
  • 网络Barcode Management;Bar-code Management
  1. 基于J2EE技术的检验检疫条码管理系统的设计与应用

    Application of J2EE in the Barcode Management System for Inspection and Quarantine

  2. 信华翰让你的条码管理更简单!

    Xinhuahan make your barcode management simple !

  3. 精密级进模生产的条码管理系统

    Bar Code Management System of the Precision Progressive Dies Manufacture

  4. 武钢氧气公司气瓶实施条码管理依靠科学管理促进有效监督&武钢氧气公司应用微机管理新探

    Bar Code Management of Oxygen Container Promoting Effective Supervision by Scientific Management

  5. 资产条码管理系统;

    Assets bar code management system ;

  6. 并结合系统的实际需求设计了包含快速录入、条码管理等一系列的关键技术。

    According to the system 's practical demand , the thesis designs the key techniques including fleetly logging , bar code management and so on .

  7. 在柴油发动机装配过程管理中采用条码管理技术,为物流配送、电子看板、质量追溯等应用开辟了新的途径。

    The technology is successfully applied in engine assembly process , which opened up new avenues for the application of logistics dispatching , Virtual Electronic kanban and the tracking of quality .

  8. 条码信息管理系统是建立在最新的微软开发工具,确保符合大多数的ERP系统。

    Barcode-IT WMS is built with the latest Microsoft development tools , assuring compatibility with most ERP systems .

  9. 轮胎生产条码追溯管理系统概述

    Brief of bar indicator retrospective control system for tire production

  10. 气瓶陶瓷条码信息综合管理系统的应用

    Application of Administrative Information System of Gas Bottle Bar Code

  11. 条码识别物资管理系统的研究

    Research on bar code identification aided material management system

  12. 条码印刷质量管理体系的建立

    Establishment of Quality System in Bar Code Printing

  13. 基于二值不连续型39条码的机房管理系统设计

    Design of computer room management system based on binary valued noncontinuous 3 of 9 bar code

  14. 基于VIN条码生产过程信息管理的研究与实践

    Research and Implementation on VIN Code - based Information Management of Procedure in Production

  15. 基于二维条码技术的证件管理系统

    Certificate managing system on the basis of two-dimentional bar code technology

  16. 可加装扫描枪及条码打印机,方便管理作业。

    May install the scanning gun and the bar code printer , facilitates the management work .

  17. 文章从生产过程管理和质量信息管理两方面介绍了条码技术在生产管理中的应用。

    In this paper , we introduced the application of barcode technology in manufacture management from the two aspects of the manufacture process management and quality information management .

  18. 公司每个产品均有吊牌、条码,非常方便管理、识别,同时为超市销售增加了便利。

    Our product has its label and bar code , which is easy to manage , as well as is convenient for stores , so they are the first choice for whole-sales .

  19. 系统可以完成变电站自动化产品的自动测试,提高生产效率和产品质量,同时还具有条码标识、信息管理等功能,便于生产质量管理。

    The system can realize automatic test to substation automation product , improve productive efficiency and quality . At the same time , it has bar code identification and information management functions and so on . It makes benefit for quality management .

  20. 详细讨论了条码技术在微型车生产过程管理中的运用,阐述了基于VIN条码生产管理的基本思路和基本功能,最后给出了这种管理方式的一种解决方案。

    This paper discusses how to apply the bar code technology to the vehicle manufacturing management , presents the basic ideas and functions of the VIN code-based manufacturing management and finally gives a solution of this management mode .

  21. 同时,3D条码自动识别系统及基于自动识读技术的二维条码防伪证件管理系统也具有很好的应用性和推广价值。

    Also the 3D barcode reading system and the 2D barcode fabrication prevented certificate management system using barcode recognition technology are practical .

  22. 该了系统丰要包括:条码定义、格式打印、条码牛成、条码出入库、条码查询、盘点管理等模块,还完成了数据采集器DT-900嵌入式系统的设计和开发。

    Barcode inquire and Check management , etc. And it also finished the frame and development of the embedded system of the data collection machine .

  23. 本文提出了在计算机仓库管理系统中使用条码自动识别技术的实现思想和方法,并论述了使用条码技术后仓库管理系统的优点及主要功能、经济效益和使用环境。

    The thought and method of using barcode auto-recognition in computer supervised warehouses management system is presented and the advantages of management system , its main function , economic benefits and applicable enviroments are discussed .

  24. 在此基础上,运用Visualc程序开发技术、SqlServer数据库技术及条码技术等技术手段,完成了兼有条码打印和库存业务处理功能的库存条码管理系统的开发。

    These technologies , such as Visual C # program development , SQL Server data base technology and the barcode technology , are used to develop the ERP inventory barcode management system including the function of barcode printing and the inventory business processing .