
  • 网络Barcode equipment
  1. 本文尝试将TTS技术嵌入到二维条码设备中,通过语音的形式辅助完成条码信息的采集。

    This article attempts to TTS technology is embedded into two-dimensional barcode equipment , by voice in the form of barcode information to complete the acquisition aid .

  2. 苏州杰尔特电子科技有限公司是一家提供全方位条码设备和条码应用解决方案的高新技术性公司。

    Suzhou Juert Electronic Technology Co. , Ltd is a high-tech company which can provide full-service barcode equipment and barcode application solutions .

  3. 新型图书馆用条码识别设备研究

    Research on new barcode recognition equipment for library

  4. 通过编码,实现了条码识别设备和刀具管理系统的集成。

    Finally , the integration of barcode identification equipment and tool management system through program was realized .

  5. 在比较分析现有标识技术的基础上,重点研究了刀具的直接标刻与自动识别技术,主要包括刀具编码、刀具标刻以及系统与条码扫描设备的集成。

    Based on the comparison of existing marking technologies , this dissertation strengthens study on the tool direct marking and identification technology , such as tool coding , tool marking and integration of scanner and system .

  6. 二维条码在消防设备溯源系统中的应用

    Application of Two Dimensional Barcode in the Fire Fighting Equipment Traceability System

  7. 条码技术在机房设备动态管理中的应用

    Application of Bar Code Technique in Equipment of Computer Laboratory Dynamic Administration

  8. 在上期文章中,我们重点从条码识读系统和各类条码阅读设备两个方面介绍有关条码识读方面的相关内容。

    The methods of bar code printing should be composed by two kinds : one is to use printing equipment to print not on spot , another one is to use printing facilities to print bar codes directly .

  9. 条码技术在图书馆已得到广泛的应用,传统的条码识别设备成本高,功能单一。

    Barcode technique has been widely used in library . Traditional barcode recognition equipments are very expensive and function simplex .

  10. 对于包括条码打印机、条码识读器、数据采集器、无线终端等在内的条码设备有着专业的技术和应用经验。

    Including the bar code printer , bar code reader , data collection , such as wireless terminals , bar code equipment have professional experience in technology and applications .

  11. 系统采用图像处理识别条码技术来代替传统的激光扫描方式,使其有了良好的可扩展性和适应性,并且大大降低了条码设备的成本。

    The system adopts image processing technology to identify bar code instead of the traditional laser - scan pattern so that it has good expansibility .