
tiáo jiàn fǎn shè
  • conditional reflex
条件反射 [tiáo jiàn fǎn shè]
  • [conditioned reflex] 条件刺激引起的反射,在非条件反射的基础上通过后天学习和训练而建立

  1. 大鼠操作性条件反射法的建立及LSD的影响

    The establishment of the operational conditional reflex and the effect of lysergic acid diethylamide on it in rats on mediation method

  2. 吗啡对大鼠逃避性条件反射的作用部位

    The site of morphine action in affecting escaping conditional reflex in rats

  3. 经过训练,那些动物对声音形成了条件反射。

    The animals were conditioned to respond to auditory stimuli .

  4. 她打哈欠是对我打哈欠的条件反射。

    Her yawn was a Pavlovian response to my yawn .

  5. 苏联生理学家,在狗身上观察到唾液条件反射,曾获1904年诺贝尔生理学-医学奖。

    Russian physiologist who observed conditioned salivary responses in dogs ( 1849-1936 ) . ( 1849-1936 )

  6. 有些人把这种情况与条件反射相关联,比如,巴甫洛夫对狗做的试验。

    Some liken this effect to be similar to conditioning , like Pavlov 's experiment on dogs .

  7. 如果蜜蜂闻到的是没被感染病毒的气味样本,则不会得到奖励,这一过程被称作巴甫洛夫条件反射作用。

    Each time the bees were exposed to a non-infected sample , they wouldn 't get a reward ( a process known as Pavlovian conditioning ) .

  8. 在饮水条件反射中大鼠海马CA3区突触效应的变化

    Changes on synaptic efficacy at the hippocampal ca , area of rats during drinking conditioning

  9. 正常大鼠类P3与电迷宫条件反射有相关性。

    The electric maze indicator had positive correlation with P3-like potentials .

  10. 条件反射性抗体反应增强的动态分析&以OVA为非条件刺激物

    The dynamic analysis of conditioned enhancement of antibody response to ovalbumin

  11. 实验1a组经训练建立条件反射,达学会标准后进行实验性消退;

    CR was established for group 1a , and experimental extinction was carried on after reaching learning criterion .

  12. ACC损毁后条件性位置回避反应消失。方法一次性被动回避性条件反射法。

    CPA induced by CRD was abolished by ACC lesion . Methods One trial passive avoidance response method was used .

  13. 实际上,这种条件反射根深蒂固,美国国务院(usstatedepartment)网站上就明确告知美国企业,“在面临高度威胁的环境里,应锁上卫生间”,“由前台人员控制进出”。

    Indeed , this reflex is so ingrained that the website of the US State Department explicitly tells American companies that " restrooms should be kept locked in high-threat environments " , with " access controlled by the receptionist " .

  14. 结果条件反射组的诱发组和阳性对照组的动物均有CFos表达,而非条件刺激组均无表达。

    Results In the conditioned reflex groups , induced group and positive control group have expressed C FOS like protein whereas all the non conditioned reflex group have not express it .

  15. 如果您具备多年的WebSphereMQ使用经验,则提到授权事件可能会让您条件反射般地去找十六进制计算器。

    If you have been working with WebSphere MQ for many years , the mention of authorization events might make you groan and reach for your hexadecimal calculator .

  16. 尾核内注入GABA、Picrotoxin对家兔食物性运动条件反射的影响

    Effect of INTRACAUDATE injection of gaba , picrotoxin on the performance of alimentary conditioning in rabbits

  17. 本实验结果表明,HCT对条件反射和对心血管系统的影响在作用机制上不尽相同。

    The results showed that the mode of action of HCT on the conditioned reflexes differs from that on the cardiovascular system .

  18. PFOS还具有使灵长类惊厥、使啮齿类条件反射形成滞后的作用。

    PFOS can also lead to Convulsion of primates and lag the conditoned reflex formation of Rodents .

