
shǒu bèi
  • fielding;garrison;be on garrison duty;perform garrison duty;title of military officer in Ming and Qing dynasties
守备 [shǒu bèi]
  • (1) [perform garrison duty]∶守御戒备

  • 加强守备

  • (2) [fitle of military officer in Ming and Qing dynasties]∶明清时代武职官员名

守备[shǒu bèi]
  1. 军队来援救被围的守备军。

    The troops came to the relief of the besieged garrison .

  2. 东山战斗守备一等功臣连

    Garrison Company Which Won the First Class Merit Citation in Dongshan Battle

  3. 卫戍部队有半数在执行守备任务。

    Half the garrison is / are on duty .

  4. 领队把下一场比赛做一些守备位置的变动。

    The manager made some positional changes for the next game .

  5. 将在星期二重回中间手守备。

    The center fielder will be back in the lineup on tuesday .

  6. 未守备的大门;他的没有保护的女王暴露于攻击中。

    An unguarded gate ; his unguarded queen was open to attack .

  7. 那在一垒守备呢?恐怕又是另外一回事。

    Playing first base , though , is another story .

  8. 因为一个守备比赛的出局(不是三击未中而出局)。

    An out resulting from a fielding play ( not a strikeout ) .

  9. 都城守备队不是听你差遣的么。史林特大人。

    You command the City Watch , do you not , Lord Slynt .

  10. 三个守备师必须完成守卫仓库的任务。

    A. three garrison divisions were necessary to perform the task of guarding warehouses .

  11. 重装长刀民兵是比普通长刀兵更优秀的英国守备部队。

    Heavy Bill Militia are superior English garrison troops compared to standard Bill Militia .

  12. 他刚刚从守备深严的牢笼里逃出来。

    He just escaped from a maximum prison .

  13. 当他们睡觉时我守备着。

    I kept watch while they slept .

  14. 他叫波隆是新任都城守备队队长

    His name is Bronn and he is the new commander of the City Watch .

  15. 小卡今天同样有两场好比赛,打击上和守备上。

    Melky Cabrera also had two good games today , on offense and in the field .

  16. 在建筑物外面守备的警察

    Policemen keeping guard outside the building

  17. 入口守备很森严,我们必须想办法进去。

    Now , the entrance is heavily guarded . We need a way to get inside .

  18. 球员们在守备的位置。

    The players were in position .

  19. 杰诺斯·史林特大人是都城守备队的队长你没有权力驱逐他

    Lord Janos Slynt was commander of the City Watch . You had no right to exile him .

  20. 因为王建民快速而有效率的投球,在他身后的野手有很多守备机会。

    Because Wang works quickly and efficiently , fielders stay alert behind him and often make sharp plays .

  21. 他第八局上半上场守备但是下半场就没上场打击了。

    He played the field in the top of the eighth inning but came out for the bottom half .

  22. 这种想法对投手来说特别危险,因为投手比起其他守备位置球员,是有较高健康危险性的。

    Such thinking is particularly dangerous with pitchers because of the greater health risk when compared to position players .

  23. 故事还说,他逃跑后聚集了一支军队,将留守在印度的希腊守备队赶出了印度。

    The story continues that Chandragupta escaped and mustered an army which drove the remaining Greek garrisons out of India .

  24. 如果它的城垣低,战壕浅,守备弱,就能攻下来了。

    If the wall is low , the moats shallow , and the defenses weak then it can be taken .

  25. 一切敌人守备强固的据点和城市,则等候条件成熟时然后夺取之。

    As for strongly defended enemy fortified points and cities , wait till conditions are ripe and then take them .

  26. 警方守备在楼座四周,以防止现场密切关注辩论和投票过程的示威者中断进程。

    Police are posted throughout the gallery to prevent disruptions as demonstrators on site closely watch the debate and vote .

  27. 例如,电影里说守备部队的嫌疑人之一大卫。菲瑞承认在密谋中协助。

    For instance , the movie depicts David Ferrie , one of Garrison 's suspects , confessing to assisting in the conspiracy .

  28. 嗯令人厌恶的事情但必须完成对当然都城守备队必须维持治安

    Mm , nasty business . Had to be done . Yes , of course . The City Watch must keep the peace ,

  29. 钩镰民兵们手持锋利钩镰,部分幸运者尚可配备盔甲,编练成军以守备城邑。

    Bill Militia are commoners handed a billhook and if lucky some armour , then formed into a unit to defend a settlement .

  30. 这个地区是敌人的右翼,就在湖的后面,那里的德国人守备在地雷包围着的经过加强的防御工事中。

    This area was on the adversary 's right flank , behind the lake , where their units held fortified strongholds surrounded by minefields .