
  • 网络point;Chalaza;Rendezvous
  1. 良定叠合点问题

    Well-posed coincident point problems

  2. 首先我们证明了一个选子定理,然后给出一些新的随机对合点和随机不动点定理。

    First , we prove a selector theorem , then present some new random coincidence point and random fixed point theorems for multifunctions without Compactness conditions .

  3. 结果显示,磷酸化酶mRNA在柱头、花柱、子房壁以及维管束中大量表达,而胚珠中除合点部位外表达很弱。

    Phosphorylase mRNA was substantially expressed in the stigma , style , ovary wall and vascular bundle , but weakly in ovular tissues except chalazal portion .

  4. 据领导此项研究的科学家说,抗体的键合点(V1/V2区)代表一个合适的HIV疫苗靶点。

    The antibody binding site , called the V1 / V2 region , represents a suitable HIV vaccine target , according to the scientists who conducted the study .

  5. 键合点根部损伤是Al丝超声键合工艺中最常见的问题,严重的根部损伤不仅使焊点的键合强度降低,甚至会使键合点失效。

    Bond heel cracks are one of the most common problems in Al wire ultrasonic bonding process . Bad bond heel cracks impair bond strength , even lead to the failure in bond .

  6. 不同状态的Si-Al丝对键合点根部损伤的影响

    Effect of Different Si-Al Wires on Bond Heel Cracks

  7. 表面特性对PBGA软金丝键合点可焊性的影响

    Effects of Surface Characteristics on the Bond ability of PBGA Soft Gold Wire Bond Pads

  8. IMC的生长速度随着老化时间的延长而不断下降,IMC层不断横向及纵向生长并延伸至键合点中心位置。

    The IMC grow rate decreases with the increase of the aging time . The IMCs develop laterally and vertically to the bond centre area .

  9. 随着IMC层的生长孔洞向键合点中心扩展。

    With the growth of the IMCs , the cavities start from the ball periphery and grow inward to the bond centre and keep growing to form the cracks as a result .

  10. 小麦(Triticumaestivum)受精前成熟胚囊,除胚囊中央细胞的合点端细胞质中有酸性磷酸酶外,其余部位均未发现酸性磷酸酶。

    No acid phosphatase activity was observed in the mature embryo sac of wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) except the chalazal cytoplasm of the central cell before fertilization .

  11. 开花后1~8h,卵细胞合点端无壁,其质膜和中央细胞质膜之间有较宽间隙,两质膜均有间断处。

    After 1  ̄ 8 h of anthesis , the egg cell has no wall at its chalazal end and a space is present between the plasma membranes of the egg cell and central cell which are discontinuous .

  12. 合点细胞主要以质外体和共质体并存的方式运输养分,开花后24d以共质体运输方式为主。

    The transport of photoassimilates in chalazal cells was by coexistence of symplastic and apoplastic pathways . The symplastic pathway was the main transporting way after 24 d of flowering .

  13. 平邑甜茶的无性胚囊原始细胞始于盛花期前后靠近合点端的珠心细胞,并很快发育为单核无性胚囊,盛花后5~7d的坐果初期形成无性的八核胚囊。

    The aposporous initials , the nucellar cells in the chalazal end , developed during full blooming stage . Then it grew rapidly to unreduced embryo sac and formed 8-nuclei aposporous embryo sac , which happened 5 to 7 days after full bloom .

  14. Bessey认为种鳞不过是胚珠合点端增生的结果的独特结构说;

    Bessey thought that the seed scale of conifers is the combined outgrowths of an ovule from its chalazal end , which is a sui generis structure thereafter .

  15. 用图像识别的方法检测集成电路的键合点

    Methods for inspection of IC pads and bonds using image recognition

  16. 双键合点破坏性引线键合拉力试验的测量误差分析

    Analysis of Error in Measurement During Destructive Double Bond Pull Test

  17. 核型胚乳,合点端具胚乳吸器。

    Endosperm formation is nuclear type and the endosperm forms chalazal haustorium .

  18. 珠孔端3个退化,合点端为功能大孢子。

    Generally , the chalazal megaspore functions while the remaining three degenerate .

  19. 木兰科种子内种皮合点区形态观察

    Observation on the Morphology of Seed Endotesta at Chalazal Region of Magnoliaceae

  20. 作者认为它们是起了合点端吸器的功能。

    Perhaps they played the function as chalazal end of the haustorium .

  21. 在功能大孢子靠近合点端一侧有吞噬结构,其内含有结构模糊的细胞器。

    Phagosomes with degenerated organelles are visible in functional megaspore at chalazal side .

  22. 超声引线键合点形态及界面金属学特征

    Study on the Configuration and the Interfacial Metallurgic Characteristics of Ultrasonic Wire Bonds

  23. 包含游离核的合点端胚乳部分形成几个裂片。

    The chalazal parts of the endosperm containing free nuclei forms several lobes .

  24. 初生合点吸器沿着胚珠的维管组织分支。

    The primary chalazal haustorium ramifies around the vascular tissues of the ovule .

  25. 月亮与太阳处在合点。

    The moon is in conjunction with the sun .

  26. 小麦颖果合点细胞超微结构与籽粒灌浆的关系

    Relationship Between the Ultrastructure of Chalazal Cells in Caryopsis and Grain Filling of Wheat

  27. 因为它是量子世界与引力世界的交合点。

    because that 's where the quantum world and the gravitational world come together .

  28. 这要归结为宇宙合点。

    Chalk it up to a cosmic conjunction .

  29. 合点端有明显的承珠盘结构。

    Chalaza end had characteristic hypostase structure .

  30. 运用化学腐蚀方法,全面考察键合点外观及接合部特征与键合参数之间的关系。

    Via the chemical etching method , the bond configuration and interface characteristics were observed .