  19. 尾核内注入GABA、Picrotoxin对大脑皮层电活动的影响及其与食物性运动条件反射的关系

    Effect of INTRACAUDATE injection of gaba , picrotoxin on the electrical activities of cerebral cortex in relation to conditioning performance

  20. 尾壳核内注射脑啡肽和bestatin对大鼠操作式条件反射的影响

    Effect of injection of enkephalin and bestatin in caudate-putamen on operant conditioning in rats

  21. 本工作训练一批Wistar大鼠建立巩固的操作式条件反射,然后对其中M组进行切去双内侧额叶皮层的手术。

    Experiment 1 : Wistar rats were trained to learn and consolidate an operating conditioning . Then , ablation of the bilateral medial frontal cortex was conducted in rats ( M group ) .

  22. 结果表明:侧脑室注射6-OHDA可延缓瞬膜条件反射的建立,但非条件反射一直存在,6-OHDA对巩固后的条件反射没有影响。

    It was observed that intraventricular injection of 6-OHDA caused suppression of nictitating membrane conditioning without affecting the unconditioned nictitating membrane response .

  23. 智库Tomorrow’sCompany新发表的报告《英国企业:哪里出了问题?接下来会怎样?》指出,各种规章制度的不断累积,加上公众在企业灾难发生后对董事们发起的条件反射般的攻击,导致董事会过于惧怕风险。

    A new report from Tomorrow 's Company ( " UK Business : What 's Wrong ? What 's Next ? " ) suggests the build-up of codes and rules , plus the public 's knee-jerk attacks on directors after a corporate catastrophe , have made boards too risk averse .

  24. 然而,学习不是一个机械的条件反射过程,而是一个有建设性的构建过程,学习者可以影响他们自己的学习过程(Ellis,1994)。

    However , learning is not a mechanical stimulus-response process ; rather , learning is a creative construction and learners can intervene their learning process conscious ( Ellis , 1994 ) .

  25. 目的确定不同年龄段雄性SD大白鼠明暗辨别性条件反射和一次性被动回避反应各项指标的正常值,为基础和临床有关动物学习和记忆能力的实验研究提供参考。

    Objective In order to offer references for the basic and clinical studies on animal 's abilities of learning and memory , the normal value of the indexes of the one trial passive avoidance response ( Step through test ) and bright dark discrimination conditional reflex were established .

  26. 一些用于行为控制的手段是:药物、精神疗法、行为限制技术(奖赏性条件反射或令人退避的条件反射)电脑刺激(EBS)、催眠术、生物反馈、外科手术和监禁。

    Some of the means for behavior control : drugs , psychotherapy , behavior restrict technologies ( reward or cause avoidance conditioned reflex conditioned reflex ) computer stimulation ( EBS ), hypnosis , biofeedback , surgery , and imprisonment .

  27. 尽管有必要进行严密审查,以了解libor操纵是如何发生的,但我希望有关方面不要采取条件反射式的应对措施,尤其是不要把整个金融服务业视为一个机能失调的行业。

    While there is a need for close scrutiny to understand just how the manipulation of LIBOR happened , I hope that knee-jerk responses , particularly those that treat all financial services as a single , malfunctioning unit , will be avoided .

  28. 大鼠于第2疗程结束后(每个疗程10d,疗程间隔2d)第2和3天做迷宫实验,用Y-型迷宫检测各组大鼠条件反射形成的次数代表其学习记忆能力。

    Rats suffered from maze test on the second and third days after the second course ( 10 days were regarded as a course , interval period was 2 days ) . Times of conditioned reflex tested by Y maze were represented as learning and memory ability .

  29. 安慰剂效应的权威专家、意大利神经学家法布里齐奥·贝内代蒂(FabrizioBenedetti)表示:据我们目前所知,免疫系统中的安慰剂反应可归因于无意识的经典条件反射。

    As far as we know today , the placebo responses in the immune system are attributable to unconscious classical conditioning , says the Italian neuroscientist Fabrizio Benedetti , a leading expert in placebo effects .

  30. 该文围绕该问题,主要介绍情绪Stroop实验、点探测实验、线索提示实验、情绪条件反射实验以及快速序列视觉呈现实验等多个实验范式的研究方法和结果,并分析今后的发展趋势。

    The most influential paradigms concerning this question are reviewed respectively , including Stroop paradigm , probe detect task , cue target paradigm , emotional conditioning experiment , and rapid serial visual presentation task ( RSVP ) . Finally , the authors analyze the perspectives of further study .