
  • 网络line;strip line;Stripline
  1. 拿出一张纸,在中间画一条线。

    Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle .

  2. 她在沙地上画了一条线。

    She traced a line in the sand .

  3. 请不要写到这条线下面。

    Please do not write below this line .

  4. 从A到B划一条线。

    Draw a line from A to B.

  5. 一条线拴俩蚂蚱。

    One string ties two locusts . ; The dooms of the two are closely linked .

  6. 这两条线在b点上相交。

    The two lines cut at point B.

  7. 这两条线成直角相交。

    The two lines pass across each other at right angles .

  8. 这条线和那条线平行。

    This line is a parallel with that one .

  9. 这两条线相互交叉。

    The two lines cut across each other .

  10. 它们的翅膀可以连接线与线之间的间隙,如果它们同时碰到两条线,就会导致触电。

    Their wings can bridge the gap between lines , resulting in electrocution if they touch two lines at once .

  11. 他们看着那条线,眯起眼睛端详。

    They looked at the line and squinted at it .

  12. 然后她说:"苏珊,看看这条线。"

    Then she said , " Susan , look at this thread . "

  13. "从那一头开始,"她说,"沿着这条线走,选择你想要的。"

    " Start out at that end , " she said , " Just go along the line and choose what you want . "

  14. 然后他在院子中间画了一条线,"把这条线缩短而不能抹掉它的任何部分,"国王质疑道。

    He then drew a line down the middle of the courtyard Make this line shorter without erasing any part of it , " the king challenged .

  15. 一条线拴俩蚂蚱

    The dooms of the two are closely linked .

  16. 在你不懂的所有句子下面划一条线。

    Underline all the sentences you do not know .

  17. 如果这条线呈Z形,则表示这个人容易思想游离。

    A zigzag line represents a mind that tends to wander .

  18. 在腋下缝上把这一点标了A,并把A点与胸点B连接,然后沿着这条线剖开。

    Mark this point ( A ) on the underarm seam and connect this to the bust point ( B ) . Slash along this line .

  19. 这条线叫做“效率界限”(EfficientFrontier),是Markowitz对投资组合理论的重要贡献。

    This line is called the " Efficient Frontier " and is Markowitz 's key contribution to portfolio theory .

  20. 这是我就任CEO前所处的位置,他一边说,一边画了一个三角形,并在顶点正下方草草画了一条线。

    That 's where I was just before CEO , he says , drawing a triangle and scribbling a line just below the apex .

  21. 大多数公司都使用VoIP网络电话,也就是说他们的电话线路和网络联接走的是一条线。

    Most corporations use Voice-Over Internet protocol , meaning their phone lines go through the same " pipe " as their Internet connection .

  22. 如果想在多条线中使用相同的绘图样式(在一个plot命令中或在多个plot命令中),可以使用set命令设置绘图样式。

    If you intend to use the same plotting style across several lines ( either on a single plot command or over several plot commands ), you can set the plotting style with a set command .

  23. 绩效管理全方位激励价值创造,以业务条线、业务模块、产品和客户为业绩价值考评主体,以EVA为核心指标,建立多维的绩效考核体系。

    Performance management motivates value creation . With EVA core index and various performance management subjects , which include business lines , modules , products and customers , it establishes multidimensional performance management system .

  24. 将平面上关于三角形中三条线共点问题的Ceva定理,推广到n维欧氏空间E~n中关于单形的n+1个n-l维超平面的共点问题。

    The Ceva 's theorem concerning the concurrent problem of three lines in a triangle is extended to that of ( n + 1 ) ( n-1 ) - dimensional hyperplanes of simplex in the n-dimensional Euclidean E ~ n.

  25. 一条线报把调查人员引向了这个团伙的头目、华裔男子徐路(音译)。马里兰州哥伦比亚市一个考点的摄像头拍摄到了他的可疑行为,而这个地方距离位于弗吉尼亚州泰森斯角的GMAC总部并不算远。

    A tip led investigators to the ringleader , Chinese-born Lu Xu , who was filmed on camera at a test center in Columbia , Md. , not far from GMAC 's headquarters in Tysons Corner , Va.

  26. 中分是70年代潮流的关键,但是Reese选择从下巴那里开始变形,做成轻柔的小卷(2015新时尚小卷),而不是一条线的直发。

    A centre parting is a key part of the 70s trend , but Reese adds a 2015 twist by pairing it with gentle curls starting from chin-level down , rather than going for a dead-straight " do .

  27. 对我而言,两条线之间的空间是很重要的。

    For me the game in between lines is very important .

  28. 这两条线相交之处就是他所在的地方。

    And where the two lines cross is where he is .

  29. 现在我们将要越过那条线了。

    And now we 'll have been through that together too .

  30. 形成箭头光标的长度的一条线。

    A line that forms the length of an arrow pointer .