
  • 网络Peace Foundation;the Fund for Peace
  1. 本文作者为美国卡内基国际和平基金会(CarnegieEndowment)高级研究员,曾任世界银行(worldbank)中国业务局局长

    The writer is a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment and a former World Bank director for China

  2. 作者是华盛顿卡内基国际和平基金会(CarnegieEndowmentforInternationalPeace)中国项目主管

    The writer is the director of the China Programme at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington

  3. 她以泰格拉•洛鲁佩和平基金会(TeglaLoroupePeaceFoundation)的名义,在敌对部落之间组织和平赛跑,努力用调解而非武器解决冲突。

    Under the banner of the Tegla Loroupe Peace Foundation , she has organized peace races among tribal rivals , trying to resolve conflicts with conciliation instead of weapons .

  4. 卡内基国际和平基金会(CarnegieEndowmentforInternationalPeace)召集了一群最聪明的学者,一起讨论中国的问题。这家美国智库正大张旗鼓地建立全球影响力。

    The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace , a US think tank that has been spreading its wings to build a global presence , had assembled a group of its smartest scholars to talk about China .

  5. 华盛顿卡内基和平基金会高级研究员、北京大学金融教授迈克尔·佩蒂斯(MichaelPettis)表示,上述数据引发有关中国经济能否持续增长的争论。

    Michael Pettis , an associate for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and a finance professor at Peking University , says that the figures fuel debate over the country 's economic strength .

  6. 卡利姆•萨迪加布(KarimSadjadpour)是卡内基国际和平基金会的伊朗问题专家,他说,本届政府柔软的外交政策巩固了跨大西洋联盟,从而为对伊朗实施更严厉的制裁创造了条件。

    The administration 's softer touch , says Karim Sadjadpour , an Iran expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace , has solidified the transatlantic alliance , allowing for tougher sanctions .

  7. 但是来卡内基国际和平基金会的DipaliMukhopadhyay进行了反驳,该智库的这位成员表示:尽管这些军阀非常滥,但其中还是有一些人证明了自己的成功;

    But although several of these warlords are awful , some have proved quite successful , argues Dipali Mukhopadhyay of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace , a think-tank .

  8. 核武扩散相关新闻和资料,卡内基国际和平基金会。

    Proliferation News and Resources . Carnegie Endowment for International Peace .

  9. 很高兴有机会参加卡内基国际和平基金会举办的国际防扩散会议。

    It gives me great pleasure to attend this international non-proliferation conference hosted by Carnegie Endowment for International Peace .

  10. 他是在克钦邦‘和平基金会’创办人,军政府和克钦独立组织和平中间人。、此人准备参加大选竞争。

    He is a founder of the Nyein Foundation in Kachin State and a peace broker between the Burmese regime and KIO .

  11. 丁学良:香港科技大学教授,卡内基国际和平基金会高级研究员,国立澳大利亚大学亚太研究院通讯研究员。

    DING Xueliang : professor of Hong Kong technical university , senior researcher of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace , and researcher of Australian National University Asia-Pacific Institute .

  12. “非洲或者亚洲的编辑或许不会像五角大楼那样难以忍受这些偏见。”裴敏欣,卡内基国际和平基金会的一个高级研究员说道。

    An African or Asian newspaper editor might find the bias less annoying than the Pentagon does , says Minxin Pei , a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace .

  13. 此后,她受邀在美国著名智库做研究工作,其中包括卡特中心、卡耐基国际和平基金会及布鲁金斯学会等等。

    She was also invited to do research work by a number of distinguished American institutions including the Carter Center , the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace , and the Brookings Institution .

  14. 黄育川是总部设在华盛顿的卡内基国际和平基金会的经济学家和中国问题专家。他认为,过去这些年来,华盛顿的腔调并没有帮助缓和美中双边关系。

    Yukon Huang , an economist and China expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington , says the tone from Washington over the years has not helped ease bilateral irritants .

  15. 卡内基国际和平基金会位于贝鲁特的资深研究员艾姆尔-哈姆扎维说,所有迹象显示,伊朗和美国已经放弃他们以前的立场,并准备展开建设性的会谈:

    Amr Hamzawi , Beirut-based Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace , says that everything indicates that both Iran and the United States have " abandoned their old positions " and are getting ready for constructive talks :

  16. 就像咨询机构&卡内基国际和平基金会的伊斯坎德尔-拉赫曼在最近报道中观察到的,印巴核竞争已经从尘土飞扬的旁遮普邦及拉贾斯坦邦草原上转移到了世界最拥挤的海上航道上。

    As Iskander Rehman of the Carnegie Endowment , a think-tank , observes in a recent paper , Indo-Pakistani nuclear rivalry is drifting from the dusty plains of the Punjab and Rajasthan into the world 's most congested shipping lanes .

  17. 世界发展与和平卫生基金会

    World Health Foundation for the Development of Peace

  18. 国际和平儿童基金会

    International Peace Child Foundation

  19. 广岛和平文化基金会

    Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation

  20. 日本世界和平与环境基金会

    Foundation for Global Peace and Environment of Japan

  21. 黑森州和平与冲突研究基金会;

    Hessian foundation for research on peace and conflicts ;

  22. 目前美国主要是通过支助国际信息项目、国际文化项目、和平队、各类基金会和思想库、民意调查和大众媒体等方式来开展其公共外交活动。

    At the present time , the United States mostly develops its public diplomacy through international information item , and international culture item , and peace corps , and various foundations and think tanks , and public opinion survey , and mass media .

  23. 这位慈善家在海牙捐助建立了和平宫,资助建立了卡耐基国际和平基金会。

    The philanthropist built a Peace Palace in The Hague , and funded the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace .