
jiē xià qiú
  • prisoner;captive
阶下囚 [jiē xià qiú]
  • [prisoner] 旧指在公堂台阶下受审的犯人;泛指在押的囚犯或俘虏

阶下囚[jiē xià qiú]
  1. 我的女儿在她自己的王国里成了阶下囚

    My daughter is a prisoner in her own kingdom .

  2. 当成为阶下囚时,涂鸦是打发时间的好办法,不信的话去看看拘留室的桌子吧。

    When people are locked up for long periods , graffiti can be a tempting way to pass the time . Just check out the desks in detention room .

  3. 许多人探求这场大规模的反抗的根源,由于警察部门过分的对待一个没有就业前景的年轻人导致的反抗迫使他从当政者变为了阶下囚。

    Many trace the origins of the popular rebellion that forced him from office to frustration over the treatment by the police of a young man with few job prospects .