
shuǐ hé zuò yònɡ
  • hydration;hydratation
  1. S??的水合作用很迅速。

    Hydration of S ?? is very rapid .

  2. 应用从头计算和ABEEM/MM浮动电荷分子力场研究腺嘌呤的水合作用

    Studies on the Hydration of Adenine in Terms of Ab Initio and ABEEM / MM Fluctuating Charge Molecular Force Field

  3. BDNA分子中互补碱基对GC、AT水合作用的研究

    A Study of the Hydration of Complementary Bases G-C , A-T in B-BNA Molecule

  4. 不同pH值介质中硅灰与水作用时,其水合作用将随着水的pH值的不同而发生变化。本文对代表硅灰在不同pH值环境中的水合作用进行了研究。

    The hydration of silica dust in different pH mediums and its mechanism are studied .

  5. 本文通过对BDNA分子中互补碱基对AT、GC水合作用的量子化学计算以及最优化处理求得了它们水合作用的最优配位模式。

    The optimal co-ordination mode for the hydration of complementary bases G-C , A-T in B-DNA molecule has been derived by using quantum chemical calculations and empirical potential energy functions .

  6. 定量研究了不同浓度低温保护剂(CPA)的水合作用对主动脉血管比热容的影响。

    Further , the effects of concentrations of cryoprotective agent ( CPA ) on apparent specific heat of rabbit artery were investigated .

  7. 采用FT-IR对水合作用后的ATMP处理氧化膜和未经耐水合处理氧化膜进行了分析。

    After hydration , anodic oxide films treated with ATMP or not are analyzed by FT-IR .

  8. 在玻璃体中,细胞外的CA-1介导了从感光细胞释放的CO2的水合作用,形成碳酸盐。

    Extracellular CA-1 mediates the hydration of CO2 released from the photoreceptor cells to bicarbonate within the vitreous .

  9. 分子水合作用形成的水合甲烷气藏。

    And ⑧ hydrated methane gas accumulations by means of molecular hydration .

  10. 哮喘个体也增加了气道对乙酰胆碱的易反应性,减少了气道水合作用。

    Individuals with asthma also have enhanced airway responsiveness to methacholine and diminished airway hydration .

  11. 在溶剂化或水合作用影响生物利用度时,应建立合适的制造和控制方法。

    When solvation or hydration affects bioavailability , appropriate manufacturing and control procedures should be established .

  12. 用差示扫描量热法研究水合作用对葡萄糖氧化酶的热稳定性

    Differential scanning calorimetric study on the effect of hydration on the thermal stability of glucose oxidase

  13. 一种橙色粘性的铀氧化物和硅酸盐的混和物,由沥青油矿在水合作用和氧化作用下天然形成。

    A gummy orange mixture of uranium oxides and silicates occurring naturally in the hydration and oxidation of pitchblende .

  14. 根据表面热力学分析,路易斯酸-碱水合作用在D-氨基酸对细菌粘附性的抑制作用中起决定作用。

    According to the thermodynamics theory , Lewis acid-base interaction energy played an important role on bacterial adhesion inhibition .

  15. 这些可能与较高和较低温度季节之间的饮食,水合作用、交感神经活性、或体育活动方面的差异有关。

    Possibilities include differences in diet , hydration , sympathetic activity , or physical activity between higher and lower temperature seasons .

  16. 多喝点水:水合作用是保持警惕的关键,所以你应该带一整瓶水,不时地抿一口。

    Drink up : hydration is key to staying alert , so bring a full water bottle to sip throughout the day .

  17. 椰子汁是绝对安全的水质,可以帮助体内完成生存所必需的水合作用。

    Coconut water has a ton of health benefits . It 's a sterile source of clean water , useful for survival hydration .

  18. 根据静电相互作用和结构水合作用模型讨论了阴离子和阳离子对迁移偏摩尔体积的影响。

    The transfer partial molar volumes from water to oxacid salt solutions have been discussed in terms of electrostatic interaction and structural interaction .

