
  1. Cranberries9蔓越莓蔓越莓特别有营养,富含维C、锰、维E、维生素K1和铜。

    Cranberries have an excellent nutrition profile , being rich in vitamin C , manganese , vitamin E , vitamin K1 and copper10 .

  2. 该纤维对金的吸附容量为99.1mg/g干纤维,对钯和铜也有较好的吸附性能。

    The adsorption capacity for gold is 99.1mg/g dry fiber .

  3. 锌和铜在生长抑素对链佐霉素引起的胰岛B细胞损伤的保护中的作用

    Effects of zinc and copper on the protection of somatostatin against islet B cell damage induced by streptozotocin

  4. 利用x射线衍射法对铜锌和铜锌铝系低压合成甲醇催化剂还原态的结晶铜和氧化锌晶格畸变进行测定。

    The crystal copper and distorted zinc oxide lattice of reduced low-pressure synthetic catalyst of methanol are studied with XRD .

  5. P(VDF-TrFE)和铜酞菁齐聚物的接枝与表征

    Synthesis and Characterization of P ( VDF-TrFE ) with Partially Grafted Copper Phthalocyanine Oligomer

  6. VA菌根菌丝对土壤磷和铜的吸收及其相关性

    Phosphorus and copper uptake by VA mycorrhizal hyphae from soil and their relationship

  7. 为了验证场发射阴极X射线源的可行性,实验上以碳纳米材料为阴极,测得了其场发射电流曲线和铜靶的Kα谱线,表明完全可以采用碳纳米管制造微型X光源。

    The field emission of CNTs was measured and Cu ' Ka spectrum was detected . Those implied that practical miniature X-ray source could be accomplished .

  8. 2046MeV/u~(12)C离子和铜的相互作用中靶余核的研究Ⅰ.靶余核的产额及其分布

    Study on the target residues from the interaction of copper with 20 - 46 mev / u ~ ( 12 ) c ions ⅰ . yields and distributions of the target residues

  9. 本文还证实了线性超应力模型可以予测实验条件下等应变区的存在,给出了铝和铜的速率灵敏系数K的建议值,讨论了铝的K值的普适性等问题。

    The numerical values of the rate-sensitivity parameters K for aluminum and copper are proposed . The essence of general applicability of parameter K is considered for aluminum .

  10. 在44MeV/A的~(12)C离子和铜的相互作用中,用核化学技术测定了35个靶余核的截面以及前向平均射程。

    Cross sections and average forward ranges were determined for 35 target residues from the interaction of copper with 44 MeV / A ~ ( 12 ) C ions with nuclear chemistry techniques .

  11. 铜和铜合金处理液中氯离子浓度的快速测定Thomas液。

    Rapid Determination of Chloride lon Concentration in Copper and Its Alloy Surface Treatment Solutions Thomas solution during orthotopic heart transplantation .

  12. 用扫描电镜、能谱仪、X射线衍射、硬度测量等方法,研究了铜钇和铜硅钇合金的组织与性能。

    The effect of yttrium on the microstructure and mechanical properties of copper and Cu-Si alloys was investigated by electron microscopic analysis , energy dispersive X-ray analysis , X - ray diffraction and hardness measurement .

  13. 每组15例,在手术前、术后1、3、5、7d抽取血样,测定红细胞中丙二醛(MDA)和铜-锌-超氧化物歧化酶(Cu-Zn-SOD)的含量。

    Blood samples were taken for biochemical determination of MDA and Cu-Zn-SOD before and after the operation at 1,3,5 and 7 days .

  14. 鳄梨是全世界公认的最健康的水果,它营养丰富,含有维他命K,食物纤维,钾,叶酸,维他命B6,维他命C和铜。

    Avocado is considered the world 's healthiest fruit , because of its nutrient contents such as vitamin K , dietary fiber , potassium , folic acid , vitamin B6 , vitamin C and copper .

  15. 在高温等特殊条件下或有钯、铂、镍和铜等催化剂存在的条件下,零价金属能有效促进PCBs还原脱氯。

    Zero-valent metal can effectively promote the reductive dechlorination of PCBs under high temperature or the existence of Pd , Pt , Ni and Cu as catalyzers .

