
  • 网络A Theory of Justice;justice
  1. 年美国学者罗尔斯发表《正义论》一书,从政治学的角度阐述了其以程序倾向为特色的正义理论。

    The American scholar John Rawls published his book A Theory of Justice in1971.Heexpatiated on his theory of justice featuring process inclination from the angle of politics .

  2. 自1971年《正义论》出版至今,国内外学术界特别是西方国家对这部经典著作的研究势头有增无减。

    Since A Theory of Justice was published in1971 , the researching work of this eminent book has been developing quickly in the academic field in and outside .

  3. 西方正义论主题的历史嬗变

    History Evolution of the Studying Themes of the Western Justice Theory

  4. 罗尔斯的正义论与社会福利的政治价值

    Rawls ' Theory of Justice and Political Value of Social Welfare

  5. 主权正义论&全球化时代马克思主义的主权观探析

    On the justice of sovereignty ── Marxist idea of sovereignty in globalization

  6. 刑事司法程序正义论。

    Theory about the justice of criminal judicial process ii .

  7. 柏拉图的国家主义正义论&《理想国》的政治哲学解读

    A political and philosophical analysis of Plato 's The Republic

  8. 诺齐克以权制正义论对抗,否定之。

    Nozick resisted and negated it with a theory of justice of rights .

  9. 从伦理维度看罗尔斯的正义论

    On the Justice of Theory of John Rawls from the Angle of Ethic

  10. 罗尔斯:作为正义论的契约理论

    Rawls : the Contract Theory as the Justice Theory

  11. 程序正义论&一种法社会学的反思

    Analysis of Sociology of Law of Procedural Justice

  12. 我们甚至比较西方代表性学者罗尔斯和大卫米勒正义论观点。

    And the comparison of it is drawn from John Rawls and David Miller .

  13. 罗尔斯提出了公平正义论,为变革设计了一幅蓝图。

    Rawis designed a blueprint for reformation by posing a theory of fair justice .

  14. 论罗尔斯多元正义论的形成

    Formation of Rawls ' theory of pluralistic justice

  15. 持有的权利正义论具有强烈的非模式化原则特征和历史原则特征。

    Justice in holdings is famous for its distinctly non-pattern principles and historical principles .

  16. 柏拉图正义论:论证设计与问题(下)

    Plato s Theory of Justice : the Design of Argumentation and Some Problems ;

  17. 罗尔斯的正义论存在不可避免的内在冲突和矛盾。

    There are unavoidable inner conflicts and paradoxes in Rawls 's theory of justice .

  18. 主要在阐述罗尔斯正义论特点的基础上,分析孟子正义思想的价值与缺陷,并进一步探讨两种正义观对构建和谐社会的价值和启示。

    Than discusses the value and enlightenment of two justice views for constructing harmonious social .

  19. 罗尔斯正义论的理论基础及其问题

    The Discussion about the Theoretical Foundation and the Problems of Rawls ' Theory of Justice

  20. 他所编著的《无政府、国家与乌托邦》一书对罗尔斯的《正义论》进行了强有力的批判。

    He strongly criticized Rawls ' Theory in his book of Anarchy 、 State and Utopia .

  21. 基于正义论的农民工子女教育制度伦理探析

    On the Ethics of Education System of Migrant Workers ' Children Based on a Theory of Justice

  22. 他的政治哲学名著《正义论》系统阐述了作为公平的正义的理论。

    In his masterpiece , , he has explained the theory " justice as fairness " systematically .

  23. 原初状态的由来及其内在困境&浅论《正义论》的逻辑基点

    The Origin of Original Position and its Inherent Problems & On the Logic of A Theory of Justice

  24. 其次,女性主义批判了主流正义论关于公共领域与私人领域的二元划分。

    Secondly , feminists reprobate the dualist division of public and private areas in the mainstream theories of justice .

  25. 社群主义对罗尔斯正义论的逻辑起点、价值取向和终极目的等方面进行了全面的批判。

    Communitarianism 's criticism of the logical starting point , value and ultimate aims of the Theory of Justice .

  26. 最后归纳正义论观点在我国教育政策公平上有何启示。

    At end , an enlightenment of justice theory from educationally equal chance is referred for future educational policy .

  27. 文章认为,正义论的缺失是当前传播界的一个重大理论缺陷。

    It believes that the deficiency of a theory of justice is a great theoretical fault in the communication field .

  28. 本文从古典儒家正义论入手,尽可能做到还原儒家思想真相。

    This article attempts from the classical Confucian thought proceed with , as far as possible , restore Confucianism truth .

  29. 最后;女性主义对主流正义论关于正义伦理与关怀伦理的二元对立观点进行了批判。

    Finally , feminists condemn the dualist opposition between justice ethics and caring ethics in the mainstream theories of justice .

  30. 修昔底德的正义论&对《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》的一种政治思想史读法

    The Reviews of Justice of Thucydides & Based on History of the Peloponnesian War as a History Book of Political Thought