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  • Plastic greenhouse;polytunnel;large plastic covered shed
  1. 塑料大棚盘育稻秧的适宜土类及土壤pH值效应

    Suitable soils for TRAY-RAISING of rice seedlings in plastic greenhouses and soil pH effect

  2. 塑料大棚生态条件与CO2气肥促生桧柏苗的研究

    Ecological factors in plastic greenhouse and growth responses of Sabina chinesis seedlings to CO_2 enrichment

  3. 本研究利用BEM-Ⅰ系统自动测控塑料大棚内光照强度、温度和CO2浓度,以探求塑料大棚内栽培桧柏实生苗的最佳生态条件。

    This paper studied optimum ecological factors in culturing Sabina chinensis seedlings in plastic greenhouse by monitoring light intensity , temperature and CO2 concentration .

  4. X·SH-8.4-10.0型悬索结构塑料大棚具有某些良好特性。

    SH-8.4-10.0 type plastic shed with suspended-cables structure has some fine properties .

  5. 冬季蓝色无滴膜塑料大棚内有效光合辐射(PAR)和紫外B(UV-B)都比棚外低。

    Comparing with the outer , there is low PAR ( photosynthetically active radiation ) and UV B in inner of winter plastic greenhouse .

  6. 本试验是在有弥雾装置并加盖遮阳网的塑料大棚中,用不同的植物生长调节剂IAA、IBA、NAA处理叶子花的一年生木质化插条和当年生嫩枝,进行扦插试验。

    The experiment was done by dealing Bougainvillea glabra 's cutting with different kind of plant-growth regulator IAA . IBA .

  7. 塑料大棚盘育稻秧适宜土类及pH值效应的试验结果表明,盐化潮土和砂姜黑土的碳酸钙含量、缓冲容量、全盐增量和pH值均高于淋溶褐土。

    The test results showed that calcium carbonate content , buffer capacity , total salt increment and pH value of salinized Chao soil and Shajiang black soil were higher than those of drab luvisol .

  8. 塑料大棚草莓增施C02的效果与方法

    Effect of co_2 application on Strawberry in plastic shed and experimental methods

  9. WG-600型微耕机主要用于塑料大棚。

    Developed WG-600 micro-cultivator is used in plastic house mainly .

  10. 结果表明,专用复合肥在塑料大棚内的最佳施用量为N270kg·hm-2。

    The result showed that the optimal level of special compound fertilizer applied on cucumber in greenhouse was 270 kg · hm-2 . It could greatly improve the cucumber plants ' growth .

  11. 在扦插苗成活定植后,成熟叶展开5~6片后开始补光处理60d,照度120~231lx,成株在塑料大棚内增温培植。

    After planting cutting and 5-6 leaves developed , the plant was light treated for 60 days with 120 ~ 231 lx , and adult plant was cultured in greenhouse .

  12. 本文在实验室批量培养,室外小池大量培养和塑料大棚大面积培养的基础上,研究了植物激素2,4-D刺激鱼腥藻增殖的效应。

    The present investigation deals with 2,4-D dichlorophenoxy acetic acid ( 2,4 D ) on the multiplication of Anabaena at batch culture in laboratory , mass culture of algae nursery bed in outdoor and large-scale culture in polyethene sheet canopy .

  13. 地下热交换系统的塑料大棚,喜温蔬菜的春季定植期可比普通大棚提早20~30d,秋季定植期可比普通大棚延后25d左右。

    The transplanting date of vegetable in the vinyl-house with underground heat exchange system was 20  ̄ 30 days earlier than that in ordinary vinyl-house in spring , and in autumn the transplanting date could delay 25 days .

  14. 利用筛选出的预测模型对上海地区霜霉病的发生情况进行了预测模拟,RMSE值在5左右,表明模型可对塑料大棚中黄瓜霜霉病的流行状况进行定量预测。

    The RMSE values are about 5 , and the disease index errors are 0.08-8.33 between model forecasting and field surveying . The results showed that the models could be also used in practical forecasting for disease index of cucumber downy mildew in the plastic greenhouse tunnel .

  15. 1996、1997年,在北方地区首次利用420m2塑料大棚土池,放养大眼幼体49.5万只,进行培育大规格幼蟹试验。

    During 1996 and 1997 , 495 thousand megalopa larvae were cultured in earth pond whose area was 420 square metre under plastic shade , in order to rear large sized juvenile crab .

  16. 结果表明:渗灌管埋深35cm、管间距60cm的处理方式,对本地区塑料大棚黄瓜栽培及促进产量形成有利。

    It concluding : it is benefit for the growth and yield of cucumber in the plastic greenhouse of the local area by embedding the infiltration irrigation pipe in the depth of 35 cm and the distance between pipes of 60 cm .

  17. 结果表明,在成都地区气候条件下,GP622C型塑料大棚应用于蛋鸡舍,只要注意夏季降温管理,对于集约化饲养蛋鸡有广阔的前途。

    The results show that under the climatic environment in Chengdu , plastic film greenhouse ( model GP622C ) applied to raising egg hen in large scale has broad prospects as long as cooling measure in summer is provided .

  18. 结果表明,新型塑料大棚规模化养猪舍内冬季空气温度为11.3℃,相对湿度为72.3%,气流速度为0.19m/s,二氧化碳浓度1000ppm;

    The results showed that the air environmental situation in shed was followed : In winter , the air temperature was 11.3 ℃, relative humidity was 72.3 % , speed of air movement was 0.19 m / s , concentration of CO 2 was 1000 ppm in shed ;

  19. 冬季塑料大棚供暖系统的自动控制

    Automatic control of heat supply system in plastic sheds in winter

  20. 不同覆盖层次塑料大棚内温度和光照度的变化

    Variation of Temperature and Illumination in Different-Layer Plastic Covered Tunnel Greenhouse

  21. 育苗钵和塑料大棚两步移栽法的成活率为845%;

    The survival rate of the two-step transplanting is 84.5 % ;

  22. 塑料大棚对茶树生理代谢的影响

    Effects of Plastic Green House on Physiological Metabolism of Tea Tree

  23. 城区大气和塑料大棚空气中酞酸酯的分析

    Analysis of phthalate esters in urban air and plastic greenhouse air

  24. 利用塑料大棚延长对虾交尾期的研究

    Study on Prolonging Prawns ' Mating Season with Plastic Big Shed

  25. 塑料大棚立体栽培平菇技术探讨

    A Study on Stereoscopic Culture of Mushroom under plastic Shed

  26. 塑料大棚内沼气池建设技术

    Techniques for Building the Methane Tank within the Plastic Shed

  27. 塑料大棚苗床电热恒温系统的研究

    Study on Electrical Heating Thermostat System for Nursery in Large Plastics Shed

  28. 塑料大棚地下热交换系统的应用问题探讨

    Application discussion of underground heat exchange system for plastic house

  29. 塑料大棚微环境特点及调控技术

    The Characteristics and Adjustment and Control Techniques of Large Plastic Canopy Microenvironment

  30. 林用钢拱架塑料大棚的结构设计研究

    Studies on the design of plastic shed with steel arch