
hòu jié ɡòu zhǔ yì
  • post-structuralism
  1. 在“后结构主义”中,主体通常被缩减为臣服(subjection)。

    In " post-structuralism ," the subject is usually reduced to subjection .

  2. 朱迪思·巴特勒(JudithButler)是当今美国最著名的后结构主义哲学家之一,她在女性主义、酷儿理论、政治哲学以及伦理学等领域都作出了杰出的理论贡献。

    Judith Butler is one of the most famous post-structuralism philosophers in current American . She has contributed to the fields of feminism , queer theory , political philosophy , and ethics .

  3. 然而,在这里我们必须谨慎地区分被分割的主体(thedividedsubject)这个拉康的观念与主体位置(subject-position)的“后结构主义”观念。

    Here , however , we must carefully distinguish between this Lacanian notion of the divided subject and the " post-structuralist " notion of the subject-positions .

  4. 继承与颠覆:论结构主义与后结构主义的关系

    Inheritance and Subversion : On the relationship between Structuralism and Post-structuralism

  5. 结构主义与后结构主义作者观之比较

    Comparison of " Author " in Structuralism and Post - structuralism

  6. 谈后结构主义对口腔医学教学设计的启示

    The enlightenment of post-structuralism in instructional design strategy of oral medicine

  7. 结构主义和后结构主义认为作者已死。

    Structuralism and post-structuralism advocated that the writer ws dead ' .

  8. 是解构还是重构?&后结构主义文本理论评述

    Deconstruction or reconstruction & A theoretical review of the post-structural texts

  9. 话语、权力和主体&关于后结构主义者福柯的理论分析

    Discourse , Power and Subject & On Post-Structurist Foucault 's Theory Analysis

  10. 后结构主义/结构主义,后现代主义/现代主义:师承关系及差异

    Inheritance and Difference : Post - structurism / Structurism , Post-modernism / Modernism

  11. 化蛹为蝶&论青春文学中小说的嬗变后结构主义视阈下我国当代青春文学解读

    Pupa to Butterfly ; Analysis of Chinese Contemporary Literature From Perspective of Post-structuralism

  12. 本章主要论述后结构主义的语言意识。

    This chapter discusses the language awareness of Post-structuralism .

  13. 这一观点是否表明了您对后结构主义的背离?

    Does this idea show your turn from post-structuralism ?

  14. 后结构主义视阈下我国当代青春文学解读

    Analysis of Chinese Contemporary Literature From Perspective of Post-structuralism

  15. 互文性属于后结构主义和后现代主义的术语。

    Intertextuality belongs to post-structuralism and post-modernism terms .

  16. 解构的踪迹:法国后结构主义概论

    Trace of Deconstruction Survey of the French Post-structuralism

  17. 后结构主义课程研究的发展与评价

    The Development and Evaluation of Post-Structuralism Curriculum Studies

  18. 基于后结构主义的教学设计策略

    The Instructional Design Strategy Based on Post-Structuralism

  19. 文本内外的自然之辩&生态批评与后结构主义文论的合与分

    On Nature in and out of text : the affinity and divergence between eco-criticism and post-structuralism

  20. 20世纪60年代掀起的结构主义思潮以及随后出现的后结构主义思潮对学习理论的演变产生了深刻的影响。

    The Evolution of learning theories was profoundly influenced by the springing-up of structuralism and post-structuralism .

  21. 声音与愤怒&班吉的后结构主义解读

    " The Sound " and " The Fury " & Interpretation on the Post-structuralism of Benjy

  22. 近年来的生态批评将后结构主义文论话语重新纳入理论视野。

    Post-structuralist theoretical discourse is coming back to the eco-critics field of vision in recent years .

  23. 这种情况直至结构主义和后结构主义的兴起才得以改变。

    This kind of situation only can change until the structuralism and the latter - structuralism emerge .

  24. 后结构主义与心理治疗

    Post - Structuralism and Psychotherapy

  25. 它先后经历了结构主义和后结构主义这样两个发展阶段。

    In its development course , feminist anthropology experienced two phases : structuralist one and post-structuralist one .

  26. 我认为你再也找不到很多真正是后结构主义的原创作品了。

    I don 't think you can find much original work that is truly post-structuralist any more .

  27. 从理论生成的背景和关于语言的理论构架上看,后结构主义理论与生态理论具有相通之处。

    Post structuralism and eco-theory do have some affinity regarding their theoretical background and the treatise on language .

  28. 凯文·哈特的创作思想和后结构主义的批评理论是一致的。

    Kevin Harte 's idea of creation and the post structuralist theory of criticism are consistent with each other .

  29. 后结构主义与电子超文本技术相互应和,推动了20世纪下半叶文本形态与文本观念的变革。

    The interaction of post-structuralism and electronic super text technology advanced the reform in textual form and textual concept .

  30. 解析符号学不仅促进后结构主义符号学的发展,同时也阐明后现代社会所具有的时代特征。

    The semi-analysis accelerates the development of post-structuralist semiotics , as well as illustrates the characteristics of the post-modern society .