  16. 研究了溴酚蓝(BPB)·亚甲蓝(MB)等色染料离子对萃取光度测定银、汞和铜的方法。

    The extractive spectrophotometric determination of silver , mercury and copper with isochromatic dye ion-pairs formed by bromophenol blue and methylene blue is described .

  17. 由于铜在CdS层中的梯度变化和铜在结区扩散的宽度,认为CuxS-CdS是一个缓变结,衰降的CuxS-CdS太阳电池有较宽的铜扩散区。

    Our experiment and analysis prove that Cu_xS-CdS heterojunction is a gradual junction , decreasing Cu_xS-SdS solar cells have a wider copper diffusion region , it is because of copper degraded change in CdS layer and its diffusion region .

  18. 观察指标为肝组织丙二醛(MDA)和铜/锌超氧化物歧化酶(Cu/ZnSOD)含量,血ALT和AST活性及肝组织光镜和电镜观察。

    Experimental parameters included malonaldehyde ( MDA ) and Cu / Zn superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) contents in liver tissue , ALT and AST activities in the serum and morphological changes of liver tissue .

  19. 1,5-二(2-羟基-5-氯苯)-3-氰基甲僭(HCPCF)分光光度法同时测定人发中的微量锌和铜

    Photometric Simultaneous Determination of Trace Zinc and Copper in Human Hair with HCPCF

  20. 用金刚石车削技术制备EOS实验用铝薄膜和铜薄膜根据此模型,对金刚石车削过程中的摩擦问题进行了仿真研究。

    Fabrication process of aluminum film and copper film used in EOS experiment by diamond turning technology According to this model , the frictional problems in diamond turning are simulated .

  21. 经碘伏消毒液浸泡72h,对不锈钢基本无腐蚀,对铝中度腐蚀,对碳钢和铜有重度腐蚀。

    Immersion in iodophor disinfection solution for 72 h caused no corrosion of stainless steel , moderate corrosion of aluminum and heavy corrosion of carbon steel and copper .

  22. 研究了新型抑制剂DPS对铜钼人工混合矿和铜钼混合精矿的分选性能,并探讨了它对黄铜矿的抑制与矿浆电位的关系。

    The behaviour of DPS in separation of Cu Mo mixture and mixed Cu Mo concentrate was investigated , and the relations of DPS with chalcopyrite depression and pulp potential were discussed .

  23. 对瘤胃液的pH、VFA和铜浓度以及青干草ADF的瘤胃降解率都有影响,对青干草NDF的瘤胃降解率没有影响(P>0.05)。

    Copper Supplementation significantly affected rumen fluid pH value and VFA and Cu concentrations and ADF degradability of hay in rumen ( . P < . 05 ), but had no influence on NDF degradability of hay in rumen ( P > 0.05 ) .

  24. 使用YC-111起泡剂,可以提高粗选段铜品位和铜回收率。该起泡剂已成功应用于德兴铜矿。

    The results showed that the content of copper and the recovery of copper in copper rougher concentrate are increased respectively with YC-111 .

  25. 北京市售茶叶中的铅和铜含量水平分析

    Pb and Cu Levels in Samples of Tea Marketed in Beijing

  26. 低血清锌和铜的检出率为15-20%。

    Incidence of low serum zinc or copper was 15-200 % .

  27. 交替注入流动注射分光光度法同时测定铁和铜

    Simultaneous Determination of Iron and Copper by Alternating Injection Flow Injection Spectrophotometry

  28. 金川镍矿中镍和铜的浸出性能研究

    Study on leaching behaviour of nickel and copper in Jinchuan nickel ore

  29. 激光诱导等离子体中铜原子和铜离子的时空行为

    Spatial and Temporal Behaviors of Copper Atoms and Ions in Laser-induced Plasma

  30. 高含沙紊动系统中影响泥沙和铜垂向分布的关键因素分析

    Controlling factors on sediment-copper vertical distribution in hyper-concentrated turbulent system