于人。~非(委过于人)。转~。


(女子结婚) (of a woman) marry:

  • 嫁女儿

    marry off a daughter;

  • 嫁人

    get married;

  • 他把女儿嫁给了一个教师。

    He married his daughter to a teacher.


(转移罪名、损失、负担等) shift; transfer:

  • 不要企图把损失转嫁到顾客头上。

    Don't try to shift the losses on to the customers.

  1. 她被迫违心地嫁了人。

    She was forced to marry against her will .

  2. 穷人们利用这个法令,尽量不花费巨额开销就把女儿嫁出去。

    The poor are taking advantage of this edict to marry off their daughters without enormous expenditure while they can

  3. 索菲嫁入王室后,即成为公众人物。

    Sophie became public property when she married into the royal family .

  4. 她等于是嫁了个陌生人。

    She married a practical stranger .

  5. 我害怕嫁不出去。

    I was afraid of getting left on the shelf .

  6. 最让我担心的是我会一辈子嫁不出去。

    What scares me most is that I 'm going to end up not being married

  7. 我们正在列一份我们最不愿意嫁的十大男人的名单。

    We are making a list of the top ten men we would not want to be married to

  8. 她很幸运,嫁了一个如意郎君。

    She is lucky to have married a good bridegroom .

  9. 她幻想嫁一个有钱人,住到乡间去。

    She fantasized about marrying a rich man and living in the country .

  10. 有人告诉她嫁个有钱人是她的命。

    She was told that it was her destiny to marry a rich man .

  11. 皇帝女儿不愁嫁。

    The daughter of an emperor does not worry about finding a husband .

  12. 他把所有的女儿嫁出去了,又给儿子们安了家。

    He had married off all his daughters and settled his sons .

  13. 村里的姑娘大多已外嫁他乡。

    Young women in this village mostly have married people of other places .

  14. 当把所有的女儿嫁出之后,她觉得自己尽到了责任。

    She considered her duties done after she had married off all her daughters .

  15. 她守身如玉;终身不嫁。

    She lived a virgin .

  16. 他亟想把他内侄女嫁出去,给他找个门当户对的配偶。

    He anxiously desired to have his niece married , to make for her a suitable match .

  17. 她嫁了个的哥。

    She married a cabbie .

  18. 把最小的女儿嫁出去我就高兴了,到那时说不定心里就安宁了。

    I shall be glad when the last of my daughters is married off , then I might have some peace of mind .

  19. 她嫁了人,在郊外过着安定舒适的生活。

    She found a husband and settled down to a nice life in the countryside .

  20. 她嫁错了人。

    She married the wrong person .

  21. 你所嫁的那个人不仅会对你的感情生活会有很大影响,对你的生活方式也是如此。

    Who you marry has the largest impact not just on your emotional life , but also on your lifestyle .

  22. 在你跳进婚姻这个大坑前,姐先嘱咐你两句:你嫁的不光是他这个人,还有他的家庭。——《生活大爆炸》

    Little warning before you jump into this marriage business : you are not just marrying him , you are marrying his family .

  23. 父亲死后,魏颗就将这个女人嫁了出去,并对人解释说人:“人到病重时,头脑往往不清醒。我执行的是父亲清醒时的指示。”

    After his father died , Wei Ke let the concubine to marry other people , and explained to others , " When people are seriously ill , they are not clear-minded . I did what my father told me to do when he was still sober . "

  24. 晋国大臣魏武子病中吩咐儿子魏颗,自己死后把没有生过儿子的那个宠妾嫁出去,而不要按惯例将她殉葬。

    Wei wuzi , a high minister of the state of Jin ordered his son Wei Ke : after he died , let the concubine who had not borne a son marry someone else , instead of burying her alive with him , which was the custom of that time .

  25. 救了魏颗一命。夜里魏颗梦见老人对自己说:“我是你嫁出去的那个女人的父亲,结草绊倒杜回,是为了报答你对我女儿的救民之恩。”

    During the night , Wei Ke had a dream , and in his dream an old man said to him , " I am the father of the concubine that you saved by letting her to marry again . I made knots to trip down Du Hui because I wanted to reciprocate1 your kindness of saving my daughter . "

  26. Beth说,也许自己应该嫁一个有钱人,marryrich,表示“跟富有的人结婚”。

    Beth : Maybe I should marry rich then ?

  27. 山西某县农村外来嫁入女性及配偶中HIV感染者病毒序列特征分析

    Genetic features of HIV-1 strains circulating in immigrant women and their spouses in a rural district of Shanxi province

  28. 目的了解山西省垣曲县外来嫁入女性艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染状态及流行病学特征。

    Objective To understand the HIV infection status and epidemiological characteristics among married immigrant women in a rural county of Shanxi province .

  29. 大曼彻斯特郡索尔福德市的Lemon小姐,很快就忘了她的一时兴起之举,后来她嫁为人妇,也有了自己的孩子。

    Miss Lemon , of Salford , Greater Manchester , soon forgot about her act of whimsy , eventually marrying and having a child herself .

  30. 不同时期南瓜自嫁苗愈合部位的cDNA-AFLP结果分析表明,特异性带均出现在嫁接后第6天取样的材料中。

    The result of cDNA-AFLP of pumpkin grafting seedling which rootstock was itself at different phase showed the specific bands would appear in samples after grafting 6 days .