
jiē duàn fā yù
  • phasic development;stage development
  1. 基于生长过程的水稻阶段发育与物候期模拟模型

    A Process-based Model for Simulating Phasic Development and Phenology in Rice

  2. 根据硬骨鱼类阶段发育理论,将其划分为4阶段15时期;

    It can be divided into 15 stages according to the stage development theory of teleosts .

  3. 发育中稻胚ABA含量的双峰曲线与胚的两阶段发育模式一致。

    The bimodal distribution curve of ABA contents in developing rice embryo was consistent with the biphasic pattern of the embryonal development .

  4. F2代苗期与抽穗期叶片紫绿分离比例明显不同,说明紫色性状的表现具有一定的阶段发育特点;

    The ratio of purple leaf plants to green leaf plants in F 2 seedling stages obviously differed from that in F 2 heading stages , and therefore , purple character expressed progressively with different development stages ;

  5. 本文认为叶片可溶性蛋白质含量是与阶段发育关系密切的指标之一,并依此对生理童程和转变区间进行了回归估计,均值分别为70cm和55cm。

    The close relationship was suggested between the soluble protein and the phase development . The physiological juvenile span ( 70cm ) and the transitional zone ( 55cm ) were estimated .

  6. 高温对大白菜阶段发育的影响

    Effects of High Temperature on the Phase Development in Chinese Cabbage

  7. 桃实生树阶段发育进程与转折点判别

    The Distinguish of Transition Point and Phase Development Process in Peach Seedlings

  8. 水稻光照阶段发育速度模式的研究

    On the photo - temperature model for the developmental rate of rice

  9. 小麦越冬前阶段发育与热效应、形态建成的关系

    The Relationship between Wheat Growth Stages and Thermal Effect or Morphogenesis before Overwintering

  10. 赣南山地丘陵区崩岗侵蚀阶段发育的研究

    Study on the development process of the collapse in hill area in southern Jiangxi Province

  11. 大豆阶段发育的动态模拟模型

    A Dynamic Model to Simulate Soybean Development

  12. 关于豌豆、蚕豆的春化阶段发育和处理效应问题

    Studies in vernalization stage of peas and broad beans and the effect of vernalization treatment

  13. 大豆阶段发育动态模型的研究与建立

    Study on the Soybean Development Simulation Model

  14. 巨峰葡萄实生苗阶段发育过程中核酸含量的变化

    Study on the changes of nucleic acid content in seedlings of ' kyoho ' grape in the course of phase development

  15. 具断坳叠合结构盆地的坳陷阶段发育下切谷、河流三角洲和滨岸砂岩油气藏。

    Play types of depression stage of faulted depression stacked basins are incised valley , fluvial delta , and shoreface sandstone pools .

  16. Lsd1调节不同阶段发育分化的具体机制以及在血液等相关疾病中作用还有待进一步研究。

    The detailed mechanism of Lsdl regulating development or differentiation of distinct tissues and its role in blood disease need further research .

  17. 经过棒形胚、球形胚、心形胚和鱼雷胚等阶段发育为成熟胚。

    After the developmental stage of clavillose embryo , globular embryo , heart-shape embryo and torpedo-shape embryo , they finally became the mature embryo .

  18. 结果表明,家蝇在不同发育阶段发育起点温度和有效积温不同,且不同发育阶段对两者的要求也不一致。

    The results showed that the developmental threshold temperature and effective accumulated temperature were different for different developmental stages , and the requirement for both were not identical for different developmental stages .

  19. 在休眠期,过氧化物酶同工酶不存在阶段发育的酶谱差异性;

    During the rest period , no difference in enzyme patterns between development stages was found whereas during the growing season number and activity of POX increased steadily as the development of grapevine advanced .

  20. 但由于芥菜的阶段发育对低温和长日照要求不严格,低温春化和长日照会互补,只要完成营养生长就可能抽薹开花,进而对商品性产生影响。

    However the development of mustard is not strict with the low temperature and long day , vernalization and long day will complement each other , as long as completed the vegetative growth , it will bolting and flowering .

  21. 着重介绍了果树童期的研究进展,分析了桃实生树阶段发育进程与转折点判断,讨论了果树童期研究中存在的问题。

    This paper mainly introduced the research progress of the juvenescent phase in fruit trees seedlings , analyzed the phase development process and distinguish of transition point , and discussed the question in study of juvenescent phase in the fruit trees .

  22. 笔者研究认识到湘东南及湘粤赣边区中生代不同构造阶段发育不同的代表性地质要素,并分别指示不同的构造环境。

    The authors have recognized that there were different representative geological elements at different Mesozoic tectonic stages in Southeastern Hunan and the border area among Hunan , Guangdong and Jiangxi provinces . The different geological elements suggest different tectonic environment settings .

  23. 确定了阶段发育有效积温参数和水分影响参数,建立了甜瓜幼苗生长发育动态模型,可系统地预测甜瓜幼苗发育阶段。

    Effective accumulated temperature parameters at different growing phases , and water water affecting parameter , are worked out . Dynamic developmental and growth model of musk melon is established so that development phases of muck melon seedling can be forecasted systematically .

  24. 结果:中华按蚊受气温、湿度、光线的影响,得到中华按蚊从蚊→幼虫→蛹→蚊各阶段发育所需时间及羽化率。

    Results : The required time and the rate of eclosion are obtained in different period of the rate of eclosion are obtained in different period of development from anopheles sinensis → eggs → larvas → pupas → anopheles sinensis affected by temperature , moisture and light .

  25. 结果CHL系肝脏血窦于胚胎阶段的发育障碍所致。

    Results CHL was caused by the arrested development of hepatic sinusoids at the embryonic stage .

  26. 葡萄糖对胚胎8-16细胞期及以后阶段的发育具有十分重要的作用,而此时OEC的作用则不明显;

    But glucose is essential for the embryos in late phase development ( 8 or 16 cell , morula , blastocysts ) . It is found that OEC is not as efficient in late phase as it does in early phase .

  27. 他解剖它的胚胎,记下了它的胚胎时期每一阶段的发育情况。

    He dissected their embryos and documented every stage of their embryonic life .

  28. 实际上还存在一种与现代地质环境和区域应力状态基本保持一致的最近构造阶段新发育的断裂带,即新生断裂带。

    However there are also newly-generated seismotectonic zones in the recent tectonic stage .

  29. 在湖盆不同演化阶段,发育的层序类型也有所不同。

    The sequence features are varied in different evolution stages of a basin .

  30. 不同年龄阶段婴幼儿发育性髋脱位的超声应用

    Ultrasonographic Application on Developmental Dislocation of the Hip in Infants of Different Age