
  1. 医疗设备管理是医院管理工作的重要组成部份之一,而医疗仪器设备的验收,是经可行性论证、订合同到货后的第一个环节,主要有物资验收和性能验收两个方面。

    The medical equipments management is one importance part of the hospital management , the checking and accepting of medical equipments is the first steps after the goods through feasibility argumentation and contact signing arrived , it is constitute of goods checking and performance checking .

  2. 论述了购进物资的验收办法中采用百分比抽样不合理。

    It is analyzed the non-reasonability by means of sampling in percentage in inspection of incoming Products .

  3. 企业供应物资入库质量验收问题的探讨

    Investigation on the Material In-storage Quality Inspection for the Enterprises

  4. 筹建处具体负责审查工程设计,签订工程施工承包合同,组织生产设备、材料等物资的采购和验收。

    The preparation and construction office is responsible for the following concrete work ; examining the designs of the project , signing project construction contract , organizing the purchasing and inspecting of relative equipment , materials , etc.