
  • 网络lowland forest
  1. 美洲热带地区低地森林的一种附生蕨类。

    Epiphytic fern found in lowland forests of tropical America .

  2. 中美低地森林树种,坚硬的轻质木材;用作船和筏以及手工艺品的制作。

    Forest tree of lowland Central America having a strong very light wood ; used for making floats and rafts and in crafts .

  3. 虽然部分的低地森林的这些地区,一些被称为生活在的雪线以上在北部安迪斯山脉。

    Though partial to the lowland forests of these regions , some are known to live above the snow line in the northern Andes .

  4. 最近的新闻报导中提到的一个受威胁的地区是白朗,这是东南亚最大的低地常绿森林。

    One threatened area in the news recently was Prey Lang , the largest lowland evergreen forest in the region .