
  • 网络Cooperation Plan;SPP;CERP
  1. 所有通过学生合作计划(SPP)申请前来加拿大的学生必须遵守与其它临时访问者或学生相同的筛选要求。

    All students who come to Canada through the SPP must adhere to the same screening requirements as any visitor or student .

  2. 在与其他对开放科学持谨慎或者不熟悉的人接触时,他们必须确定是否会有危及工作机会或者合作计划的风险。

    They must determine the risk of jeopardizing a job offer or a collaboration proposal from those who are wary of-or unfamiliar with - open science .

  3. Google图书馆合作计划的背景、目的与分析

    Google 's Library Plan and Its Background , Purpose and Analysis

  4. 同时谷歌还存在反垄断的顾虑:2008年,美国司法部(DepartmentofJustice)便否决了谷歌与雅虎的搜索业务合作计划。

    Then there are the antitrust concerns : the Department of justice shot down the 2008 search partnership Google wanted to arrange with Yahoo .

  5. 根据这项中英生物医药产业双向合作计划(ProjectDynasty),一家总部设在英国、由私人股本资助的临床研究机构将利用英国专家资源,在英国研发药物并开始试验。

    Under the Sino-British plan , project Dynasty , a UK-based clinical research organisation with private equity backing would tap British specialists to develop and begin testing medicines in the UK .

  6. 由于可能面临反垄断诉讼,谷歌(google)已放弃与雅虎(yahoo)的搜索引擎广告合作计划。

    Google has abandoned its search advertising partnership with Yahoo in the face of an antitrust lawsuit aimed at blocking the deal .

  7. 研究显示,每投入6000英镑到面向少女妈妈的家庭护理合作计划(familynursepartnerships),日后就会在失业与教育失败方面节省1.75万英镑。

    Research suggests every 6000 invested in family nurse partnerships , a programme for teenage mothers , saves 17500 in unemployment and educational failure later .

  8. 基于多层次模糊综合评价的CPFR合作计划研究

    Research of CPFR cooperate plan using Multi-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation

  9. 本文介绍了GooglePrint图书馆合作计划的主要内容,分析了其给图书馆带来的积极影响和挑战,最后提出了图书馆的对策。

    The paper introduces the main contents of Google Print Library Project , analyses the positive impact and challenges it has brought to library , finally the countermeasures are proposed .

  10. 在学生合作计划(SPP)推广后这一数字有望继续增长。

    That number is expected to grow thanks to the expansion of the Student Partners Program ( SPP ) .

  11. 一项政府间合作计划正在法国建造一个190亿美元的核聚变反应堆ITER。

    An intergovernmental partnership is building a $ 19bn fusion reactor , ITER , in France .

  12. 即便是盖特纳(timgeithner)的公私合作计划,也无法以足够快的速度和足够大的幅度,扭转预期中的资本充足率恶化状况。

    Even the Geithner public-private partnership plan is not going to reverse the expected deterioration of capital ratios at sufficient speed and on sufficient scale .

  13. 新的供应链协作倡议包括了合作计划,预测与补给(CPFR)。

    A younger supply chain initiative is Collaboration Planning , Forecasting and Replenishment ( CPFR ) .

  14. 谷歌Cast技术的研发目的本来是将视频发送到电视上,但该公司本周宣布了几项合作计划,将其扩展至音乐,与苹果(Apple)的Airplay技术展开竞争。

    Google 's Cast technology was developed to stream video to TVs , but the company announced partnerships this week to extend it to music , rivalling Apple 's Airplay technology .

  15. 合作计划定于周三上午在北京正式公布。而Cessna早在今年夏季就已表示要在中国制造飞机。

    The deal is scheduled to be announced this morning in China at a news conference in Beijing .

  16. 这一合作计划得到了英国政府的支持,并于周二正式公布。帝国学院院长基斯•奥尼恩斯爵士(SirKeithO’Nions)以及华为企业业务(EnterpriseBusinessGroup)首席执行官徐文伟(WilliamXu)签署了合作谅解备忘录。

    The venture , which has UK government backing , was formally announced on Tuesday with the signing of a memorandum of understanding by Sir Keith O'Nions , president of Imperial College , and William Xu , chief executive of Huawei 's Enterprise Business Group .

