
  • 网络from a logical point of view
  1. 他出版了不计其数的论文和十几本专著,其中最有名的是《从逻辑的观点看》(1953)和《语词和对象》(1960)。

    He has published innumerable articles , and more than a dozen books , the best know of which are From a Logical Point of view ( 1953 ) and Word and Object ( 1960 ) .

  2. 对中国古代科学史研究中有关问题的澄清&从逻辑的观点看

    Clear Up Some Problems Concerned with the Study of History of Science in Ancient China & From the Viewpoint of Logic

  3. 从关系逻辑的观点看三段论

    Discussing syllogism from the viewpoint of logic of relation

  4. 从关系逻辑的观点看特称否定命题的换位问题意向命题的肯定与否定

    Thinking about the Reverse of Existential Negation Proposition From the Point of View of Relation Logic

  5. 伦理思维打破了存在的自鸣得意,它在人与存在的相与向度运思,将展开人之是其所应是的生活向度。从关系逻辑的观点看特称否定命题的换位问题

    Moral thinking breaks " existential complacence " and focuses on man and existence . Thinking about the Reverse of Existential Negation Proposition From the Point of View of Relation Logic

  6. 会话交流的可计算性:从认知、逻辑的观点看

    Conversation as Computation & from Recognition and Logic

  7. 丹奈特,〈从计算逻辑地理的观点看认知科学〉于《脑力激荡》。

    Dennett , D. " The Logical Geography of Computational Approaches to the Cognitive Sciences . " In Brainstorms .