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  • Attack;raid;make a surprise attack on;follow the pattern of;carry on as before
  • 趁敌人不备时攻击:~击。~扰。夜~。偷~。侵~。

  • 触及:寒气~人。“芳菲菲兮~予”。

  • 照样做,照样继续下去:因~。沿~。世~。

  • 量词,指成套的衣服:衣一~。

  • 衣上加衣,引申为重迭:“~朝服”。“山三~,陟”。

  • 合,和:“齐秦~”。


(袭击; 侵袭) make a surprise attack on; raid:

  • 空袭

    air raid [attack];

  • 偷袭

    surprise attack; sneak raid;

  • 夜袭

    night raid;

  • 寒气袭人。

    There is a nip in the air.

  • 花气袭人。

    The fragrance of flowers assails one's nose.


(照样做) follow the pattern of; carry on as before:

  • 抄袭


  • 因袭

    carry on (an old tradition, etc.)


[书] (用于成套的衣服):

  • 衣一袭

    a suit of clothes


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 袭远

    Xi Yuan

  1. 且此袭亦将挟叙些许。

    And the raid will certainly have given Syria pause .

  2. 在克雷斯波离开蓝军转会意甲豪门之后切尔西正着手就马丁斯反袭国际米兰。

    Chelsea are set to raid Inter Milan for Obafemi Martins after Hernan Crespo left the Blues for the Italian giants .

  3. 一种悲伤的情绪袭上我们的心头。

    A mood of melancholy descended on us .

  4. 她突然感到一阵恐惧袭上心头。

    Fear clutched at her heart .

  5. 她一袭天蓝色的真丝衬衫式连身裙,和她的双眸颜色一样。

    Her silk shirtdress was sky-blue , the colour of her eyes .

  6. 玛丽亚穿一袭白色节裙,一动裙子就窸窣作响。

    Maria wore a layered white dress that rustled when she moved .

  7. 他对未知结果的焦虑消散了,这种焦虑过后还会袭上心头,但至少现在还没有。

    His anxiety about the outcome melted , to return later but not yet

  8. 她身穿一袭黑色长裙。

    She is wearing a long black dress .

  9. 她终于找到了理想的礼服——一袭饰有蕾丝的美丽长裙。

    She finally found the perfect gown , a beautiful creation trimmed with lace .

  10. 士兵们在遇袭后予以还击。

    The soldiers returned fire after being attacked .

  11. 她那袭大胆的低胸裙使观众大为震惊。

    Her daringly low-cut dress scandalised audiences .

  12. 他一袭黑衣装束。

    He was dressed all in black .

  13. 她身穿一袭无袖真丝连衣裙。

    She wore a sleeveless silk dress .

  14. 在最近的一次袭击中,一名男子遇袭身亡,另外两人受伤。

    In the most recent attack one man was shot dead and two others were wounded

  15. 一种恐慌的感觉袭裹了我。

    Something like panic overtook me

  16. 16岁时她就是个十足的潮人。一袭黑衣,说话很酷,看起来像18岁。

    At 16 , she oozes street cred . She wears black , talks cool and looks 18

  17. 在攻击对方时,必须袭其不意,才能占上风。

    It is only by attacking the other side unprepared that we can stand in advantage .

  18. 站在空荡荡的房子里,他感到一阵恐惧袭上心头。

    Fear came upon him as he stood in the empty house .

  19. 在封面照上,米歇尔身穿一袭由设计师吴季刚为其设计的绛红色紧身丝质裙装。她在奥巴马就职典礼上所穿的礼服就出自吴季刚之手。

    She appears wearing a magenta silk sheath dress by Jason wu , who also designed her inaugural gown .

  20. 此外,南极洲过于广袤,一些矿藏所在地饱受暴风吹袭。这片大陆的面积比欧洲还要大,冬天的气温在零下55度左右。

    Then there is Antarctic 's remoteness , with some mineral deposits found in windswept locations on a continent that is larger the Europe and where winter temperatures hover around minus 55 degrees Celsius .

  21. 还有一些彩灯延袭了古时各朝各代宫灯的样式

    Some lanterns are patterned after palace style lamps of bygone dynasties .

  22. 与新城疫病毒、传染性袭病病毒、禽流感病毒、正常鸡胚尿囊液、正常鸡肾组织等的RT-PCR产物杂交呈阴性。

    The RT-PCR product of NDV , AIV , IBDV , allantoic fluid , kidney tissues of healthy chicken were negative .

  23. 新华社援引中国医院协会(ChineseHospitalAssociation)的调查称,2012年平均每家医院发生27.3起袭医事件,而2008年的这个数字为20.6件。

    The average number of assaults rose to 27.3 per hospital in 2012 , compared with 20.6 in 2008 , according to a Xinhua news agency report , citing a survey from the Chinese Hospital Association .

  24. 即使在土耳其发生未遂政变和法国尼斯遭遇恐袭后,约翰逊昨日抵达欧洲理事会(EuropeanCouncil)总部仍然吸引了在此汇聚的欧盟外交官的好奇心。

    Even after a Turkish attempted coup and the Nice attack , Mr Johnson 's arrival at the European Council headquarters yesterday still attracted curiosity from the bloc 's assembled diplomats .

  25. 结果:AD的核心的症状是记忆、语言及定向障碍神经系统体征不多,起病隐袭、缓慢进展。

    RESULTS : The key symptoms of AD were dysmnesia , aphasis and disorientation , few signs of nervous system were found , the disease was insidious in onset and slowly progressive .

  26. 结果结核性脑膜炎起病隐袭,因医务人员警惕性不高、仅凭头颅CT草率诊断及脑脊液检测不典型等原因,致误诊率较高。

    Results Tuberculous Meningitis onset insidious t because of doctors'lower alert , diagnosis careless only depend on brain CT scan , examine of cerebrospinal fluid no typ-cal , and so on , result in misdiagnosis rate more higher .

  27. 介绍了耐磨堆焊熔敷层热袭纹的形成机理,并以15钢为母材,研究了高C合金多层堆焊中化学成分对热裂纹倾向的影响。

    This paper introduced the formation mechanism of thermal crackle during deposit welding , and made research on the influence of chemical ingredient in hard_facing weld deposits on thermal crackling tendency during multi_layer deposit welding of high_carbon alloy using 15 # steel as matrix .

  28. 据报道,美国已经有几个人在玩游戏时被袭或遭抢,虽然暴力行为与受害者在事发时玩《精灵宝可梦Go》一事之间的联系并不总是很清楚。

    In the United States , several people were reported to have been attacked or robbed while playing the game , though the connection between the violence and the fact that the victims were using Pok é mon Go at the time has not always been clear .

  29. 好莱坞影星约翰尼德普在《加勒比海盗4》中继续扮演Jack船长,昨天他一袭黑白休闲西装配运动鞋出席了在加州的首映仪式。

    Hollywood star Depp , 47 , who reprises his role as pirate Jack Sparrow in the sequel , looked distinctly retro at the world premiere in California , in a black and white lounge suit and trainers .

  30. 纤连蛋白对人舌癌细胞系TCa8113细胞体内浸袭行为的影响

    Effect of Fibronectin on the Invasion Behaviour of Human Tongue Cancer Cell Line ( TCa8113 ) in vitro