  19. 玻尿酸:提升肌肤储水能力,助肌肤水合作用,形成良好的养份吸收及肌肤代谢谢。不同磷酸盐对猪肌肉嫩度及保水性的影响

    Hyaluronic Acid : Incredibly reservoir moisture and hydration improve absorption and metabolism . Effect of Polyphosphates on Tenderness and Water-holding Capacity of Pork Muscles

  20. 且&COO-是一个很强的亲水基,能与2个或4个水分子生成很强的氢键,水合作用能分别为-188.242kJ/mol和-226311kJ/mol。

    Interaction energies of hydrogen bond are -188.242 kJ / mol and -226.311 kJ / mol respectively for hydrogen bonds with two water and four water moleculars .

  21. 蛋白质分子表面带有亲水性基团,它们很容易进行水合作用,并在表面形成一层水化层,从而使它们能顺利的进入水溶液中。

    There are hydrophilic groups on the protein surface , which are very easy hydrated and form a water layer , so they can dissolve into aqueous solution .

  22. 结果表明:皮肤的刚度随热损伤度的提高而下降,并且具有不同损伤度下的应变速率敏感性,这些特性主要是由皮肤的水合作用变化所引起的。

    The results demonstrate that skin stiffness decreases with increasing thermal damage degree and there exist strain rate sensitivity at different damage levels , caused mainly by hydration changes .

  23. 准备一些运动饮料白开水在你的身体内进行水合作用,但是如果你很容易感觉疲劳的话,运动饮料就很适合你。

    Save your sport drinks . Plain water does the trick for hydration but if you easily tire out when you exercise a sports drink will be for you .

  24. 他说:理性将会回归。他指出,在发展中国家,水仍然是软饮料的健康替代品,同时也是一种安全的水合作用的资源。

    Rationality is going to come back , he says , arguing that water remains a healthy alternative to soft drinks and a safe source of hydration in developing countries .

  25. 对比了以上五种方法提取的大米蛋白的功能性质,包括水合作用、乳化能力及乳化稳定性、起泡性及起泡稳定性和吸油性。

    The research contrasted the functions with the five methods for extraction protein from rice , which included the hydration , emulsifying ability , emulsion stability , foamability , foaming stability and oil absorption . 7 .

  26. 脂质体能增加角质层的含水量及水合作用,并与角质细胞间的脂质结合,可以削弱表皮角质层的屏障功能,促进透皮吸收。

    Liposome may increase humidity and hydration in horny layer as well as integration into the intercellular lipid of corny layer so as to decrease the barrier function of horny layer of epidermis , and promote transdermal absorption of drugs .

  27. 通过硝酸铈封闭,可以将铈元素引入到氧化膜中,降低封闭过程中的水合作用,使得氧化膜抗开裂性能较沸水封闭有了很大提高。

    Cerium was introduced into anodic film by nitrate cerium sealing , and reduced the hydration during sealing process , leaded to the anti-cracking performance of film which was sealed by cerium salts was higher than boiling water sealed film .

  28. 探讨了声特性与糖分子结构以及糖分子与水分子的水合作用与超声参量之间的关系,表明超声参量可用于对糖溶液物化特性的研究。

    The relations between acoustic property and sugar molecular struc - ture , solute solvent interactions between water molecule and sugar molecule and ultrasonic parameters were discussed , and showed that the ultrasonic parameters can be used for physicochemical properties study of sugar solutions .

  29. 3-巯酮基-5-羰基-或3,5-二羰基-2,3,4,5-四氢-1,2,4-三嗪-6-羧酸乙酯与氨水及水合肼作用,能分别获在水内稳定的相应酰胺的铵盐及酰肼的肼盐。

    Ethyl 3-thiono-5-oxo-or 3,5-dioxo-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1,2,4-triazine-6-carboxylate re-acted with aqueous ammonia or with hydrazine hydrate to give stable ammonium salts of the corresponding amides or the hydrazine salts of the corresponding hydrazides .

  30. 目的评估乙酰水杨酸(ASA)对半乳糖性白内障晶状体水合反应的影响作用。

    ObjectiveTo evaluate the effects of acetylsalicylic acid ( ASA ) on hydration of galactose induced cataract in rats .