  17. 本周我将会在伦敦和英国首相戴维?卡梅伦(DavidCameron)一起开始回答这个问题,并宣布美国与英国一系列新的合作计划,这些计划旨在为全世界发展中国家的少女提供教育机会。

    This week I will join Prime Minister David Cameron in London to begin to answer that question , and announce a series of new partnerships between the US and the UK to educate adolescent girls in developing countries around the world .

  18. 近几个月西尔斯控股公司(SearsHoldingCorporation)扩大了允许竞争对手销售其最传奇品牌的合作计划,似乎是承认了在西尔斯购物的吸引力还是和根管治疗差不多。

    In what seems an admission that the Sears shopping experience continues to have about as much appeal as getting a root canal , Sears holding corporation has moved to expand partnerships over the last few months that allow competitors to sell its most storied brands .

  19. Tango联合创始人埃里克•塞顿(EricSetton)表示,两家公司还没有具体的战略合作计划,但他补充称:“我觉得双方可以一起做很多事情。”

    Tango 's co-founder Eric Setton said the two have no concrete plans for strategic co-operation , but added : " I imagine and I hope that there will be a number of initiatives that we can launch together . "

  20. 莫斯科&正在协助一家俄罗斯国有能源企业进行北冰洋石油和天然气勘探的埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil),上周末迈出了推进这一合作计划的关键一步。

    MOSCOW & Exxon Mobil , which is assisting a Russian state energy company in exploring the Arctic Ocean for oil and natural gas , took a pivotal step to further this project over the weekend .

  21. 中欧环境管理合作计划(EMCP)&推动中国清洁生产和环境管理发展

    Sino-EU Environmental Management Cooperation Programme ( EMCP ) & Helping to develop cleaner production and environmental management in China

  22. 1998年世界卫生组织、联合国儿童基金会、联合国开发计划署和世界银行联合发起遏制疟疾公私合作计划(RBM),目标是到2010年使全球疟疾减少一半。

    In1998 , WHO , UNICEF , UNDP and the World Bank jointly launched the public-private partnership for roll back malaria ( RBM ) in hope of reduce the global malaria be half up to the year of2010 .

  23. 上周三,科技网站AllThingsD透露,来自三家公司的高管们于上周二晚,在曼哈顿的一场晚宴上向“一些顶级的网络出版商和广告买家”介绍了合作计划。

    Allthingsd broke the news on Wednesday , reporting that executives from all three companies made a presentation to " a group of top web publishers and ad buyers " at a dinner in Manhattan on Tuesday night .

  24. 同时阐述了东亚海域环境管理区域合作计划(PEMSEA)与澳大利亚合作伙伴之间的关系在推动沿海城市的国际合作中将起到的作用。

    It also emphasizes the future role of partnership in environmental management for the seas of East Asia ( PEMSEA ) - Australia partnership in putting global cooperation of coastal cities into actions .

  25. 特恩布尔是迄今反对这宗交易的最资深的澳大利亚政界人士。他的介入出人意料,且在时机上适逢澳大利亚外国投资审查委员会(FIRB)对中铝与力拓合作计划的评估进入最后六周。

    The surprise intervention by Mr Turnbull , the most senior politician yet in Australia to oppose the deal , comes as the country 's Foreign Investment Review Board enters the final six weeks of its assessment period on the tie-up between the Chinese metals company and Rio .

  26. 重整计划。基于协商的上下游供需合作计划模型研究

    Research on Up-Down Stream Collaboration Planning Model Based on Bargaining Game

  27. 这是这两个组织的一项合作计划。

    This is a joint project of the two organizations .

  28. 非洲改良高粱和黍谷合作计划

    African Cooperative Programme for the Improvement of Sorghums and Millets

  29. 论北美自由贸易区新环境合作计划

    The New Plan for Environmental Cooperation in NAFTA

  30. 预计在2011年云计算产业会有更多合作计划被宣布,不过其中大多数合作计划均会以政府支持为背景。

    ' 'Expect more announcements in2011 , mostly driven by government projects . ' '