
  • 网络La Francophonie;Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie
  1. 名为“法语国家组织”(LaFrancophonie)的联盟假装自己是一个类似英联邦(Commonwealth)一样的组织——如果你能设想如此苍白无力的模仿的话。

    The bloc known as " La Francophonie " passes itself off as a pale imitation of the Commonwealth , if you can imagine anything quite so etiolated .

  2. 法语国家组织的风格更为激烈,旨在促进成员国之间基于“法语语言及其人文主义价值观”的“积极团结”(谁知道这个词是什么意思)。

    La Francophonie has a more strident tone , promoting " active solidarity " ( whatever that is ) between member states , based on " the French language and its humanist values . "

  3. 法语国家国际组织西非集团联盟发言人帕萨西姆·楠格特表示两种语言帮助人们在西非更好的开展业务。

    Passassim Nanguit , a spokesperson for the West African bloc of the Francophone International Organization , said both languages help enable workers to conduct business throughout West Africa .

  4. 而产油国加蓬认为英语是准备其劳动力的一种更好的方式,法语国家国际组织特别助理秘书长奥斯曼·帕亚称非洲国家必须继续说并促进法语,所以它也被视为一种语言市场。

    While oil-producing Gabon sees English as a way to better prepare its workforce , Ousmane Paye , special assistant to the Secretary General of the Francophone International Organization , said African nations must continue speaking and promoting French , so that it too is seen as a language of the marketplace .