
tiáo bō
  • drilling;sowing in drill;sowing in line;sowing in strip;plant in rows
条播 [tiáo bō]
  • [plant in rows] 沿着一条浅犁沟撒布[种子]

  • 他在玉米的同行中条播大豆,为了同青饲料一起收割

条播[tiáo bō]
  1. 在深约0.5英寸,间隔12英寸的条播沟里播种。

    Sow the seeds in drills about 1 / 2in . deep and 12in . apart .

  2. 这种谷物是条播的。

    The grain was sown in drill .

  3. 测土施肥研究及NPK专用肥开发生产通用谷物肥料条播机

    Research on Fertilization of Soil Testing and NPK Fertilizer Development and Production of Dedicated

  4. 利用MATLAB软件开发了条播排种器视觉检测方法的程序系统,研究结果主要包括:①运用视频软件工具对所采集样本进行截取,并将MPEG格式的视频文件转化成AVI格式的视频软件。

    A machine vision sense detecting method was made by using of the MATLAB . It mainly included : ① The sample was incepted by application of media software , and media file was transformed from MPEG to AVI .

  5. 在适度晚播及晚播条件下,小麦的最高产量均为撒播大播量处理,其产量值分别为7122kgha-1和6667kgha-1,较之条播同处理的产量分别提高了13.1%和11.5%。

    Under the treatment of moderate late and late sowing , the highest yield appeared in the multi-sowing quantity of broadcasting wheat , the yield was 7122 kg ha-1 and 6667 kg ha-1 respectively , which was 13.1 % and 11.5 % higher than the same treatment of drilling wheat .

  6. 旱作冬小麦膜侧条播栽培效应研究

    Effect of Film-Side Drilling Culture of Rain - fed Winter Wheat

  7. 带施肥装置的条播机你打了一条高雅的领带。

    Drill unit with fertilizer attachment You 're wearing a posh tie .

  8. 膜下条播冬小麦试验研究

    Experimental Study of the Winter Wheat Sowed under Plastic Film

  9. 条播条灌播种机施水性能研究

    The Researches on Watering Performance of Sowing and Watering Drill

  10. 重构小波系数的分段三次样条播值新算法逐段单调三次样条插值

    A New Piecewise Cubic Spline Interpolating Algorithm for the Reconstruction of Wavelet Coefficients

  11. 最后利用薄板样条播值函数完成弹性变换。

    Finally , the elastic transformation using smooth thin-plate spline interpolation is performed .

  12. 条播沟:撒种的浅沟或犁沟。

    Drill : a shallow trench or furrow in which seeds are planted .

  13. 春小麦垄盖膜际条播栽培研究

    A Study on Cultivation of Drill Seeding of Spring Wheat Between Film-mulched Ridges

  14. 冬小麦双覆条播试验初报

    The Experiment on Winter Wheat under Dual Covering Drilling

  15. 带锄式开沟器的条播机他按下按钮开动了机器。

    Hoe-colter drill He pushed a button and set the machine in motion .

  16. 条播稍好于撒播,覆土远胜于不覆土;

    Drill and soil coverage were better than broadcasting and no coverage respectively .

  17. 谷物与小牧草籽条播机把草籽撤在院子里。

    Grain and small seed drill Spread the grass seeds over the yard .

  18. 因此枫香育苗宜采用条播,1年生幼苗发育可分为出苗期、幼苗期、速生期、苗木硬化期4个时期。

    E. emergence stage , seedling stage , fast-growing stage , seedling hardening stage .

  19. 条播排种器视觉检测精度的研究

    The Study about Detecting Accuracy of Feeding Device for Drills Based on Machine Vision

  20. 大豆窄行密植栽培技术推广应用前景分析窄行条播机,闭式输种条播机

    Analysis on Narrow Row and Thick Planting Soybean Cultivation Technology Popularization and Application Prospect

  21. 营养杯育苗较苗床条播育苗发病率低;

    The mutrition cup seeding is lower incidence of a disease than the drill seeding ;

  22. 我国谷物条播机的发展简史

    Development course of grain drills in China

  23. 几种谷物条播排种器的比较研究

    Comparison research on several seed drill feeds

  24. 滴灌条播作物毛管水力设计方法探讨

    A Study of Hydraulic Design Method of Lateral in Drip Irrigation System for Row Crops

  25. 双圆盘开沟器的条播机新型锤片式粉碎机出料管气固两相流模拟

    Twin-disk drill simulation on air-solid two-phase flow in discharge pipe of a new-model hammer mill

  26. 浅耕旱条播稻田杂草发生与化除技术研究

    Studies on weed occurrence in post-light-tillage Direct-Drilled dry rice field and corresponding chemical weed control techniques

  27. 谷物与小牧草籽条播机

    Grain and small seed drill

  28. GB/T9478-1988谷物条播机试验方法

    Test methods of grain drills

  29. 对大豆使用农田机械条播或用飞机撒播是有兴趣的事。

    There is interest in solid drilling or broadcasting soybeans either by field equipment or by airplane .

  30. 湿地生态型稻茬麦免耕机条播栽培技术研究

    Studies on the Technologies of Drilling with Zero - tilling Machine of Wheat after Rice in Wetland