
yī bǐ lì yà
  • Iberia
伊比利亚[yī bǐ lì yà]
  1. 因此,汉莎航空、法航和伊比利亚出售其拥有的艾玛迪斯(全球最大的分销系统)的股份;美国航空公司出售Sabre,英国航空公司和荷兰皇家航空出售Galileo等等。

    So Lufthansa , Air France and Iberia sold most of their shares in Amadeus ( the largest GDS ); American Airlines sold Sabre ; British Airways and KLM sold out of Galileo ; and so on .

  2. 非常抱歉,前往马德里的西班牙伊比利亚航空公司的IB551次航班将延迟两个小时起飞。

    Iberia Airlines of Spain regret to advise a delay of two hours on their flight IB551 to Madrid .

  3. 伊比利亚半岛上的垃圾填埋场长期吸引着当地的白鹳,但这项研究中贴有标签的所有西班牙白鹳都飞越撒哈拉沙漠来到萨赫勒西部。

    Landfill sites on the Iberian peninsula have long attracted local white storks , but all of the Spanish birds tagged in the study flew across the Sahara desert to the western Sahel .

  4. 流动的温暖,伊比利亚的激情&西班牙马德里新巴拉哈斯机场航站楼T4建筑及室内设计

    The Architecture and Interior Design of Madrid Airport in Spain

  5. ASF在伊比利亚半岛已经存在了几十年,直到90年代后期才被根除。在意大利的撒丁岛还有极个别的地方有被感染的情况。

    A very limited focus of the infection is still present in the Italian island of Sardinia .

  6. 直布罗陀是英国在伊比利亚半岛的海外领土,西班牙一直声称对其拥有主权。当直布罗陀试图加入FIFA时,西班牙威胁从欧冠联赛和国际比赛中撤回所有西班牙球队,包括巴塞罗那和皇家马德里这样的强队。

    When Gibraltar , a British overseas territory on the Iberian Peninsula claimed by Spain , tried to join FIFA , Spain threatened to pull all of its teams including the powerhouses of Barcelona and Real Madrid from the European Champions League and international football .

  7. 在上月就任澳航首席执行官以来的首次公开讲话中,乔伊斯排除了包括西班牙伊比利亚航空公司(Iberia)在内三方交易的可能性。伊比利亚航空公司在同时与英航进行谈判。

    In his first public comments since taking the helm at the Australian carrier last month , Mr Joyce ruled out a three-way deal including Iberia , the Spanish airline that is simultaneously in talks with the British carrier .

  8. GalpEnergia的核心业务是天然气和石油的生产和销售,该公司正计划将其业务扩展到电力生产领域,实现伊比利亚能源市场的自由化。

    Galp Energia 's core business is production and distribution of gas and fuel , but it plans to widen its activity to electricity production as part of the liberalization of the Iberian energy market .

  9. 伊比利亚人,Tartessian,凯尔特人,腓基尼人,迦太基人,希腊人,罗马人,日尔曼人(Suevi和西哥特人)和摩尔人的文化都影响了这个国家。

    Iberian , Tartessian , Celtic , Phoenician and Carthaginian , Greek , Roman , Germanic ( Suevi and Visigoth ) and Moorish cultures have all made an imprint on the country .

  10. 与其他类型锡矿床的微量元素对比表明,NevesCorvo矿床属于处于火山岩容矿(VHMS)型和沉积岩容矿(SHMS)型块状硫化物矿床之间的一种过渡类型&伊比利亚型。

    In view of the trace element concentrations between Neves Corvo and other types of tin ores , Neves Corvo deposit should be considered as a transitional type between VHMS and SHMS , i.e. , Iberian - type massive sulfide deposit .

  11. 去年,中国最大的金融和工业集团公司之一复兴国际入股了5J的母公司,5J是西班牙顶级伊比利亚火腿品牌之一,其总部位于哈武戈。

    Last year , Fosun , one of China 's largest financial and industrial conglomerates , bought a stake in the parent company of Cinco Jotas , one of Spain 's top brands of Ib é rico ham , which is based in Jabugo .

  12. 伊比利亚&非洲板块边界的地震震源及其构造含义

    Seismic sources on the Iberia-African plate boundary and their tectonic implications

  13. 还有来自伊比利亚半岛的爱尔兰人呢?

    Or the Irish , who came from the Iberian Peninsula ?

  14. 他拥有除葡萄牙外的伊比利亚半岛;

    With the exception of Portugal , the Iberian Peninsula ;

  15. 伊比利亚半岛上的地中海盆地岩画

    Rock-Art of the Mediterranean Basin on the Iberian Peninsula

  16. 场域演变&解读伊比利亚当代艺术中心

    Approach Altering : Unscrambling Iberia Center for Contemporary Art

  17. 公元前地中海的伊比利亚人、比克人、凯尔特人,先后来到不列颠。

    BC Mediterranean Iberia , Bak , the Celtics have come to Britain .

  18. 哪个国家在伊比利亚半岛上?

    Which of these countries is on Iberian Peninsula ?

  19. 伊比利亚半岛陷入严重困境。

    The Iberian Peninsula is in deep distress .

  20. 我们为您设计了伊比利亚半岛的奇幻路线。

    We bring you a fantastic itinerary that will lead you to the Iberian Peninsula .

  21. 欧洲西南部一个王国,位于伊比利亚半岛;曾是一个强大的殖民国家。

    A kingdom in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula ; a former colonial power .

  22. 伊比利亚:在西班牙的旅游和观感

    Iberia : Spanish Travels and Reflections

  23. 文章试论美洲西班牙语不同于伊比利亚半岛西班牙语的某些语言特点的形成与发展及其社会语言学意义。

    The paper analyses some of the characteristics of the American Spanish and its social-linguistic significance .

  24. 由合并而带来的成本降低和收入增加将有助于减轻英航和伊比利亚痛苦。

    Cost savings and revenue gains from a merger will help BA and Iberia mitigate the pain .

  25. 英国航空公司正在和西班牙伊比利亚航空公司和澳大利亚快达航空公司讨论并购的问题。

    British Airways has been talking to Spain 's Iberia and Australian carrier Qantas about a merger .

  26. “伊比利亚猛男”都不要你了怎么办?

    Or when it 's the " lberian macho " who wants nothing to do with you ?

  27. 伊比利亚半岛位于欧洲西南部,那里有葡萄牙和西班牙。

    The Iberian Peninsula is in southwestern Europe , and it 's occupied by Portugal and Spain .

  28. 伊比利亚型&一种新类型块状硫化物矿床地质地球化学及成因

    Iberian type & a new type of massive sulphide deposits and the geology , geochemistry and genetic model

  29. 又到了大喊答题节目环节。下面哪个国家是位于伊比利亚半岛上?

    It 's time for " The Shoutout . " Which of these countries is on Iberian Peninsula ?

  30. 马克斯自从在新伊比利亚罗比查乌克斯兽医诊所出生后,就一直看同一名兽医。

    Max has been visiting the same vet since birth at the Robichaux Veterinary Clinic in New Iberia .