
hòu shú zuò yònɡ
  • after-ripening
  1. 成熟种子必须置于水中保存,以增大胚体,并完成后熟作用。

    Mature seeds have to be preserved in water for further enlargement of the embryo and hastening its after-ripening processes .

  2. IAA对完成种子形态后熟有作用;

    IAA contributes to after-ripening of seed shape ;

  3. 田间试验、贮藏实验结合生理生化测定研究钙延缓红星苹果(cv,Starking)果实后熟衰老作用的机理。

    Field trial , storage experiment and physiological and biochemical determination were made to probe the mechanism of delaying maturation and senescence by calcium in apple fruit .

  4. 钙延缓苹果果实后熟衰老作用的机理

    Mechanism of Delaying Maturation and Senescence by Calcium in Apple Fruit

  5. 但果实后熟的作用不能完全替代茎叶对种子的影响,特别是在种子千粒重和贮藏性能方面;

    But after-ripening action of fruits could not completely replace effects of stem and leaves on seed development , especially to thousand-seed weight and function of seed storage .

  6. 而乙烯利处理后贮放2d或3d再用1-MCP处理已失去对果实后熟的抑制作用。

    The inhibition was ineffective when 1-MCP was applied at 2 or 3 days after Ethrel treatment .