
hé lǐ
  • reasonable;rational;equitable;justice;moderation;fair,equitable
合理 [hé lǐ]
  • [rational;reasonable;fair,equitable] 合乎道理或事理

  • 合理的估价

合理[hé lǐ]
  1. 对他的所作所为无法作出合理的解释。

    There is no rational explanation for his actions .

  2. 如果把所有的元音列在前面,字母表可能会更为合理一些。

    The alphabet might be more rational if all the vowels came first

  3. 在部门的合理化改革中,有二十名工人失业。

    Twenty workers lost their jobs when the department was rationalized .

  4. 两组结果之间有着合理的一致。

    There is reasonable concordance between the two sets of results .

  5. 公共开支必须控制在合理的范围内。

    Public spending must be kept within reasonable bounds .

  6. 这个系统不但切合实际,从生态学观点来看也是合理的。

    The system is both practical and ecologically sound .

  7. 我向他们提出一个合理建议,但是他们断然拒绝了。

    I made them a reasonable offer but they turned it down flat .

  8. 唯一合理的解释就是他忘掉了。

    The only plausible explanation is that he forgot .

  9. 你必须采取一切合理的预防措施,保护自己和家人。

    You must take all reasonable precautions to protect yourself and your family .

  10. 我们的宗旨是质量上乘、价格合理。

    We aim to provide quality at reasonable prices .

  11. 进一步加税就是不合理。

    It would be inexpedient to raise taxes further .

  12. 谁能否认他们的追求是合理的呢?

    Who can deny the justice of their cause ?

  13. 他给了我一些非常合理的忠告。

    He gave me some very sound advice .

  14. 他们的收费还算合理。

    The fees they charge are not unreasonable .

  15. 她饮食不合理。

    She doesn 't eat sensibly .

  16. 要补充说明以下情况才合理,即他们是最后一刻才获知这个问题。

    It 's only fair to add that they were not told about the problem until the last minute .

  17. 小镇已经安装了合理的污水处理系统。

    The town has already put in a proper sewerage system .

  18. 这些商品定价合理,很是划算。

    The merchandise is reasonably priced and offers exceptionally good value .

  19. 据合理猜测,他的个人财产有12.5亿美元。

    An informed guess at his personal wealth was $ 1.25 billion

  20. 他们都是受过训练的营养学家,能够在饮食方面提出合理的建议。

    They are trained nutritionists who can give sound advice on diets

  21. 他认可双方观点中的合理之处。

    He recognized the valid points that both sides were making .

  22. 这些问题很多可以通过合理安排尽可能避免。

    Many of these problems can be minimised by sensible planning .

  23. 我认为,这个决定完全合理。

    In my opinion , the decision was wholly justified .

  24. 我们欢迎为维持业务稳定而提出的所有合理建议。

    We would view favourably any sensible suggestion for maintaining the business .

  25. 1/4的消费者认为现在的水费很不合理。

    One in four consumers now say water prices are very unreasonable .

  26. 我们经常忘记该合理地使用我们的身体。

    We often neglect to make proper use of our bodies

  27. 你可以通过合理计划来提高盈利的机会。

    You can improve your chances of profit by sensible planning

  28. 那时他的所作所为似乎很合理。

    At the time , what he 'd done had seemed reasonable .

  29. 大多数医生似乎都接受顺势疗法是一种合理的医疗手段。

    Most doctors appear to recognize homeopathy as a legitimate form of medicine

  30. 该项目的开支是否真的合理还未可知。

    It is questionable whether the expenditure on this project is really justified