
  • 网络Adapt to nature;kata physin
  1. 顺应自然的人,决不会出岔。

    He that follows nature is never out of his way .

  2. 顺应自然:积极主动地尊重自然规律。

    Comply with nature : Actively respect the natural law .

  3. 人类不应一味地征服自然,而应该顺应自然;

    Second , human being should not conquer nature , but adapt himself to it ;

  4. 通过改造自然和顺应自然,人的本质力量初步得到了确证。

    By creating nature and conforming to nature , human instinctive power has been proved further .

  5. 人们日渐认识到顺应自然规律、与自然和谐共存是整个人类延续的必然。

    People realizes that it is essential to respect natural discipline and be hamony to nature .

  6. 这三种学说都认为天是自然,人应顺应自然的规律行事。

    The three theories are same that heaven is natural , human should comply to natural law .

  7. 基于对人与自然关系的整体观思想,阐述了人与自然协调对养生的重要性,从而进一步说明了蒙医学顺应自然,因时制宜养生之道的科学性和实际意义。

    It could explain the science and realistic meaning of the relation of Mongolian medicine and natural rule .

  8. 道家顺应自然的和谐观,老聃的小国寡民论。

    Taoist conform to the concept of natural harmony , the old Dan isolated citizens of a small country .

  9. 五是河道治理采用生态型河道,体现由以往的改造自然转变为回归自然、顺应自然的治理理念;

    Adopt ecologic river course in river comprehensive treatment , incarnate the idea that change rebuilding nature to acclimation ;

  10. 而道的本质在于顺应自然、在于谦下、虚静、无欲、无为。

    And the essence of the Tao lies in harmony with nature , modesty , void-quietness , no-desire , inaction .

  11. 我们不能支配自然,只能顺应自然。读心能力在正常发育中会顺利开展。

    We cannot command Nature , except by obeying her . Such abilities unfold seamlessly in the normal course of development .

  12. 它以对人生的爱恋、自我的发现与肯定,以及顺应自然,超然物外为风尚。

    The prevailing custom of it is the love of life , self-discovery and affirmation as well as complies with the nature .

  13. 顺应自然的古市政与古建筑艺术&名城镇远的人文生态环境小议

    Ancient City Planning and Architecture Conforming to Nature & A discussion on the human and ecological environments of Zhenyuan , a famous town

  14. 而老庄重视和强调顺应自然之性而为,反对以人为目的去干预和损害自然天道的美学精神的重新激活,在今天尤其具有现代意义。

    Zhuangzi 's ideas of emphasizing the importance of following nature laws can be re-activated and play a significant role in modern society .

  15. 我们要顺应自然,还自然以本来的面目,而不是为眼前的利益去盲目地改造自然。

    We need to comply with nature , return nature to its original appearance , and not for short-term profit blindly transform the nature .

  16. 1重视气候环境因素,争取有利条件,避免不利因素,使建筑尽可能顺应自然,满足人们对建筑室内环境的需求,在方案最初为建筑今后运行过程中的节能创造条件。

    Focusing on the factor climate environment , creating advantage condition and avoiding disadvantage , once which will leading to possible comfortable indoors environment conditions .

  17. 因地制宜顺应自然&广州大学城华师大校区行政办公楼创作

    Adjust Measures to Local Conditions , Conformity to Nature & The Creation of the Administration Building of South China Normal University in Guangzhou Campus City

  18. 然而,身在其中的个人,作为相对独立的个体生物,必须顺应自然法则&生长。

    No matter what kinds of group to live in , as a relatively independent one , a man must be in harmony with the nature to live .

  19. 他们思想产生的现实原因同样有相似之处.但他们对待社会与人生,即应世的态度却大不一样,博尔赫斯止于怀疑和无奈,而庄子却以顺应自然去乐观地应世。

    The real reasons which produced their thoughts were similar , but their attitudes towards society and life , that is , towards the world , were quite different .

  20. 48岁的派克汉姆本人也是生态环境保护者。他认为,大熊猫自身不够强壮以至于无法确保自我生存,那么最好就是顺应自然让它灭亡。

    The conservationist , 48 , said the species was not strong enough to survive on its own and it would be better to let nature take its course .

  21. 经营事业,要顺应自然,集思广益,然后才去做该做的事,这样才能无往不利。

    Operating the cause , it is necessary to conform to natural , brainstorming , and then only to do the right thing , so as to always work .

  22. 陶渊明诗文中蕴含着丰富的生态意识,为顺应自然、诗意栖居的生存方式提供了实践基础和理论渊源。

    The rich ecological consciousness in his poetry provide a practical basis and theoretical sources for the living style of returning to nature and satisfying physical and spiritual needs .

  23. 强调自然的真实性。主张在自然面前“不着意”、“不犯手”,一切顺应自然。

    He emphasizes the authenticity of nature , advocates that in nature one should " not act carefully "," do not make a hand ", and should comply with the nature .

  24. 使得河流流域植被生态景观顺应自然规律的同时,更符合人的自然本性,从而实现回归自然,张扬人本的共生思想。

    Comply with the laws of nature and at the same time , more accord with human nature . Realize the return to nature , make public humanistic thought of symbiosis .

  25. 只有顺应自然,保护环境,珍惜资源,明天才会更美好。

    We only need to have clear answer for nature , to protect and safeguard the environment , to treasure our natural resources , and tomorrow it will be even more beautiful .

  26. 其次,大地艺术重新思考了天、地、人的三位一体的关系,人在其中决不是顶天立地的,而是与天地参的,顺应自然规律的;

    Second it reconsiders the trinity of heaven , man and earth and in the new relationship man is not to change the earth , but is harmonious with nature as a whole ;

  27. 本章还从天人关系、自然之道、顺应自然等方面论述了《周易》的生态学启示,最后还总结了其哲学内涵。

    This chapter also Discuss the ecological inspiration of the " book of changes " from the relations between human and nature , the Tao of nature , complying with nature and other aspects .

  28. 教会人们去认识自我本性,学会开悟,完善人格,自我超越,顺应自然,用平常心看待生活。

    The enlightenment teach people to recognize the nature of self , know how to enlighten suddenly , perfect the personality , transcend self , follow the nature and treat the life with common feeling .

  29. 围绕着自然人这一目标的预设,卢梭提出顺应自然次序、回归内在情感、重视审美体验这三条顺应自然的美育原则。

    Around the " Natural man " default this goal , Rousseau conform to the natural order , return to inner feelings , attach importance to the aesthetic experience of these three natural aesthetic educational principle .

  30. 在对自然规律认识的基础上,指出政治也要合于天道,顺应自然,从而构建出一种管理社会生产生活的政治模式。

    This paper points out that politics must suit natural laws and conform to its natural tendency so that a political mode of running social production and life , based on the cognition of natural laws , can be formed .