
  • 网络graft compatibility;graft affinity;Grafting affinity;graft compduringicity
  1. 日本栗/板栗酚类物质含量与嫁接亲和力关系研究

    Studies on Relationship Between Phenol Content and Graft Compatibility in Chestnut

  2. 葡萄品种嫁接亲和力的研究

    The Studies of Graft Compatibility on Varieties of Grape

  3. Rf值相同值大小可以作为砧、穗嫁接亲和力强弱的预选指标。

    Rf may forecast grafting affinity qua index .

  4. 砧木和接穗多酚类物质的含量和多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性与嫁接亲和力有一定关系,但不是影响嫁接亲和力的主要因素。

    The content of polyphenols and PPO activity of rootstock and scion are connected with the graft compatibility .

  5. 富有(Fuyu)甜柿砧穗组合嫁接亲和力及生态适宜性研究

    Studies on Grafting Affinity of Different Combination of Rootstocks and Adaptation of Ecology of Fuyu Persimmon

  6. 栗属嫁接亲和力与过氧化物酶同功酶谱的探讨

    Study on Isoenzyme zymogram of peroxidase and grafting affinity of Chestnut

  7. 甜柿砧穗组合嫁接亲和力研究

    The Graft Compatibility of Different Rootstock-scion Combinations of Sweet Persimmons

  8. 美国东部黑核桃与核桃的嫁接亲和力研究

    Study on Grafting Affinity Between Walnut and American Black Walnut

  9. 同时对4个种,11个品种的44个组合进行了嫁接亲和力预测。

    Affinity of 44 combination in 11 varieties and 4 species were forecasted .

  10. 葡萄叶片中生理生化物质含量与嫁接亲和力关系的研究

    Study on the Effects of the Content of Physiological and Biochemical Substances in the Rootstock Leaves to the Graft Compatibility