
  1. 积极推行CALS战略实现装备物流信息标准化

    Developing CALS to Realizing Information Standardization of Equipment Logistics

  2. 物流信息标准化的研究

    Research on Information Standardization of Logistics

  3. 本文对研究物流信息标准化的意义、标准化的滞后对物流信息化发展的制约、物流信息标准化体系建立、物流信息标准化实施作了探讨,旨在为物流信息标准化的建设提供有益的参考。

    This article discusses the sense of information standardization of logistics , restriction of development of logistics information , building of information standardization system of logistics , performing information standardization of logistics and make a reference for construction of logistics information standardization .

  4. 我国缺乏一个统一、规范的物流行业信息标准,已经成为制约我国物流发展和影响物流效率提高的关键瓶颈之一。

    There is lack of unitary and standardized information criterion of logistics in china and which restrict the development of logistics and effect the effectiveness of logistics .

  5. 物流信息分类编码标准体系探讨

    Research of Standardization System on Logistic Information Classification Code

  6. 客观环境方面,缺乏突破性发展的基础,社会第三方物流、行业信息标准化建设、商业信用环境都不理想。

    At aspect of circumstance , there is lacks of society foundation for the rapid development , both the third-party logistics and information standardization building , commerce credit status are defective .

  7. FMIS子系统是集成管理资金流、物流和信息流的标准化财务管理信息系统,具有可靠性、真实性和实时性的特征。

    Financial Management Information System is an integrated management of capital flow , logistics and information flow of standardized financial management information system , reliability , authenticity and real-time features .

  8. 中国加入WTO后,与国际接轨的物流业将进一步推动物流和信息技术标准化发展。

    After China 's accession to WTO , the logistics industry will promote the development of logistics and information technology standardization .

  9. 但企业间、行业间及区域间的物流信息沟通不畅,统一的物流信息基础标准缺乏,严重阻碍了物流信息化发展和物流信息平台间的互联互通。

    However the poor communication of inter-enterprise , inter-industry and inter-regional logistics information , and lacking standards of a unified logistics information infrastructure , seriously hindered the development of logistics informationization and logistics information platform interoperability .

  10. 现代物流的发展离不开物流标准化,而物流信息标准化是物流标准化的核心。

    Modern logistics development is inseparable from standardization , and logistics information standardization is the core of logistics standardization .

  11. 本文分析了物流领域的国内外发展状况,特别讨论了物流信息化建设过程中的基本技术、物流信息系统软件和物流信息标准化问题;

    This article analyzed the thing flows the domain the domestic and foreign development condition , specially discussed the thing flows in the information construction process the basic technology , the thing flows information system software and the thing flows the information standardization question ;