
  1. 优化的设施布置不仅使得工厂的使用面积更小,空间利用率提高,同时也可实现物流成本及信息流成本的最小,间接地降低了产品的生产成本。

    Optimization of facility Layout is not only makes the plant using smaller area , improve the space utilization rate , but also can realize the cost of logistics and information flow cost minimum , indirectly lowering the production cost of products .

  2. 分析了我国邮政物流信息系统的体系结构和实施发展阶段,深入探讨了邮政物流信息系统的成本结构,并且提出成本控制过程中常见的问题及其对策。

    The paper analyses the system structure of information system of postal logistics and different stages of its development , then discusses its cost structure and some regular problems .