
  • 网络Culture of peace;Peace Culture
  1. 他被授职驻华总代理。区域和平文化教授职位

    The newspaper posted him in Timbuktu . regional Culture of Peace Chair

  2. 和平文化宣言和行动纲领

    Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace

  3. 论和平文化研究的创新和发展

    On the Innovation and the Development of Peace Culture Research

  4. 城市与教育促进和平文化国际大会

    International Congress " Cities and Education for a Culture of Peace "

  5. 儒家思想中有丰富的和平文化资源。

    Confucianism contains abundant cultural resources in its peace doctrine .

  6. 论芷江和平文化主题式旅游开发

    On Thematic Tourism Exploitation of Peaceful Culture in Zhijiang

  7. 国际和平文化与施政会议

    International Conference on the Culture of Peace and Governance

  8. 中美洲和平文化军事论坛

    Central American Military Forum for a Culture of Peace

  9. 学校和平文化和非暴力区域局项目

    Interregional Project for a Culture of Peace and Non - Violence in Schools

  10. 宗教对和平文化的贡献

    Contribution by Religion to the Culture of Peace

  11. 历史与和平文化会议

    Conference on History and a Culture of Peace

  12. 妇女对和平文化的贡献高级别协商

    High Level Consultation on " Women 's Contribution to the Culture of Peace "

  13. 和平文化是中国传统文化的核心价值取向。

    Peace culture is the core value of the orientation of Chinese traditional culture .

  14. 关于宗教在促进和平文化中的作用的宣言;

    Declaration on the role of religion in the promotion of a culture of peace ;

  15. 论中国和平文化的国际意义

    On International Meaning of Chinese Peaceful Culture

  16. 教育是促进和平文化与建设宽容社会的最好途径。

    Education is the best way to foster a culture of peace and build inclusive societies .

  17. 区域和平文化教授职位

    Regional Culture of Peace Chair

  18. 广岛和平文化基金会

    Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation

  19. 让我们在未来的100天内共同学习,为创造一种普遍的和平文化而努力。

    Over the next 100 days , let us resolve to learn together how to create a universal culture of peace .

  20. 这种以仁、礼为核心内容的和平文化在芷江受降中得到充分体现。

    The traditional peace culture & KindheartednessandCourtesy , is the nucleus content that was full of incarnate in the Zhijiang accepting a surrender .

  21. 对手的文化演变,是武术对暴力的文明化的反映,其文化力源于中国的和平文化。

    Cultural evolution of opponents was a mirror of Wushu civilization to violence , its cultural force originated from the Chinese peace culture .

  22. 无论是社区、家庭还是个人,在战胜暴力和创建和平文化方面都可扮演举足轻重的角色。

    Communities , families , and individuals all have a critical role to play in defeating violence and creating a culture of peace .

  23. 这也是教科文组织最近一个项目的宗旨:在黎巴嫩的黎波里青年男女中倡导和平文化。

    This was the objective of a recent UNESCO project to promote a culture peace among young women and men living in Tripoli , Lebanon .

  24. 训练有素并得到合理报酬的教师,更能提供良好的教育,更有可能成为公民、和平和文化间对话等价值观的积极宣扬者。

    Teachers who are well-trained and adequately remunerated are better equipped to provide a decent education and be active promoters of the values of citizenship , peace and intercultural dialogue .

  25. 和平崛起的文化历史解读

    Culture A Cultural and Historical Interpretation of China 's Peaceful Rise

  26. 和平跨居文化生态模式在中国与大陆东南亚交汇的边缘地区真实地存在。

    The mode of " peaceful transnational residence " does exist there .

  27. 应积极促进所有文明之间的和平与对话文化。

    A culture of peace and dialogue among all civilizations should be actively promoted .

  28. 中国古代兵家和平思想的文化根源探析

    An Investigation into the Cultural Root of Ancient Chinese Militarists ' Thoughts on Peace

  29. 在今天,由于中原文化与台湾文化血脉相连,它依然是联结海峡两岸同胞的情感纽带和促进两岸和平统一的文化纽带。

    Today , it is the cultural and emotional tie between main land and Taiwan for its relation to Taiwan culture .

  30. 中日关系的发展演变中既有表现友好和平的经济文化交流合作,又有隐藏在背后的政治安全矛盾。

    The development of Sino-Japanese relations shows friendly peace of economic and cultural exchange , as well as political secure contradiction which conceals behind .